Admission to B.B.M. degree programme will be made for one academic year only. Admission to subsequent academic year will be made on the basis of fresh application for admission to next higher class on consideration of the students' progress, conduct and behaviour during the preceding year.
For new admission, all relevant columns of the application should be filled in and registered at the College office by paying Rs.50, soon after the publication of PUC/PDC results, but before the last date notified by the college.
Please Note : Registration fee may be sent by DD only. Money Orders will not be accepted.
* Candidates need not attach any attested copy of the marks card of the qualifying examination; mere entry of marks obtained will suffice.
* Candidates should write their full postal address legibly in the reply card attached to the application form.
* Intervies cards will be sent by post. If the candidate approaches the authorities in person before dispatch, the same shall be given by hand.
* At the time of the interview, the candidates shall produce the following records :
(i) Transfer Certificates from the Institution last attended
(in Original).
(ii) Conduct Cerificate from the Head of the Institution last
attended (in original).
(iii) Marks card of the qualifying examination (original with two
Xerox copies).
(iv) S.S.L.C. Cummultive Record/Marks card (original with two
Xerox copies) as proof of date of birth.
(v) Eligibility Certificate from Mangalore University (in
original) - for students from outside Karnataka.
(vi) Three copies of passport size photograph (recently taken).
All new admissions made by the College are provisional till approval is accorded by Mangalore University.
All candidates admitted to the college shall undergo a medical examination arranged by it.
Parents/guardians are required to be present during admission interview provided regarding their wards' academic records and their willingness to abide by the rules and provisions of admission, discipline and such other matter. Full co-operation is requested in regard to the above.
It is also expected that parents/guardians seek clarification from the College Authorities in regard to matters not already clear to them, on the eve of admission.
If a candiadte wishes to withdraw from the college after admission formalities are completed, he/she will forfiet all payments made. further, the candidate will have to pay a year's tution fee if Transfer Certificate is desired
Denial of physical indulgence, control over one's emotions and steering the mind with one's own will from the base of true discipline. Every student of this college is expected to strive consciously to attain discipline of the above kind as that alone can lead one to perfection and greatness.
To remind every student at all during his/her campus presence of his/her goal and to inculate in him/her the sense of pride of group identity and the spirit of oneness among them, wearing class uniform has been made compulsory. This practice also helps the College to set its own tone to perfection even in such common matter as dress. We mention with pride that our insistence of uniform has been commended by eminent educationists.
Class attendance is essential. Every student is expected to have hundred percent attendance.
Rules of Discipline :
1. Irregularity in class attendance, habitual inattention, neglect of class work, insubordination, impertinence, unseemly behaviour and obscenity of word and deed are viewed as serious campus crimes. These infractions are liable to be penalised, depending on the gravity of the offence by any one or more of the following measures :
a) Warning under intimation to parent/guardian
b) Fine
c) Loss of Attendance
d) Suspension for a specified or indefinite period
e) Expulsion from the College.
2. Though the college does not assume responsibility for the conduct of its students otuside its premises, it will take cognizance of serious misconduct indulged in outside its precincts and take appropriate disciplinary measures.
3. Students are required to live with parents/guardains or at the arrangement rovided by the College. Seperate hostel arrangement for boys and girls is provided on request.
4. Entering the College premises without wearing the uniform is strictly prohibited.
5. In order to have healthy campus atmosphere, office bearers to Student Associations are nominated, and not elected.