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What shall I write about today that seems to have taken so long?
When I say the words to myself they make me break out in song.
It seems my heart knows every tune that's ever been sung before.
I listen to the source of that because I know there's more.
More of grace and beauty than the stars you can count above.
The sights and sounds of nature are because of His great love.
All of it is musical to my head and heart
while dancing on the stars
the mountains felt alone
so i left my footprints in the sky
and danced on hill and stone
while ? with the pine trees
i heard the ocean roar
the starfish wanted me to help
build castles on the shore. so i bid a fond farewell
to the pine cones at my feet
and hurried off to find the place
where sky and water meet.
portraits of a soul to your skies of blue
painted with passion
in a heavenly hue
Along with our hopes and our dreams, we pray
That tomorrow will be a better day.
With the promise of His love, that holds true.
With my eyes to the heavens and my soul to the wind
His promise of love ever lifts me again.
Would that I could wake with you and see your morning smile
Would that I could hold you there for just a little while
I would linger in your morning sigh
My lips to feel a kiss good-bye
You touch my heart my soul so deep
So much so, I start to weep
A happier time in my life cannot be
Until you say good morning to me
I would only want forever and fly away with you
where seasons change
and love remains
with skies of endless blue
I would only want forever to show how much I care
as you lay your head
in my lap
and I hold you closely there
I would only want forever for love to show the way
and when that time was over
I would ask for
one more day
i want to find an ocean that i can walk beside
where my soul is wild and free as with the evening tide
next to nature is where my heart always longs to be
with mountains and valleys and fields of flowers
and my walk along the sea.

The first day of summer gathered at my door
With a bouquet full of sunshine
That said: "Where this came from, there's more."
I donned a smile and faced the day
Eagerly anticipating what next would come my way.

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