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To those who are content
I lift my song-
To those who are at peace
Where they belong-
Who rise and question not,
Who go their way
Happily from dawn
To close of day;
Who labor and who earn
The bread they eat
Who find their rest at night
Is deep and sweet;
Who ask no more of life
Than they can give,
Oh,beautifully fine
I think they live;
Who are content to serve,
To love and pray,
Leading their simple lives
From day to day.

I am glad day long for the gift of song
for time and change and sorrow
For the sunset wings and the world end things
which hang on the edge of tomorrow
I am glad for my heart whose gates apart
are the entrance place of wonders
Where dreams come in from the rush and din
like sheep from the rains and thunders.


Music, when soft voices die,
Vibrates in the memory;
Odours, when sweet violets sicken,
Live within the sense they quicken.
Rose leaves when the rose is dead,
Are heaped for the beloved's bed;
And so thy thoughts, when thou art gone,
Love itself shall slumber on.

A Shattered Lute

I touched the heart that loved me as a player
Touches a lyre. Content with my poor skill.
No touch save mine knew my beloved(and still
I thought at times: Is there no sweet lost air

Old loves could wake in him, I cannot share?)
O he alone, alone could so fulfil
My thoughts in sound to the measure of my will.
He is gone, and silence takes me unaware.

The songs I knew not he resumes, set free
From my constraining love, alas for me!
His part in our tune goes with him; my part

Is locked in me for ever; I stand as mute
As one with vigorous music in his heart
Whose fingers stray upon a shattered lute.


Sunshine And Music
A laugh is just like sunshine.
It freashens all the day,
It tips the peak of life with light,
And drives the clouds away.
The soul grows glad that hears it
And feels its courage strong.
A laugh is just like sunshine
For cheering folks along.
A laugh is just like music.
It lingers in the heart,
And where its melody id heard
The ills of life depart;
And happy thoughts come crowding
Its joyful notes to greet:
A laugh is just like music
For making living sweet.

from "Higher" by Creed

Although i would like our world to change, it helps me to appreciate those nights and those dreams.
but , my friend , i'd sacrifice all those nights if I could make the earth and my dreams the same
the only difference is to let love replace our hate
so lets go there
lets make our escape
lets go there
lets ask can we stay
can you take me higher
up high i feel like i'm alive for the very first time
up high i'm strong enough to take these dreams and make them mine

The Rythym and Blues of the Night
Wrestle with Rock and Roll
While Country and Jazz dance around each other
The Hymm sings a song for my soul

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