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John George's Medicine Notes Welcomes you!

If you are from Trivandrum Medical college, John says a big Hi to you (Hi sabarisree!)

Well if yes , you must have heard about Dr.Mathew Thomas. As a limited edition I will be giving his time honoured definitions so here they are!

1 Pulse ---pressure distension wave originating at the root of aorta, produced by ejection of blood from the left ventricle into the already filled aorta and is transmitted along the vessel to the periphery where it can be palpated over a bony prominence

2 Rhythm of pulse ---regularity with which one beat follows another

3 Volume of pulse ---amplitude of expansion of vessel wall due to passage of pulse wave

4 JVP ---height of vertical column of blood in the internal jugular vein above the angle of Louise measured in cms

5 Apex beat---lowermost and outermost point over the precordium where a definite cardiac impulse is felt

6 Heaving apex---apex beat which lifts the finger above the level of intercostal space and is sustained

7 Tapping apex---does not lift the finger and is felt as a tap on the finger

8 Forcible apex---apex beat, which lifts the finger above the level of intercostal space but is not sustained

9 LPH --- systolic anterior motion of the lower left costal cartilages

10 Vocal fremitus---vibrations produced at the vocal cord transmitted through the tracheo bronchial tree and is felt over the chestwall

11 Rhonchi---respiratory adventitious sounds characterised by dry continuous musical sounds produced by the passage of air through the narrowed air passages

12 Crepitations---respiratory adventitious sounds characterised by moist interrupted bubbling\crackling sounds produced by passage of air through secretions in air passages

13 CVA---sudden onset of neurological deficit due to disease of one or more blood vessels of the brain

14 Tremor---involuntary movements characterised by rhythmic oscillatory movements mostly of the peripheral parts of the body due to alternate contraction and relaxation of agonist and antagonists

15 Vertigo- sense of rotation of oneself or of the surroundings

16 Tone---state of partial sustained contraction of the resting muscle and is elicited by resistance offered to passive movements

17 Cor pulmonale ----right ventricular hypertrophy or right ventricular failure due to chronic lung disease

18 C\c bronchitis---when pateint coughs sputum with increased sputum production for most of the days in a month for 3 consecutive months for 2 consecutive years in the absence of any under lying disease

19 Syncope---transient loss of consciousness mostly due to decreased blood supply to the brain and is relieved by putting the pateint in supine posture

20 Cough----forced expiration against a closed glottis and sudden opening of glottis to let air

21 Oedema-- excessive accumulation of fluid in the tissue space > 10 or 15% of normal

22 Emphysema---permanent dilatation of airpassages distal to terminal bronchioles with destruction of alveolar septa

23 COPD ----c\c obstruction of airpassages due to c\c bronchitis or emphysema or both

24 Speech---process of communication, by which we express our ideas and understand our ideas by the process of simple spoken words , written words or by gestures

Well checkout Trivandrum medical college website

Checkout my friend Sabarisree's website for more medicine notes

Bye for Now!