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The United Kingdom


Amsterdam. September 18th to 22nd, 1999.

We made our way from Brno to London, stopping for a few days in Amsterdam. We hired a pedal boat and cruised the canals but soon discovered it's not as easy as it looks and some of the other boats on the water are really BIG!


Trafalgar Square. September 25th, 1999.

Sarah in the Square with the National Gallery in the background. Two good things about going at night were that it wasn't anywhere near as crowded as it is during the day and the horrible pigeons had gone to bed!

The Lion King premiere. October 19th, 1999.

Josh's cousin Megan (above right) knows the company director and managed to score free tickets to the opening night. It's a fantastic show and we even got to see Elton John in the flesh!

Kennington. October 22nd, 1999.

We moved into a flat in Kennington about a month after we arrived in London. It's an ex-council flat and our building (above) looks like hundreds of others in London.

Tasador Cigars, Kensington. November, 1999.

Murray smoking a cigar rolled by Fidel Castro's personal roller.


Bath. November 27, 1999.

We visited our friend Justine in Bristol and went on a day trip to Bath. We are pictured above in front of the Royal Crescent.

Bath Abbey

Tooting Bec. December ~, 1999.

Megan and Murray at Megan's pre-Christmas party.

Queen's Park. December 25th, 1999.

Our friends Jody and Ces (pictured with Sarah) invited us to spend Christmas Day with them, their two daughters and Murray.Our first Northern Hemisphere Christmas was a good one!

Trafalgar Square. January, 2000.

Our friend Yolande, who's Canadian, stayed with us when she came to London for a job interview. She got the job and is now living over here.

Balham. January, 2000.

Ces likes to dabble on the decks. This photo was taken at a party where most of the guests had a go.
