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Chris's World

About Me

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Page Commentary:

  • This page is about me. Eventually it will include information about my academic and other interests. I'll flesh this out later.
  • The latest update: February, 2004

Some Basic Information about Me:

  • Where I live:
  • The city of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
  • Academic Related Things:
  • I am in the midst of my Master of Arts in Economics.
  • This year I am learning all kinds of interesting things about economic theory, econometrics and applied theory that simply are not accessible to the Undergraduates.
  • I am very much interested in expanding my knowledge of endogenous risk and the impact this has on the economic systems in which this exists. I am also interested in designing mechanisms that will improve the functioning of systems, both during the normal flows, and under extreme stresses as represented by extreme value events. This deals with some of the problems introduced by incomplete information.
  • I am also interested in theoretical aspects of the interaction of utility functions between individuals.
  • My Fiancee:
  • My fiancee is a wonderful woman. She is smart, kind and kisses really well. I love her a lot.

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