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Chris Ferris' experimental blog
Saturday, 6 November 2004
New Job and other related news
Cool. I got a new job which I start in about a week.

It is very much what I wanted because I'll be doing empirical research work and I will be learning and doing a lot of the aspects of running a project in less than a year. (This is one major plus of working for a smaller firm). Thus the relatively smaller salary is compensated for and it preps me for bigger and better things involving more complicated statistical and theoretical research with the company or on my own if decided to go on with my PH'd.

I also started as an unpaid Director of the local Economics association a few days ago.

Thus, things are starting to look up in the realm of my professional development!!


Posted by journal/karandia at 7:40 PM CST
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Monday, 12 July 2004
How did I come to making this blog?
I saw some stuff recently about blogs, so I thought that I would try out having one.

I've been effectively locked away in dark tower, since I have spent the last 5 years in University. I have an Honours Bachelors of Arts degree and a Master of Arts degree (both in Economics) to show for it at least.

Anyways, since completing my master at the end of May I have been relaxing a lot, and looking around for some good companies to work for too.

This should be sufficient for now. I will put some more commentary later. I also intend to have content about economics, movies, video games and whatever else comes to mind; perhaps some stories.


Posted by journal/karandia at 4:16 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 12 July 2004 5:03 PM CDT
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