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Chris's World

My Japan Page

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Page Commentary:

  • This page is about things Japanese, and includes links to:
  • Japanese Language Software
  • (Interesting things, Travelling) in Japan
  • Japanese Media Outlets
  • Various Japanese Corporations
  • If you want to read the Japanese characters, you can either:
  • Go to the NJstar link and get a copy of NJStar Communicator 2.2, or
  • You can upgrade your copy of Internet Explorer so that it can read Japanese encoding.

Nihongo:[Some examples of Roumaji and Hiragana/Katakana/Kanji]

(1) Roumaji:Konnichiwa
Kanji and Kana: こ ん に ち わ 。
English Translation: Hello.

(2) Roumaji: Watashi wa chris desu.
Kanji and Kana:わ た し は ク リ スで す 。
English Translation: I am a Chris.

(3) Roumaji: Watashi no seito wa nihongo desu.
Kanji and Kana: わ た し の せ い と は 日 本 語 で す 。
English Translation: I am a student of the Japanese Language.

Site © by Chris, 2000