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Writing: Things That Fell Out of My Head

Some Thoughts on Discrimination and Related Concepts

Re (in particular): Protestant protest against Catholic School Children in N. Ireland.

It seems that people never learn. Why can't they see that violence begets violence? The cycle of hate and violence continues unless people actively choose not to act in hateful and violent ways.

What is even more ridiculous is the fact that these people are attacking children. These children have never done a speck of harm to them.

Basically the same could be said of many of the conflicts in the world that are described as ones of differing ideologies or religions. The fact of the matter is that this is often just the surface; actually the conflict is one of the control of resources with the rest being mostly rhetoric (although it is still significant).

Maybe some day humanity will wake-up to the fact that ill behaviour like this (see above) only makes us more hateful, and creates or fuels the hatred of others, which causes an increasing cycle that destroys or degrades all of those involved.


Inspired by the recent Protests in Northern Ireland, and the current Conference on Racism in Durban, South Africa. See some background information on this at the CBC Site.

Written and © by Chris on September 4, 2001, with the following exception: Since this letter was also published on the CBC web-site, they have whatever rights to it as specified on their web-site as of September 4. 2001.

Site © by Chris, 2000, 2001