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Writing: TTFOoMH

A Distillation of Some Rousseau-ian Thoughts

Perhaps it can be said that for a man to be, there need be more than life, but also liberty and when that it is held, it must so be cherished and guarded jealously (but without prejudice towards others, but rather in the favour of one'self) to the aim of the furtherance of one's other aims and goals without the foul-inspired impediment of either others individuals or a group corporate to which one contracts to belong unto.

This is why the state should not be a chain without a reward, and why one need be active as a citizen and not inactive like unto a slave that is dominated and crushed into a mushy, mould-ready lump without self-motivation or freedom of anything but that of the animation by the will of another which has nothing of your views in theirs as consideration.

See J.-J. Rousseau's "Discourse on Inequality" and "the Social Contract."

Written and © by Chris on December 6, 2001

Site © by Chris, 2000