Hi everyone, I hope you and your kiddos will enjoy theses Spring Time activites!! Have Fun!!



Yellow tempera paint

Wash tubs

Large construction paper



Each child chooses a construction paper for background.

Have children come up one at a time, to gently dip their hands and fingers in the yellow tempera paint.

Each will place their hands and fingers on their paper, making a fingerprint.

Kids decorate their fingerprints to look like a new Spring chick.

*** Paper Airplanes ***

Starting with an 8 1/2 x ll" sheet of paper, fold the paper in half lengthwise. Next, fold down the corners as shown in the figure at left below. Then fold each side down to the center again, and then again as shown in the illustration below. If desired, planes may be decorated with crayons, markers, stickers, etc.

Bubbles ***

1 cup water
1/3 cup dish soap (Joy, Sunlight, etc)
2 Tablespoons light corn syrup

Combine ingredients and enjoy. If you don't have bubble blowers around the house, be creative and try using different objects from your utensil drawer, (e.g., apple corer, potato masher, handle of a basting brush, etc. They work.)

*** Finger Paint

1/4 cup cornstarch
2 cups water
food coloring

Mix ingredients in saucepan. Boil until mixture thickens. Allow to cool, then pour into jars or other storage containers and color with food coloring. Best used on a glossy paper, such as butcher or shelf paper.

*** Oobleck or "Play Slime" ***

Corn starch
Food coloring (optional)

Put cornstarch in bowl. Add enough water to make a paste. If desired, you may also add food coloring. This makes a messy slime that goes from liquid to solid, and is great fun to play with. This recipe (or green playdough) is especially fun to make after reading Bartholomew and the Oobleck by Dr. Seuss!

*** Brighter-than-Ever* Rice Collage ***

1 cup rice
Approximately 1 teaspoon rubbing alcohol
Food coloring
Elmer's glue

To color rice, add a few drops of food coloring to alcohol in a jar or ziploc bag. Add rice and shake. Let dry on waxed paper. (Caution: This makes a MESS! Wear an apron and cover work area with newspaper.)

Children put some glue on a piece of paper and sprinkle rice onto it.

~Kids Corner~ Is Brought To you By Angel, If you have any questions Please Feel free to contact her Here Redhead-in-ky@webtv.net