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November 22, 1999, Monday- an easy move of 100 miles today from Morgan Hill, south of SF, to Novato, 30 north of SF. Closer to Oakland for Rob & Deb, and on Wednesday- add Steve and Debi. Looking forward to the holiday.


November 23, 1999, Tuesday- an hour drive with some traffic into Union Square, SF, so Susan could get here hair colored and cut for the holidays. Now she looks more marvelous. Stopped at the Golden Gate vista points- magnificent structure- especially after seeing the Discovery Channel special on the design and construction of the bridge. Then cruised and walked Sausalito.


November 24, 1999, Wednesday- daytime was helping Laurie set up for tomorrow's Thanksgiving SushiPinball at the pool hallDinner. Wish we could have done more - but a few hours cutting, slicing and dicing were the most she would permit. Then, off to the Oakland Airport to pickup Deb & Steve. Right on time- nice for a busy holiday weekend. Parking in Oakland was a dream- about 100 feet from the main entrance. Not like Denver where you cruise forever looking for a space. Dinner with all the kids was at a sushi restaurant. The first time for Susan and me- great tastes, textures and flavor with soy, wasabi, and ginger. Lots of laughs. For a night cap- off to a Berkeley pool Susan- the pool-shark!hall for a few hours of chalking the cue stick.

 Happy pool-sharks- Larry, Susan, Steve, Deb, Rob, Deb

November 25, 1999, Thursday- Turkey Day….. a bright sunny start to the day- Susan, Deb and I met Steve, Rob & Deb at the north end of the Golden Gate Bridge- and we walked the four mile round trip over the bridge. Lots of views, tourists, bikers, kids and a festive holiday mood. Then, down the hill to Sausalito for a walk and a patio garden lunch. Continuing on to Muir Beach for a walk along the beach, then back to the coach to change into party clothes. Then, off to Rob's for Steve to change, and finally, to Laurie's and Stan's for an Walking across the Golden Gate Bridge, Rob, Deb, Sue, Steve, DebA small redwoodunbelievable feast. We've had good and great meals before- but this one far surpassed everything. Never has a turkey been so moist, the trimmings done to perfection, and the deserts to die for. Sixteen satisfied customers! So great to have the family together, in good health, sharing and giving thanks for all the things that we are so fortunate to have. Mushy, I know, but heartfelt.

 Thanksgiving at Laurie's

November 26, 1999, Friday- and the beat goes on- early. Left the coach at 8:30 and were parking Police at Union SquareSusan & Rob at Virgin Recordsdowntown, in San Francisco, by 9:15. Walking out of the Union Square parking garage- we noticed dozens of police motorcycles, swat cars, trucks, etc, and many news satellite trucks. When we asked what was up, the cops said- oh it's the anti fur protesters, and the "don't patronized" any stores on this day. Forgetaboutit! Free taxi service at Banana RepublicLaurie, Tracy, Debi & SusanWeirdo's! Deb and Deb got fitted for customized jeans at the Levi's flagship store, Steve got some great swimsuits for his upcoming sailing adventure in the BVI, and Rob got some off the shelf jeans. We then cruised through a dozen other shops- fancy, unique and some bazaar. Lunch was at a little French café. After everyone was shopped out, all crowded into the Jeep, back to Rob & Deb's place from some Euchre, before heading to Laurie and Stan's for another sumptuous feast. The day's don't get any better.


November 27, 1999, Saturday- brunch time at Berkeley with the kids. More laughs. With a drizzle/overcast day- we cruised some stores, cruised the Berkeley campus, then went to the afternoon show to see the new James Bond movie- "The World is Not Enough". Well- it's been a long time since we walked out of a movie in the middle. In this case it wasn't by choice. The power went out halfway through- so they had to refund the money- and we did some more shopping/ cruising. It turned out that 35,000 people were without power because a squirrel got fried in a transformer. Next- into San Francisco for some more shopping along Market Street, then into a great Thai food place nearby. For the last two hours Debi and I were playing gin rummy- and it was close after two games- a few boxes separated us- then she did the impossible- a triple schneider, and I'm in the poor house.


November 28, 1999, Sunday- The last day of the long Thanksgiving weekend draws to a close. Time to meet the kids for a Sunday brunch at a neat little watering hole in Rob & Deb's neighborhood, then take Steve and Deb to the Oakland Airport for travel back to Denver. Skies look great at both ends. All good things must come to an end, so, sad so long, and plan the next get together in a few months.


I did have an interesting (?) one this morning. I drained the two holding tanks, and was doing a backwash fill of the black water tank. Hobbes was barking on the other side of the coach- as a neighbor came by to say hello. I got engaged in a new conversation and forgot about the "fill", that is, until I heard this steam of water coming down the other side of the coach. Water was spraying out of the roof vents. The tank was full, the commode was full, and the water had no place to go but up the vent pipe. We must live on the right side- turned off the water, drained the tank, drained the commode- and no damage visible anywhere. Close!