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November 29, 1999, Monday- the weather held for our 275 mile trip from Novato to the San Luis Obispo area, Oceano to be more specific. Pismo Sands RV park- one of the best rated in CA. Full hookups on site, including phone service and pavement and sod. No gravel or dirt allowed here.


All the kids did great on their trip back to Denver last night, and, in fact, even got in 15 minutes early. Mom did great on her trip back to Florida from NJ today. All the chickens are now home to roost.


November 30, 1999, Tuesday- time to do a little laundry. The park that we're in is a 10/10/9- almost a perfect score. The laundry room reflected that rating- and Susan got 7 machines going at once. (Last week was a busy one with the kids and the holidays).Susan & Hobbes- Pismo Beach on Hobbes' birthday They even had an iron board and clean space to work! While Susan did her "stuff" I did some coach cleaning and cleanup from the last mail drop. Those catalogs keep coming- even when they assure you that you've been dropped from their list.


A nice two hour walk along a great Pismo Sands beach provided some needed exercise and a chance to just take in the beauty of the area.


Happy Birthday today to Hobbes- he is now a five year old.


Tomorrow Phil and his friend Geoff will come for two days. Karen is too busy in Mesa to break away at this time. Too bad we won't get to see her.