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April 14, 2000- Friday... Today is Phil's birthday, and with Karen's coming up shortly, it was time to do a celebration dinner. With Phil working tomorrow, and our wanting to see the Ast and Kleimer clan's for dinner on Saturday at Art & Anna's, we decided to drive to Vail today to see everyone, and beat the weather coming in for the weekend. The drive was more beautiful then ever, with sunshine and snow covered vista's. Dinner and a lovely evening was had with P&K, solving the mysteries of life, and later in the evening Brad and Rach came over for an hour's chat with Susan and Karen. (I was downstairs already, and Phil was tucked in for an early morning work schedule). Debi came and went for the evening, and it was just like old times with many stories started, and few finished, since everyone took the conversations into new directions.


We tried to black out the financial markets for today- after the biggest point loss for each of the Dow and NASDAQ in a single day.


April 15, 2000- Saturday- a lazy day for me- since the weather was overcast to rain to snow to sun….I stayed at P&K's, while Susan and Debi picked up Lois and walked into Vail and back, with a soaked Hobbes. Dinner at Art and Anna's was a great treat. Deb and Rach did the organizing, Brad the cooking, and Steve and Ben the cleanup. Add A&A, P&K and us, and it was nonstop stories and laughter. The evening ended too soon.


April 16, 2000- Sunday- after seeing Deb and Steve off for skiing, Susan and I saw Phil at the Copper Medical Center- where he was nice enough to draw some blood for our cholesterol tests, and Susan caught up on her pap smear. Then, down the hill back to Denver, where we met Lois and Jerry for movies and a dinner. By the time we returned to the coach- Susan and I were ready for a good night's sleep in our own bed.


April 17, 2000, Monday- Phil had set us up with an orthopedic doc in Denver…and it was a good visit. The first thing he did was remove the long leg cast. What a relief to get that monster off. Now I can bend my leg and sit in a chair, and not have to keep it extended into the isle of a restaurant. After a series of x-rays, he put on a short immobilizer boot that will protect me, but give me so much more flexibility. Now I can remove the boot that comes up to the knee, and sit in the shower without a plastic bag and waterproof tape. We couldn't believe how badly the foot still looked-- lots of black and blue around the ankle, and very swollen. But, the doc was happy with the progress, and we go back at the end of next week. Boy did it feel great to have a leg moving, but was the knee stiff after two weeks of being casted!

Goodby full leg cast, hello leg immobilizer!

April 18, 2000, Tuesday- Susan did a lot of shopping yesterday, and continued today…and started cooking for the Passover Seders. Boy does Steve's house smell good! Dinner was at Bandera's- a good locals place in Cherry Creek- near Debi's, with Deb and Steve.


April 19, 2000, Wednesday- Susan got her bone density scan done this morning. But, we will have to wait two weeks for the results. The cooking continued today at Stephen's, and we got to use Grandma Marge's grinder for her famous chopped liver recipe .


Spoke to Phil today- and yesterday he had the worst flight of his several thousand hours of airtime. The turbulence and winds aloft were unrelenting. He finally landed in Gallup, NM, far short of Mesa, AZ. The forward speed, due to the winds, never got into triple digits. Most of the flight was at 80 or less knots in an aircraft flying at 140 knots. Fortunately the wind was straight down the runway, because at 50 knots, it far exceeded the crosswind limits of the aircraft.

Werner saying prayer, and Debi

Tonight's seder was at Lani's house. Bill led the service for some 25 people, and they both outdid themselves. Lots of history, tradition and laughter. They even had a something that we've never seen before- a box labeled "the box of plagues" which contained toy representations for each of the ten plagues. Werner and Gilda, whom we haven't seen for a while, looked great and it was good to hear that they've had a great winter. Bill, Molly, Lani and Kona look like a warm and loving family. When will they make an announcement? The bets are sooner rather than later.

Bill, Molly, Lani & Gilda
Susan and Larry

April 20, 2000- Thursday- we started out the day with an eye doctor's appointment for Susan- at 8:30 in Littleton, about 30 minutes away. With her eye's dilated, I got to drive the Jeep. They don't call me "lefty" for nothing…all went well and we arrived safely at Stephen's home- where Susan continued to cook up a storm for this evening's seder. I gimped around and help set the table. Also, I determined that Susan's Porsche, sitting in Stephen's garage, had a battery that was down for the count. The battery charger that we purchased couldn't get the charge above 25%. So, I pulled out the battery, which is in very tight area in the front left corner of the car, and took it to the local NAPA dealer- where the 75 month warrantee was prorated from 1996. A few minutes later, with Susan's help, the 2000 pound battery, or so it seemed to weigh, was in place, and the car started right up.

Jerry leading the service!
Debi enjoying!

By 6:30 all were present for the seder, a total of 14 hungry family and friends. The table looked lovely, and the house had the wonderful fragrances of traditional foods coming from the kitchen. After having led our family seders for these many years, I asked Jerry to lead this service, to shed a new light and flavor. We were not disappointed. He had Xeroxed a supplement to the regular Hagadah, and everyone joined in with song, and verse and comments. The dinner that followed was wonderful, and the 10 young adults, included Debi and Stephen and their friends and coworkers, feasted in all of the traditional holiday delicacies.


Larry, Susan, Lois & Jerry
Stephen and Becky

April 21, 2000- Friday…for the first time in a long time- we didn't have to be up and running…so it was nice to have a leisurely breakfast. We drove down to Stephen's area and took Hobbes to a do-it-yourself doggie wash. He seems to know what is expected- and jumped up the 3 feet into the wash tub area without hesitation.

Susan's cute Porsche!

The next order of business was to get Susan's Porsche, which is now in Debi's name for insurance purposes, to pass the Denver Metro emissions testing. It's always with fear and trepidation that one enters the uncharted waters. The car is a 1982 model that never has been through the emissions process, and, to add insult to injury- has been sitting in the garage for the winter. Will it even warm-up between the garage and the inspection station? Fortunately, we picked a good Friday afternoon and the waiting time was 2 minutes. Why is it that our line had an employee that must have been 6'5" and weighed 250 pounds- trying to squeeze into the little car and have his big feet find the little pedals? The suspense mounted as it took forever, or so it seemed, as they put the car on the rollers, and shifted though the gears to highway speeds, and monitored the exhaust. Success! With 115,000 miles it came through and passed each of the tested areas. With the emissions paperwork in hand, off to the motor vehicle department to finish the registration process. Finally, what starting in January, is now finished. And, for the next two or three weeks, Susan can drive her cute little car, without fear that I will even attempt to drive it with my immobilizer in place. Even I have my limits of trying to be a superman. I could drive the coach with my left foot, and the Jeep with my left foot, but add a clutch…and it's a different world. I admit defeat or is it the limits of "the feet"?



April 22, 2000, Saturday- Susan and Debi went shopping for the afternoon, while I caught up on my "stuff" around the coach. Steve dropped Becky off at the airport for her London trip, so we had the pleasure of his company for dinner at the coach. A nice relaxing evening.


Chatting with Robert- in the Oakland/Berkeley area, they are still paying $1.79 for regular, while in the Denver area, we can find it for $1.29 per gallon. Some difference.


April 23, 2000, Sunday- time to clean the house…we have guests coming. Steve, our friend from Chicago stopped by with his fiancée Karen. Then Bill and Lani came over with Molly to see the coach, and to share the good news- that they are engaged with a wedding planned for Labor Day weekend. Dinner followed with lots of toasts and good wishes.

Larry, Susan, Bill, Lani & Molly- after the engagement announcement!

As we started the Porsche to go to dinner, it was running rough. By the time we got the mile to the restaurant, it was marginal. Bill was nice enough to run me back to the coach, where I got the Jeep, then followed Susan in the little blue car to the dealership, another mile down the road, where we left the car and dropped the key in an early bird envelope.


April 24, 2000, Monday- when we return to Denver in June, we will need a storage lot for the coach while in Vancouver and Alaska for about 10 days. The two names we got at the park were of no help. We drove to Commerce City where KOA had opened their first boat and rv storage facility, with both indoor and outdoor space. After touring the facility, if they can take us indoors, that's where we will go, other wise, I guess it's outside. We shall see what space is available in two months.


The car dealership called, and Sue's Porsche is ready….it was running on less then the six cylinders with some clogged injectors and bad plug wires. With 120,000 miles of the old ones, it's not too bad. Fortunately we got all the work done without being inconvenienced, or having Debi trying to balance out the her work load with the dealership hours.


After a quick dinner at a soup and salad place with Jerry and Lois, we caught the movie "Me, Myself and I", an interesting Australian film of life role switching. Very enjoyable and thought provoking!


April 25, 2000, Tuesday- another day of running in circles trying to find an acceptable kennel for Hobbes, and other storage options. Susan still is looking for shoes for one of the wedding outfits, but no luck. Jerry and Lois came over for an evening of Euchre. Only one more night that we shall see them until maybe next winter (Fran and Allen's wedding excepted).


April 26, 2000, Wednesday- success today- at Park Meadows Mall- Susan found the needed shoes at Nordstrom's, and a great long skirt with interchangeable tops, for the upcoming affairs and cruise. An early movie show- to see Kadosh- an Israeli made movie about the Hassidic values of Torah, women, and traditions. It was a heartwrenching film. Dinner was with Steve and Deb - for some quality time.


April 27, 2000, Thursday- more running in too many directions. First out to the Porsche dealer to finish the emissions checking after Mondays repairs, and we got to put 100 plus miles on the new parts. Next we checked my tuxedo and found that the bottom hem had been caught in something- and had a series of cuts along one leg. Not good since they were at the minimum length for my height. Next stop was running to two different resale shops to look for some tuxedos for Steve. We found two great ones, one at each shop, and purchased them for approval…we can return them tomorrow if they don't fit- but the prices were right and the products looked great. Off to the tailor- and we can get some cuffs added to the pant leg- and one tuxedo rescued from the trash pile. Off next to a tuxedo shop- for another shirt, tie and cumberbun for me. Finally, over to Jerry and Lois…and to Little Ollies for a great Asian dinner, followed by some Euchre. It's too bad that they are heading east tomorrow, and we won't get to spent any real time together until next winter. Steve joined us and will try on the two tux's tonight, and let us know which he wants, if any.


April 28, 2000, Friday- more running….but a day with pluses and minuses. One of the tuxes fit Stephen well…the nice double breasted Lawrence Corvel…and what must have been a $600 plus garment- for $105..a steal. We met Steve and got the other one to return, then off to the doctor- where I'm doing great- four weeks out since the accident…and again he commented how lucky I was not to need surgery with amount of bone, muscle and ligament damage that occurred. Now I can sleep without the boot immobilizer, and start to weight bear. By the end of next week, I should be full weight bearing, but with the immobilizer on.


Steve kept Hobbes for part of the afternoon for his company picnic, and when we picked him up, we found out that Hobbes got into it with another dog in close quarters, and that Steve had his defibrillator go off while playing Frisbee. He was better by the time we saw him.


A great place to watch baseball!
Batter Up!

At six we got together at Jim's house. His parents, Bill and Carol, Jim, Steve, Deb and Susan and I got into their Ford Expedition, and we drove to the Colorado Rockies game. Jim had close in parking, and in a few moments Steve and Jim had $5 rockpile seats. However, Jim and Carol had close in, first class tickets, just above first base, and dragged us in with them, saying that there were always extra seats. They were right, we had a ball. Having the Rockies beat the NY Mets 12 to 5 also helped make the evening a plus. Temperatures in the 60's completed the picture. Coors Field was surprisingly well suited for physically challenged people, with aides in many places, electric and manual wheelchairs for the taking, elevators and even separate gates for entry away from the crowds. Well done!

Jimmy, Debi, Stephen, Go Rockies!
12 to 5- a good game


April 29, 2000- Saturday. Although the forecast had dire predictions, the morning was nice enough in Golden for Susan and Debi to get in an 18-mile bike ride up and down the hills along C-470 in the Morrision area. I was glad that Susan finally got to get some time for herself, with exercise to boot. The last month she has played nursemaid to me, doing her work, my work, and tending to me.


Our car ride up to Vail proved that the weatherman was wrong again. The dire predictions of rain, snow and hail only produced some overcast skies, nothing like the 18" of wet snow that closed down the highway last weekend.


Fran and Allan welcomed us into their magnificent home with open arms, and even Hobbes felt like he never left. In the evening we went to the Congregation B'Nai Vail's Holocaust Remembrance Service held at the Trinity Baptist Church in Edwards. About 100 people attended the service, a mixture of clergy from the various faiths, local press people, and congregants of the diverse community. Jack Adler, a survivor of several concentration camps in Germany, gave an impassioned speech on his experiences and why it's important to keep the awareness program alive. His commitment includes talking in front of 18,000 students per year, as well as many other speaking opportunities.


At the service we also got to see many friends that we've not seen during our travels, and it was great to catch-up on loose ends.



April 30, 2000, Sunday- after a relaxing morning helping Fran with window's techniques, Susan, Fran and Allan went to see Molly and Lani, while I went to see Judy and Loren. The former group went to Vail and enjoyed seeing a great two-year-old, while I cruised over one street in Singletree. Judy and Loren recently got a Winnebego Rialta, and we spent a good hour reviewing the features of their motor home, and educating them on how to avoid the pitfalls that we've experienced over the last two and a half years. It was great to see them, and they are going to check their schedule and try to join us for the Rotary rally in Death Valley in October.


For dinner, Art and Anna joined us at Fran and Allan's and we all talked about the upcoming weddings that Fran and Allan were planning in May, and Art and Anna's for July. This will be two of the five weddings this summer.


While chatting with Loren, I found out that last night's Holocaust Memorial Service was carried further into the community by at least one clergy member. Rev. Carl Walker relayed the first person experiences recited last night, and there wasn't a dry eye in his congregation.


Since getting permission on Friday to start weight-bearing on my right leg, we moved from slight weight on Friday, to more weight on Saturday, to using only the left crutch today. Good progress, and maybe tomorrow, try it without crutches. It's amazing how tentative the first steps are, and how strange it is trying to walk steps.