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December 7, 2000, Thursday- a day that will live in infamy. We left Livingston at 8 and cruised 350 miles into Abita Springs, LA. Along the way we witnessed a disturbing sight. At an accident site we first passed a small, white four wheeler with its roof crushed to the seats. Next was a 2000 model year American Eagle, similar to ours, that had rolled. The front end cap was crushed at the roof. Interior top front end cabinets were down on the front seats. Basement bays were askew and debris was everywhere. Surprisingly the coach structure seemed to have held, even after being set upright by the wrecker. Too many pine tree branches were protruding from the roof. The poor people in both vehicles….


Coming through Cajun country you could see billboards for everything. The one for "Cajun Jesus" was about the best!


December 8, 2000, Friday- the weather didn't permit us to do our planned bike ride. Overcast skies, misty air, and the forecast of showers. So, off to Covington to finish our holiday shopping. Success. It's finished. Now to just wrap and ship…..


Started a defrag program using the Norton software. By the time we were hitting the sack, it was still "doing its thing".


Since our last visit to this Abita Springs resort, they've added several dozen additional full service sites. Even so, with all of the pine trees, it took a while to get the dish to get a signal. Lots of moving the coach forward and backward by inches.


December 9, 2000, Saturday- on the road and off to Florida. Hopefully we'll get out of the cold and into the warm. A cold front is scheduled to come down from Canada, and drop the Denver temps to lows at minus 10, and highs in the single digits. That band is supposed to reach down into Texas and Louisiana shortly. We arrived, after the 350 ride, at Emerald Beach RV in Panama Beach, Fl., a 10/10/10 park. Nice, grass and big concrete pads. Ray and Janet are next door. Haven't seen them since Decatur.


The defrag program is still spinning, some 26 hours after being started, and there is no scale or chart indicating what the future holds. It's time to blow it away and hope the hard drive still works. Thank goodness it does.


Dinner at a little fish place over the water. Nice change of pace. Oh yea, temperatures were in the low 80's this afternoon. Nice!


Who could have believed today's Florida election turns and counterturns with the US Supreme Court on stopping the Florida Supreme Courts demands for a state wide recount. Unbelievable!


December 10, 2000, Sunday- a day of rest for this morning. We walked around the local area for a few miles. Relaxing, stretching the legs after too many days of non-exercise. By noon the mist subsided and Ray, Susan and I played golf while Janet joined us as a designated cart driver. Relaxing, no hassle on the Holiday Course, the same one we had played two years ago when we were here in November 1998. Welcome back to Florida golf where the grass has the "Brillo" effect of grabbing one's clubs and opening the face. Still, it was a great afternoon. Dinner was at a little place called Shuckums, an oyster and fish house.


December 11, 2000, Monday- it was after 11 before we said so-long to Ray and Janet and hit the road. Misty day, again, but we drove through downtown Tallahassee to see all of the TV satellite trucks, and there were many to see, parked everywhere. Finished 60 miles south of the capital in a little town called Perry. If the weather is better tomorrow, maybe we will adjust our plans, otherwise, we will probably cruise the rest of the way to Naples.