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MESA, AZ (outside Phoenix)


February 29, 2000, Tuesday- 240 miles to Mesa. An easy drive along I-8 and then I-10. Arrived shortly after noon into Mesa Regal, and Phil was here to help get us set up and depart on a bike ride, and then a tour of his park, directly across the street, Venture Out. We couldn't stay at his park because of having a Hobbes in the coach. This will work well for the two nights. Dinner was a Karen's Mom's place. Lu and her companion, Pat, arrived from their road trip, Denver, to Albuquerque, to Mesa, and we all had great grilled steaks.


When we arrived in the park, I couldn't get the satellite dish to function. I turns out that we had tripped a breaker. Then, the dish went up, but wouldn't lock on the signal. This has never happened- and after three tries, and my frustration level reaching the boiling point, and everyone waiting to go out for a bike ride, I bagged it. All afternoon I was still bent out of shape, and when we finally got back, I called the 800 number, and they gave me simple suggestion- pull the plug for five minutes and let the unit reset/reboot itself…and bingo- everything was perfect. In thirty seconds we captured the signal and were in business. Whatever had tripped the 110 line must have scrambled the black box, and fortunately the solution was something that I could handle.