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March 15, 2000- Wednesday- a too early rude awakening from the alarm clock, and at our appointed time we were on the road. We beat the traffic, our goal, and were at the kennel by Sky Harbor Airport at 6:30 for a 7:00 AM opening. Hobbes couldn't wait to go. The Thrifty parking was a few blocks away- and by the time we pulled in, the shuttle van was behind the Jeep taking out our suitcase before we even got out of the car. Now that's service. In a few minutes we were checking in at the airport- and went for a nice, sit-down breakfast, and easily got to out gate for the 8:25 departure. Nice for a change- with Continental- when they pulled from the gate on time, and we were first on the runway. Once airborne they announced that we should arrive in Newark 30 minutes early. The only problem was that our seat row was behind the row by the emergency door- and as such, I had to sit with my knees in my chest. Not fun!


Jeff was nice enough to set up with his car service for a pickup in Newark- so we felt like big shots with a man waiting with our names on a hand held call board. A few minutes latter we were in the concrete canyons of the Big Apple, and then arrived at Jeff and Lenore's apartment on 72nd- across from Sotheby's. Definitely the nicer side of town. A quick car ride along the FDR to SOHO for a good steak dinner, and the some catching up on "stuff", finished a great day.


Cartier- a great building- but we shopped on 47th street!
Susan & Lenore- our diamond tour guide!


March 16, 2000, Thursday- what a day. Out of the house at 10, and returned at 10 PM, mostly on our feet. Susan decided that the haircut she had in Phoenix wasn't good- and Lenore's hairdresser had space- so off we went to one of these yuppie places that wait on you hand and foot. Next, to a deli with our hosts, for some Jewish sole food. The tongue, corned beef and trimmings were to die for. Next, cruise down to the jewelry district, where Lenore's jeweler had the perfect set of diamond earrings for Susan. These fit great, looked spectacular, were good quality, and the price was right. Much better then our cruising in Denver and points west during the last two months. The Crafts Museum and the Museum of Modern Art were next on the list of cultural refills after being in places like Yuma and Casa Grande. A stop into Saks Fifth Avenue was a must, and then a walk down to 37th and Madison for our dinner with Jeff, Lenore, Rick, Roberta and Ginny. Boy we did carry on and talk about the old days and the now days. The Asia de Cuba restaurant provided a background of high-end yuppies sipping at the martini bar, and tasty and spicy filled food for the older, read us, crowd. Al couldn't join us because he was playing golf at the Doral in Miami, but we did find out from Ginny, that he is now the managing partner in his accounting practice. Way to go Al!


Rick & Larry, Jeff, Lenore, Susan, Roberta, and Ginny
Lenore, Susan, Roberta and Ginny- four lovelies


Observations during the day- the indoor parking garage across from the Museum of Modern Art- was only $46 for 2 1/2 ours of parking. That was almost as much as my first car! The mayor has done an amazing job of making the city tourist friendly. New street signs are easy to read about parking and stopping. Most of the homeless and panhandlers are off the street. Dog poop and trash seem to be a thing of the past. Of each 10 cars parked on the street, 9 had "the club" fastened to the steering wheel. Entrepreneurs' abound in the city- at noon, a girl carrying baskets of sandwiches and snacks came through the salon, selling lunch goodies. Facts of life in the city- delivering furniture can be a challenge. One of Lenore's clients needs a 90" high breakfront delivered 9 to the ninth floor. The elevators were too low, and the turns into and out of the elevators- too tight. So, it's only $1500 to have the hoisting company come with a crane, and remove and reinstall the windows. Like everything in the City- all it takes is money!


We received an e-mail from Debi- her company, which had 100 employees 2 years ago, and 3000 when she joined in September, just purchased another 250 acres- and will be at 10,000 employees in the near future. Unbelievable growth!



Jeff cooking up a breakfast storm for us!


March 17, 2000, Friday- after a rainy and blowing night, it stopped enough for Jeff, Susan and I to take a walk up along the East River, almost to Gracie Mansion, and then back to the Gold's- for a sad so-long. David came in from Jersey to pick Susan and I up for the rest of the weekend. Down to SOHO we went for a great lunch at Zoe's, followed by a scenic trip through Hoboken, where our niece Sharon lives, and through lower Jersey City. Both of these areas have come a long way in the 30 plus years since we cruised these places. New homes, apartments, and yuppie shopping abound. A police escort passed by us, followed by a New York Taxi being towed on a low flatbed trailer. Attached to the trailer were several cameras and light stands- as this was a moving being shot with people in the cab. It was pretty interesting to see how the movies are made. Then we went past my last residence in Jersey City, on College Street. The house didn't look bad for 43 years, but not as good as we remembered it.

Water taxi- Laguardia Airport to Manhattan

Our Jersey City townhouse from 1957

Out next to Newark Airport to catch Mom's arrival, and then back to David and Paula's house for a great steak dinner and catching up on old times.


March 18, 2000, Saturday- out the door at 9 for the 10:30 Bar Mitzvah of our cousin Susan and Randy's son Jason, in central Jersey. Jason lead the entire service, in front of about 125 people, for almost and hour and a half. Quite the accomplishment! Afterwards we all arrived to the catering hall an enjoyed a full buffet cocktail and hors d'oeuvre spread. Following this was a multi-course dinner, dancing and entertainment afternoon. It was great to see some many of our cousins that we've not crossed paths with for too many years. All of the kids are now getting to be adults, and we finally got to meet Sharon's boyfriend Mike. His company was most enjoyable- and they make such a cute couple.


Party time at the Bar MItzvah
David & Paula- looking good!


Mom, Mike and Sharon- smile city!


March 19, 2000, Sunday- a relaxing day around the house in the AM, followed by a trip to the Short Hills Mall in the PM. It was unbelievable, that with a Neiman's, Nordstrum's, Bloomingdale's, and SAKS in the mall, plus a zillion other stops, we got through with minimal damage. Some days we are lucky. Dinner was at a local fish place with quality product. Like many places in NJ, the restaurants can't get liquor licenses, so it's brown bag- bring your own wine. A perfect dinner, capping a great trip to the NY/NJ area.