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March 21, 2000, Tuesday- what a difference a day makes- still cool, 41 at 8 AM, but without the winds- civilized. After an easy ride up to Mesa- we are in Mesa Regal RV Park, across the street from Phil and Karen. Now the fun starts- the countdown to the sailing- so over dinner at our house, we all brainstormed who will bring what, and do we need anything special- like extra batteries or is their an electrical system on the boat for recharging. As it turns out, we expect to have a 12 volt cigarette lighter plug-in that we can convert to 110 a/c power. Also- little things like who brings the CD's, and what type of music. How many meals on board and how many on land? Endless questions, and with us, endless answers.


March 22, 2000, Wednesday- a bike ride with Geoff, Freddie, Phil and Karen at 8 to a breakfast place, at least started us off with some needed exercise. Then back to the coach for packing- the goal- a minimalist trip. Susan finished with a canvas carry bag and a small backpack. Mission accomplished.


March 23, 2000, Thursday- the alarm came at 4:15 so we could get Susan and Karen to the airport for their 6:33 flight. Since we haven't heard from them all day, we assume that they didn't run into any problems- between Phoenix, Dallas, San Juan, and St. Lucia. Hobbes was looking for Susan all day long- confused why she wasn't there for him. Phil and I did some boring of holes in the sky- with a flight south for a nice lunch at an airport restaurant. On our approach back into Falcon Field we heard an airplane asking for help to find the airport. The tower asked for him to describe what he was near- and the response was- "Oh, I'm over a golf course". Since there are 250 courses in the greater Phoenix area- that sure narrowed down the position! Hobbes and I did dinner with Phil, and planned out tomorrow's move into storage at his park, Venture Out.


March 24, 2000, Friday- a running around day - Hobbes to the kennel, the motor home to storage at Venture Out RV, last minute shopping and packing.