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October 1, 2000, Sunday- Rob and Deb had a doctor's brunch in Fresno, so they left. It gave me a chance to try to get the Gateway into better shape. More restoration and file loading, etc. It took most of the day for Susan to catch up on laundry and general household "stuff", and I did many of my little projects.


The golf course next to the rv park had told us that the driving range was open until 6:30. So, at 5 we went over to hit some balls, and found the key being placed in the door. They close at 5, but we were welcome to play a few holes at no charge. So, we carried a lightened bag around for 3 ½ holes and did enjoy the last of the day's sunshine and a nice little course.


Looking with Rob and Deb at the local trees certainly can educate someone like me. I looked at a tree and saw a bunch of holes. They look at the tree and said- look at what the woodpeckers did here. They make the big holes and then stuff acorns into them for later use.


October 2, 2000, Monday- we met Robert 30 miles south of Oakhurst, and headed to the Monterey Peninsular. 200 miles later we arrived for a beautiful walk along the water's edge. Lunch was also overlooking the water. Although the drive was long, the cool and refreshing coast always rejuvenates the soul.


On the way back we tackled Robert and stopped at a few of the Gilroy factory outlet stores, and were able to get him a few things for his wardrobe. Gilroy is the garlic capital of the world, and without exaggeration every breath of air in the town is filled with the fragrance of garlic.


October 3, 2000, Tuesday- as part of the complex we're at, the golf course offers a great special during the week. Since I'm over 55 my group gets to play 18 holes, with a cart, for $20 per head during the week. Such a deal! Robert joined us for our own threesome, and it was great to play at our own pace with nobody ahead of us or behind us. As usual, each of us had great shots, and unfortunately, the others that always follow.


After watching the first presidential election debate- the candidates came across as expected, and resolved very little in terms of specifics. Gore was too cocky and Bush to short on answers. So, what else is new?



October 4, 2000, Wednesday- time to say so long to Robert. We visited with him in Fresno, did lunch and a little shopping, then, until the next time….