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October 18, 2000, Wednesday- 300 miles down the road from Las Vegas to Camp Verde, 90 north of Phoenix. It was an easy and beautiful drive past Lake Mead and the high desert plateau. After arriving at the Western Horizon resort along I-17, we saw Bernie and Briget, a lovely couple that we haven't seen since the Decatur Rally in June. They indicated that Mike and Shirley are 10 miles away in another park…we haven't seen them since Labor Day Weekend in Colorado. Small world. The day ended better then when I turned on the TV this morning and found the DOW down 440 points. Finishing down 140 was like a major recovery.


October 19, 2000, Thursday- at 7 the phone rang- while we were still in a deep sleep mode. The fellow that we were supposedly renting the lots from in Pelican Lakes, in Naples, Florida- called and it seems that he didn't make the reservations that he had promised in June. Now it seems that February is full in the park and that for the other months, we will be going through the office instead of a "private" deal. I called the park directly and the retail rates were from $1500, $1800 and over $2000 per month. This is a far cry from the $1200 we were expecting. After a few phone calls I found another place, almost as highly rated in the "books", for $600 per month. So, with a temporary hold, we are at least covered for the winter.


After this morning's commotion, our hike in Sedona through the red rock canyons was a welcome relief. Lunch, at the Cowboy Club was like a walk back into history with great artifacts, paintings and quality food.


October 20, 2000, Friday- a quiet day for a change- catching up on e-mails, phone calls and odds and ends. It was nice for a change not to be running.


October 21, 2000, Saturday- Susan had a free day….free from me….when she went for ladies day with Shirley and Brigit. From the phone calls back and forth, they were enjoying themselves. As for me, I enjoyed the opportunity to get the first half of the month's web page up and running. With the weather coming in for tonight and the next two days, we cleaned up the outside as much as possible so that we don't have to store very many "wet" things in the basement.