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October 7, 2000, Saturday- up and at em---4 AM for our 6 AM flight out of Vegas to Kansas City. A great day ahead! We transferred planes in Denver and arrived on time. Picked up the rental car and by the time I finished Steve had arrived and we three headed to Brad and Rach's. A double surprise awaited us at the door- Jake, now 7 days old, was being help by Naomi. She had been flying for two days to arrive an hour before in KC, Mountain Village to Anchorage to Chicago to KC. Add a few hours of layover and you have one tired neice.


Jake was perfect, both in features and in cooperation as he was passed from loving relative to loving relative. The young man never was put down the entire day.


Having Jake, Shel, Art and Anna, Steve and Deb, Rach and Brad, and Naomi and us in one place was so wonderful, everyone was kvelling.


And, naturally, when we are in Kansas City, the weather is at extremes. Each time we've stopped to see Brad and Rach, with the coach, the skies had opened up. This weekend, they are setting record low temperatures. For the next three days forecast highs are in the upper 30's to low 40's, and lows in the 20's. Normal in KC would be 70 and 50. Man, this feels like winter!


October 8, 2000, Sunday- a few running around stops this morning to help Brad and Rach for the Bris- Einstiens for the bagels and Starbucks for the coffee. Art and Anna did the deli/supermarket stops, and it all came together in time for the 45 people coming to the 10:30 bris. The mohel did a great job of relaxing every one with a few stories, including the medical and religious reasons for waiting until the 8th day for the circumcision. Since the baby's nervous system isn't fully developed at this time, he feels very little pain. In fact the only pain that would be felt would be if the moher nicked himself during the ceremony. For side effects, after years of performing, he has noticed that the baby's usually don't want to walk for about a year!


Quality time prevailed this afternoon with just the immediate family around. Brad's brother-in-law David got a photo of the wooden crib that Brad and Rachael liked, and duplicated the entire project in his wood shop. The crib will become a family heirloom. I did find out that David was a fighter pilot based on aircraft carriers, and when not flying was the FSO, flight signal officer, the one responsible for safely bringing aircraft onto the ships pitching deck. Between electronic and visual clues he had to decide to coach the pilot onto the deck, or do a wave-off. It was difficult during the day, and almost beyond comprehension at night.


Steve has become a computer wizard. Just getting the Bronco score updates on the internet sites wasn't quite cutting it. So, tune into, the home of the Denver Broncos, and listen to the live broadcast. For the play by play, he found a sports web site that updates at every play, showing the full picture of yards, downs, etc. Almost like being there.


Kol Nidre services were at Brad and Rach's temple in Kansas City. This reformed temple has 1800 families, and with such a number, holds two sets of services- the early and late, for each of the high holidays. As an added touch, out of town relatives are provided tickets at no cost. What a nice touch. This was also the first service we've been to that had a "signer" for the hearing impaired. For the Hebrew portion we didn't know if she was signing in Hebrew or transliteration English. A 140 year congregation provided a history that even had an arc holding 8 torahs. Jake was perfect for his first service, with not a peep coming from his lips.


October 9,2000- Monday- a day of prayer and reflection. We attended the 8:30 services at Congregation B'nai Jehudah, and afterwards reconvened at Brad and Rach's home. Art and Anna had a 2 something flight so they left early. With an early breaking of the fast at 4- we headed back to the airport for Steve's 6:30 flight back to Denver. It was sad to say goodbye, but it was great to see everyone so joyous and happy.


What small joys there are. In Kansas City Ks and Kansas City, Mo, regular unleaded is $1.33 per gallon. Compare that to the previous California prices in the $2.00 to $2.20 range, and it's like a bargain. The KC International airport is a little podunk kind of place. United has one counter and two stations, one for Denver and one for Chicago, and two gates. You can't get lost or be on the wrong level. The baggage is right next to the gates.


Fortunately we got to Denver on Steve's flight, two hours earlier then our scheduled flight, and caught a two hour earlier shuttle to Vegas. Arriving at 8:30 PM (after a two hour time change), permitted us to grab a bite at Mandolay Bay and do our food shopping before crashing into bed.