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September 1, 2000, Friday- definitely an early start with a 5:30 departure to Rose Hospital for my colonoscopy. The procedure went smoothly, and a small polyp was found and removed. The Dr. said it didn't look suspicious, but they will send it to the lab.


After I recovered a bit, Susan got her hair done and did some gift shopping. Then we picked up the Jeep from service. The rattling that we heard may have been some of the bolts holding the tow plate to the Jeep. It took them several hours to fix the problem as a few of the bolts had been stripped and they had to be drilled out. Then, replacements found and the entire assembly remounted. We should be good now!


Dinner with Debi in Cherry Creek topped off a day of getting things done that needed to be done, but wouldn't be your first choice of how to spend a day!


September 2, 2000- Saturday- moving day didn't start with the smoothest matching of planning and actual. I went to the U-haul place, about 10 minutes from Steve's, and the man behind the counter said his three employees haven't shown up yet, so, go into the yard and pick a trailer, hook it up, check out the lights, and come back with the ID numbers. After finding one of the few 4 x 8 trailers (most are 5 x 8), and checking to make sure the tires were OK, I realized that the electrical hookup required an adapter to fit between the trailer and our car's wiring. The swamped guy in the office said they ran out of the adapters after using 30 yesterday. So, drop the trailer and now head a half hour cross-town to another dealer, wait in line, and finally get hooked up with the proper connections and head back to Steve's. Instead of starting the loading at 9:30, it was after 11:00. Then, head up the hill towards Breckenridge. Traffic was impossible with holiday weekenders. Stop and Go with a lot of stops. Yuk!


At Breck we caught up with Mike and Shirley, fellow full-timers that we haven't seen since Decatur in June. Then, off to Fran and Allan's in Singletree, and after a few minutes of chit chat, we had to leave to attend Bill and Lani's rehearsal wedding dinner in Vail. With Art and Anna and Ben, and Phil and Karen coming to the same table, it gave us a chance to catch-up on family events.

Hobbes relaxing at Fran & Allan's

September 3, 2000, Sunday- at 9 we visited with Bob and Elaine at the condo there renting in Beaver Creek. A great lox, eggs and onion breakfast hit the spot. Jocelyn and Mark were also there with Carly, a pistol at 18 months. With Bob and Elaine heading for Naples this winter, we'll be able to spend a block of time with them. Looking forward to do that!


Then, back to Singletree for a 2 plus hour walk up and down the streets of Fran and Allan's neighborhood. It's amazing the size and quality of the new homes that are being built. With several well into the seven figure range, it's a far cry from what was here 5 to 10 years ago.

Like the good old days at Art & Anna's

Art & Anna outdid themselves with the jumbo shrimp cocktails and the T-bone steaks as they hosted a wonderful dinner for us, P&K, Debi, Ben and Steve and Becky. It was like old times around the table with nonstop chatter.


September 4, 2000, Monday- the wedding day. Bill and Lani finally tied the knot at the top of Eagle's Nest on Vail Mountain. The sun deck was set for the wedding, a tallis supported by four poles created the chuppah, and the scenery and sunshine were beyond description. A 45 minute ceremony brought everyone to tears with the meaningful speeches given by Bill and by Lani during the ceremony. It was perfect.

Art, Anna & Susan in the gondola- wedding bound!
With this ring.........
Steve, Becky, Ben & Debi

In the evening we finally got to relax for a few hours with Fran and Allan. Again they popped the 1 ½ to 2 inch thick lamb chops on the grill, and a feast was served. A little Euchre afterwards finished the evening.

The Gore Range- beautiful
Susan, Allan and Fran- toast time!