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April 1, 2001, Sunday- a beautiful start to the month….even if we lost an hour's sleep, the sun did return in full glory. An hour plus walk around Washington Park, along with a few thousand other folks and their four legged friends, was delightful. Got to wash the dirt off the cars and the coach and found out that indeed there was paint and color to be seen!


Got lucky with Steve and Becky, and Debi and Valerie joining us for a BBQ steak dinner. Six for dinner around the table was tight, but that's what it's all about….being close with family and friends.


April 2, 2001, Monday- I tried last night to get some opening day Rockies tickets on line, but wasn't successful. Today we went to the Coors Field about 3 hours before game time. Lots of people looking for tickets. One guy has some for sale at $75 per ticket. Thanks but no thanks. Instead we went to Washington Park and hit the tennis ball for an hour. After playing this winter in Naples, we forget what a different game tennis is at 5000 feet. Definitely a deep baseline event.


Dropped the Jeep off for its 90,000 service. Got the call that it needs a new rear end. Trying to think of the positive side, better here then in the middle of rural Canada or Alaska. We had been warned in Naples that we'd need some work. Still cheaper then a new vehicle.


April 3, 2001, Tuesday- Wow, at the end of the day we got the Jeep back, just shy of $2800. Gamble that the repairs are cheaper then the cost of new car. With the market down another 300 points, and the NASDAQ down another 6%, forget about capital purchases. We did a good walk along the C-470 bike trail for an hour. With the ups and downs of the hills, the quads got a workout. Afterwards we stopped by the Red Rocks Amphitheater. After 22 years of living in Colorado we had never seen that beautiful rock formation before. Definitely worth seeing.


April 4, 2001, Wednesday- the washer/dryer is again having door latch problems, the same as in Naples. Worked out a deal with the Splendide people….they will send me the door latch switch and we won't have to drive to Camping World, have them charge to remove the unit, wait for them to get parts, and then go back for the install. It should take me about 15 minutes for the part swap.


Ran a ton of errands and even squeezed in a haircut. Finished Debi's taxes. Just Stephen's to go.


Debi for dinner at the coach tonight. Catch-up and relax time. She was getting caught up in the fact that several of her friends follow our web adventures more closely then she does.


April 5, 2001, Thursday- smart, smart, dumb. We went to Vail to get our blood drawn for our Saturday physical. Casual medicine. We forgot to ask, and Phil forgot to tell us, that we were supposed to fast for 12 hours prior. So, no blood. Next over to the dentist where Paul found that I needed another crown. So, tomorrow back up the hill for me to get the hour and a half crown prep and temp installed. Paul is in a new office. After being in downtown Vail for a hundred years, at least, he was notified that his lease wouldn't be renewed (space being converted to another use). Imagine having 90 days to find space, negotiate a lease, demolition, plans, approvals, contracts, construction and move-in going into the ski season. As Paul said, he had to call in an awful lot of markers to stay in business.


A lunch at Fran and Allan's was all to short of time. Then a few minutes catching up with Phil before heading back down the hill for dinner with Steve and Becky at her place. Cami and Paul joined for a six some. Always great to catch up on their stories and happenings.


Tomorrow could be an interesting day. Weather forecast is for 12 inches in the high country and up to 80 MPH winds in the foothills. The coach is parked in the foothills.


Was it a hiccup in the downward slide or a signal of better things to come? Dow up 400, NASDAC up 150. Were the shorts just covering?


April 6, 2001, Friday- ran over to Steve's basement this morning to find the Passover Haggadas. Got lucky with 75 boxes, we found the right box after just a few minutes. Then I headed up to Vail for my crown prep. Got ready for winter driving conditions. Ran into a few snow squalls. Watched the temperatures drop from 54 to 25 in a couple of miles. Lucky…after a half hour of drilling the dentist surfaced and declared we could work with just a cap and didn't need a full crown. Saved a hour more of drilling and, hopefully, a few hundred dollars.


Made it back to Denver, picked up Susan, and we headed to Bill, Lani and Molly's for a Shabbat dinner. It was so nice to sit and relax, catch up on the last few months, and play with Molly. She had a blast painting Susan and my finger nails. What we don't do to put smiles on the faces of adorable little ones!





April 7, 2001, Saturday- it was a long night. The winds started at about 12:30, and at 3:00 AM, as they say, were smoking. With the slides in and antennas down, we just rocked and rolled. I don't think that it hit the 80 MPH that were the forecasted gusts. Thank goodness!


Up the hill to Copper Mountain for our wellness checkup by Phil. An hour and ¾ later, and a few blood test sticks, and over the last hill to Vail. Art and Anna joined us for lunch at Alpenrose Tearoom, a Vail institution that once again lived up to its name.


Then back to A&A's home to finish the Seder prep. Qiusinart spinning, knives chopping, things cooking. Full of wonderful smells. Shortly after six the 10 of us were assembled for the Seder, Art and Anna, Debi, Steve and Becky, Cami (Becky's Mom), Phil and Karen, and Susan and myself. As usual the unwritten contest was in high gear….to see who lost it first and started the laughing. It took Debi to about the end of the first sentence of the Haggadah before she brought the house down. Between Anna's and Susan's excellent culinary ability, the 17 or so course meal that followed the service was second to none.


April 8, 2001, Sunday- we did two things today that we've not done after living in Colorado since 1977…first we walked to the top of the Mother of Cabrini Shrine that's along I-70. The 350 or so steps to the top definitely got our attention. Views of the city were incredible. Next, down to the Red Rocks Park where we walked around the amphitheater and surrounding hills and facilities. Up and down the hills, past the "red" rocks. Great exercise and the Hobbes was exhausted upon our return.


Tiger Woods was elegant in winning the Masters Golf Tournament this afternoon. Fun to watch since it wasn't until the 18th hole that victory was won.


Dinner at Debi's, along with Steve and Deb's roommate Tara. So good to spend time with all of them.


April 9, 2001, Monday- time to get Hobbes to the do it yourself doggie wash. Oh, lots of warm water and shampoo do wonders. Forecast last day of sunny weather, so do Hobbes early so he can dry before he gets wet tomorrow.


Over to Trice Jeweler's and picked up my resized wedding rink. We raised it from and size 8 to a size 10. Not bad after wearing it for 33 years.


Next, errands around the house until we get to run to DIA, catching Brad, Rach and the Jake Man during their 1.5 hour layover between Albuquerque and Kansas City. As always, it's so much fun to see the young couple. Stephen also got to join us at the Red Carpet Club, naturally Brad is a member. First class is the best way to travel.


April 10, 2001, Tuesday- run to Porsche dealer for a new radio antenna (the existing one finally decided not to retract fully). Then run and get the house ready for Mom's arrival. In between, entertain Karen for a few minutes, then back to DIA. Mom arrived on time, but by the time we got back to the coach at 3, the snow had started. Forecast 5 to 10 in the foothills. Dinner with Debi and Mom at Bandara's in Cherry Creek, then back to the snow country in Golden.


April 11, 2001, Wednesday- a foot of heavy, wet snow blanketed the Metro area, causing many school closings, business hour changes, and road closures. We did learn that with a foot of snow on the roof of the coach, covering the TV Dish antenna, you can forget about getting a signal. Poor us, having to settle for the over the air signals. After lunch, we headed up to Blackhawk to the "casinos". A new one, "Isle of Capri" drew us in with their covered parking garage. All three of us lucked out…..getting our $5 of entertainment money to last almost three hours. Not bad at all. For a day with all of the dire warnings to stay home, the casino was pretty full. Did anybody go to work today?


Dinner drew us down to Steve's as a convenient place to catch up on his recent travels. His photos of Egypt and India, along with the stories, kept us spellbound. On the darker side of life's necessities, I went over with him the state and federal income taxes due to be filed in a few days.


Good news today for the 24 "detainees" that China released today. In two days they will have a warm homecoming at one of our favorite places….Whidbey Island, part of San Juan Islands north of Seattle.


Excellent news received tonight….after the "cutoff". Remember the TV shows that talked about "when is the latest that you can call someone's house at night?"…well Brad and Rach called at 10:14. Debi was able to point them into a cheap "E-fare" of $100 each, round trip from KC to DIA. This will make a busy, fun filled weekend with Brad, Rach, and Jake, and Rob and Deb, joining those in Colorado, including Mom, Steve, Becky (on her return from England), Debi, Ben, Art, Anna, Susan and myself.



April 12, 2001, Thursday- early departure for three of us….so Sue could get to the eye doctor at 9:30 AM. Good news….surgery scheduled for three weeks from yesterday….May 2… either Lasic or PRK, depending on the final eye readings. Afterwards, over to the Park Meadows Mall to get presents for a few upcoming weddings.


Dinner at a new, for us, Bistro Adde Brewster in Cherry Creek with Debi….nice change of pace…quieter then Bandara's and they take reservations.


Nice to see the markets finish the week with a net up for the week. Maybe the bottom has been reached.