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April 17, 2001, Tuesday- Back to DIA at 9 AM to catch up with Phil and Karen as Phil departs for the first leg of the sailing trip to Alaska and back. Then, back to the coach to meet two friends of Bill's, Alan and Debbie, who are getting ready to start on the next phase of their life. Small world… Alan was a Family Dr who had interviewed years ago with Tom and Phil up in Vail.


Then, back to Steve's to finish the cleaning of his house, and finally, back to the coach. A lot of running around.


April 18, 2001, Wednesday- a day off from running. A leisurely walk through the Denver Botanical Gardens, followed by an hour walk around Cheesman Park and the lovely homes between 7th and 9th Avenue. What great architecture.


After picking up the Porsche from Steve's garage, we returned to Golden with both cars, only to turn around to meet Steve for dinner at 7 in Cherry Creek. The gas prices seemed to be going crazy….up 16 cents today alone. On the positive side Greenspan and company did the unexpected…..lowered the discount rate by ½ percent between meetings. So, the Dow was up 400 and the Nasdaq was up 170. The former is now back over 10,000 and the latter, back over 2000. Such a deal….a year ago it was over 5000.


April 19, 2001, Thursday- catch up day at the coach. Cleaned a/c and micro filters, replaced furnace filter, installed the new door switch and on/off switch that the washer/dryer people sent. All went smoothly and back together again. Amazing! Then did a load of wash and it was a good thing that we were in the coach to minimize the problem where water was coming out of the washer from every opening. Out the air vent line, around the door, out of the cabinet. A controlled mess. Back on the phone with the washer/dryer folks and we determined that when I was inspecting the pressure switch electrical hookup, I must have disconnected the vacuum line hose. This hose tells the switch that the water is up to the correct level to agitate. Naturally, without being hooked up, the machine kept filling. Another day, another of life's events.


Afterwards we did Debi a favor by replacing the grate in her BBQ grill. Dinner followed with her in Cherry Creek….again, quality time.


April 20, 2001, Friday- up to the coach roof to remove the "hail guards" that we had installed a year ago to remove the rust that had accumulated. Frustrating to have to drill out screws that were stripped and rivets. Soon we'll remove the rust, repaint and reinstall. But not today.


Bright spot of the day was meeting Don and Myrna at Cherry Creek for lunch. They've just returned from New York and were playing tourist in Denver for a few days. A more positive set of friends would be hard to imagine.


Today is the two-year anniversary of the terrible Columbine shooting. The memories are still alive.


Also, today is Holocaust Remembrance Day, and after watching Schindler's List, uninterrupted on PBS, again, the memories are painful.


April 21, 2001, Saturday- friends keep popping up….how nice! First, an hour walk around the Jeffco facilities complex just north of here provided some needed exercising. Then, lunch today at the DTC with Carol and Stan, LJ's folks, in from Minnesota for Kenny's wedding. So good to finally put a face and voice with our numerous e-mail's over the years. Afterwards we said so long to Steve as he and Becky head to Peru tomorrow morning. Next, a quick stop at Bill and Lani's to drop off some photos, and the next thing we knew, it was 11 PM and we had done about five stops with them and Molly. Did a quick computer photo program highlight with Bill, pizza dinner, an exercise equipment store, and a Blockbuster video. Whew! Forecast of 6 to 12 inches between tonight and the morning. Where is springtime?


Chatted with Phil on the phone and e-mails. Sounds like they are more likely not to make their scheduled Monday departure from Anacortes. Too many problems on the boat, the Wandering Eye. Everything they touch seems to need tweaking after the boat was in dry dock for the winter.


April 22, 2001, Sunday- the snow forecast was, unfortunately, on the money. With snow all last night and today, it was winter once again. But, would it stop us….no way. Brunch was with Debi, Amy and Sharon at the Wash Park Grill. Arriving at Amy's house to pick her up, we had two options…one to blow the horn….a no no for us, or exit the car and knock the door. But, lo and behold, the kids today do it another way….dial the cell phone. Different stokes for different folks. What a great buffet they have on Sundays, everything included, except the booze, for $12.95 per head. Did we have fun or what….you bet!


Hopefully Steve and Becky are heading to Macho Piccu…and feeling well. Becky was under the weather with a sore throat and fading as the week had progressed. It wouldn't be fun to camp out in 10-15 degree weather after hiking for 8 to 10 hours, and not feeling up to par.


Next, we joined the crowds at Cherry Creek Mall….with the weather outside as frightful, inside was delightful…..after one fought for a park space. Debi, Sharon, Susan and I did some moderate damage before returning to the coach to watch "Meet the Parents". A cute movie. By dinnertime the snow stopped and we ventured out to the "On the Border" Mexican joint for a spicy dinner. Hopefully the sun will be out tomorrow and melt this white stuff.


April 23, 2001, Monday- and early start up the hill- by 7 AM, for my "stress echo" in Vail at 9. The roads were in good shape, but every now and then large patches of ice had to be avoided. Good luck this morning spotting a herd of about 100 elk alongside I-70, below the Floyd Hill summit.


Being my first echo stress test I was anxious to see it going smoothly. Well, first they had to shave large parts of my chest. Fun. Then, using a type of sandpaper tape, rough up the skin. Just when it was rosy red, swab it with rubbing alcohol so it burns so nicely. Next, as they say in the computer field, time to become wired. Add all of the electrodes, blood pressure cuff, and oximeter, and we're ready for the static EKG's and echo pictures. Up onto the treadmill and wait for 15 minutes until it gets repaired (makes contact to start), and away we go. I did fine. Start level and slowly. Then higher and faster every few minutes. How to you know that you're done….some say they cry uncle. All I figured was that when my feet were losing ground, and I was getting close to the wrong side of the treadmill, it was time. Flop back onto the table, and quickly hold your breath while they take more echos. Did you ever try to stop breathing after running on the treadmill and being out of breath? Not easy. Everything looked good, I was given a gold star, and reminded that even though everything looks good, if you awake in the middle of the night with an elephant sitting on your chest, get to the ER fast!


Bumped into Sally at the hospital and spent a few minutes catching up. Too bad that her trip to Vancouver, the Kelowna Valley and Calgary will precede our visit by a week or two.


Dropped the bike rack off at Karen's and showed her how to use the equipment. She is still recovering from her dental surgery, and even water hurts. Can't brush her teeth (yucky she says….and that the mouthwash is painful).


Had a lovely visit with Gilda and Werner. She is getting around marvelously with her new hip, just aided by a walking crutch, and looking forward towards golf this summer and skiing next winter. Caught up on the local happenings, and all agreed that Molly is quite the precocious young lady.


Met Ben for lunch in Avon at Cassidy's Hole in the wall. Good to catch up with him and chat about his future business plans. I got lucky and he got luckier. Ben offered to treat me to lunch… he said….since he just finished an all expense free weekend with the family. I said thanks. The bill came….and lucky, lucky, lucky, his friends at Cassidy's had comped the lunches. All it cost was the tip. Should I tell him it was the thought that counts….or that he still owes me?


Returned to Denver where the sun did come out tomorrow. All the snow is history. Maybe now we can start on the spring projects.


April 24, 2001, Tuesday- running errands trying to get the Denver punch list completed. So, Hobbes went to the vet today, and $230 later he has all of his shots and most of his meds for the next year. With warm weather I got to start the refinish on our roof a/c hailguards….sanded out the rust and did the rustoleum primers.


Checked out the new Audi allroad Quattro. What a machine….an adjustable height SUV wagon with all wheel drive. Quite the package. To bad that it can't be towed behind the motor home.


Met Sharon at her hotel and went to the Potager restaurant on 12th and Ogden in Denver. A wonderful bottle of Claret at the bar for the three of us started the evening. As we had entered the restaurant, a gorgeous red 1964 Porsche 356 was parked outside. Naturally the woman that owned it was sitting next to us. One thing led to another and soon we were best of friends, with her being envious of our travels.


Debi arrived and we started dinner with some more of the grape for a great storytelling dinner that went as smooth as silk. It was an interesting menu in that it changes every 2 to 3 weeks based on what's in season. Only fresh, organic products are used, and each has a twist in presentation.


Heard from Phil and they seem to be losing ground. The more that they touch, the more that needs work on Howies' boat. Phil tried to compare it to our P-210 airplane. I reminded him that on the boat….he isn't a partner.


April 25, 2001, Wednesday- springtime starts with mid 70's today and 80's for tomorrow. Long walk around the Jeffco County buildings. Met Don and Myrna at the Lauren's Cherry Creek townhouse. Nice place with a definitely cool basement. She built and installed a climbing wall that starts at the lower wall corner and ascends in reverse steps to the 10 foot ceiling. Routes are mapped out on the hand and footholds in order to perform a climb. Its definitely something that you don't see in every home. Dinner was at Bandera's in Cherry Creek and the evening finished with a book signing session by Amy Borkowsky and her "Amy's Answering Machine". Cute stories about her Jewish mother's schtick with the absurd reminders on her answering machine. About 150 people attended.


Good news…Phil and Howie got underway today on the first leg of the Wandering Eye sailing/motoring trip up the inside passage. Good luck!


April 26, 2001, Thursday- time to spot wash Hobbes. Since the site that we are located at has poor drainage, we grabbed the hose, shampoo and Hobbes and went to an unoccupied back lot. Good idea. We used Dawn dishwashing soap. Too much. Large pile of soap suds on the ground and stuck in Hobbes.


Beautiful day, and we headed to Boulder for a drying walk with Hobbes. Naturally he was the hit of the Pearl Street Mall. All of the hippie, Rasta kids were all over him. Purple hair and wooden spikes through the nose didn't seem to bother him. Got lucky. Apparently dogs are not permitted on the pedestrian mall. Who reads signs? A gentleman told us that $50 fines are common…so we did the 90 degree walk away from Pearl Street.


Debi joined us for a quick dinner at the coach….squeezing us in between her numerous work and social life appointments.


April 27, 2001, Friday- with a borrowed pop rivet gun, I finished the a/c hail guard cover reinstallation on the coach roof. Surprisingly, it went without problems.


We drove over to the county park just past the Morrison exit. An hour's hiking got my heartbeat up and gave my lungs a good workout.



April 28, 2001, Saturday- first an hour's walk in the hills above the Dakota Ridge RV Park. Debi came over and we did a quick lunch, then another hour's walk around the Jeffco County complex. Hobbes was dragging by the end.


Susan and I spent a few hours working on the "Jake Travel Book", coordinating photos and making fun, graphic text to accompany the pictures. All were laminated and spring bound. It's a great looking memory book that hopefully will be a family treasure. Office Max did the lamination and binding at a very reasonable price.


Susan watched the Wonder Boys movie of the tube, and I worked on reformatting the web page to make it more user friendly. It's been almost two years since I had to work with the fresh linkage, but after a few false attempts, I got it up and running.


As heard on NPR Car Talk…."If you break wind in an echo chamber, you will never hear the end of it!"


April 29, 2001, Sunday- David and Paula returned from a week in London last night. Steve and Becky return tomorrow morning.


Got a call from Phil who made it up to Campbell River, on Vancouver Island. Opened his e-mail travel log and couldn't believe the events that transpired in just four days into the adventure. Winds, river traffic, floating logs, and stuck sails challenged the two brothers. The weather was as we've been following on the web…..highs in the mid 40's and rain, accompanied by high winds. Phil was debating if they should stay another night in Campbell River to let the weather pass. The problem is that they have to cross the Seymour Narrows at 11:30 tomorrow, and an hour and a half latter each following day. This passage must be done at slack tide. Even the big cruise ships only cross at the appropriate time. Their downside problem is that they have to cruise another 40 or 50 miles beyond the narrows before there is suitable anchorage.


Dinner was at Debi's house with 4 of her girlfriends. Many laughs and too much great food.



April 30, 2001, Monday- took the Jeep over to the dealer this morning after experiencing some transmission slippage over the weekend. Bad news….just to open the transmission and change a $30 piston that controls the second to third gear shifting, $1700 of labor. Might as well add another $100 or $200 for a rebuild kit for the seals, etc. If other parts are needed, the price goes up. The good news is that we noticed the problem now and not in the middle of Nowheresville in northern British Columbia.


So, we got into the little blue car and headed


up to Vail for the final dentist visits. Paul does such a good job that it's really painless dentistry. Susan got her filling replaced and I got my cap installed.


Steve and Becky made it home from Peru this morning after traveling all night from Lima. Maybe tomorrow night we can get the stories first hand.