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February 1, 2001, Thursday- perfect weather start for the month with highs in the low 80's and lows in the mid 60's. First we had an hour and a half of tennis. 8/6 good match. Afterwards we headed up to North Naples to the tennis shop…to check out our racquets. After laying around for the better part of 15 years, it's time to look at the stringing. We couldn't' believe that all it took was $20 per to be restrung.


February 2, 2001, Friday- another 10 day. Time to see if the bikes still worked. We put the bikes in the Jeep and headed to south Naples. Parked near the beach and headed north. After 11 miles of passing condos, homes, beaches, high rises, and golf courses, we turned around. A gorgeous ride. Afterwards, an outdoor lunch at Wynn's on Fifth St. ended a great afternoon.


Friday night services on Marco Island. Beautiful service. Interesting sermon from the Rabbi about how the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians will never be resolved by the parties negotiating. Diametrically opposed. No halfway possible. The real problem in the current situation is that the Arab's are trying to create a massacre of their women and children that will get blown out of proportion by the international community, resulting in a new international committee redistributing the land on their behalf.


February 3, 2001, Saturday- lots of options for today's activities. Decided to head east along US 41, and stopped at the Fakahatchee Strand State Preserve, voted one of the best in the state. Faka stands for dirty and hatchee stands for water, according to the local Indian tribes. After a boardwalk walk through the swamp (a forest growing in a river), some of the largest Bald Cypress Trees were evident. Many of the trees are covered by the "Strangler Fig Tree". This unusual tree starts growing from seeds transported by wildlife to another tree notch. Upwards grow the limbs, and downward grow the roots which look like fingers and vines choking the host team. Scary on a Halloween night. Quite a few alligators at the end of the walk, along with herons and other wildlife.


Next came the Everglades City Seafood Fair. After 30 minutes and some fresh stone crabs, we hit the road. Too many people and too little air.


We wound up at the Paradise Shrimp Company on Marco Island, a too die for fresh fish, shrimp and gourmet foods. With fresh soft shelled blue point crabs, and a pound of still wiggling large shrimp, Susan created a dinner at home that would have been an easy $50 per head at a good restaurant. She did GREAT!


Afterwards we watched the start of the XFL football game. After part of a quarter, it was painful to observe so off it went forever.


February 4, 2001, Sunday- with the temperatures getting back to normal for an extended time, we extended the big awning and sunshade, and refastened it to the concrete patio. Now we are set for the next six weeks.


We called Mom and decided to take her and Elaine out for dinner, so off we go along Alligator Alley. This time we got to see hundreds of gators along the everglade swamp next to the highway. Fortunately there is a fence that separates the two legged and four legged animals.


Dinner at Mario's , a local Italian eatery, was good. Too good….ate too much…


As we returned home to Naples, Susan picked up the phone and it was Joy Levy calling from Princeton. Joy and Marion were helpful 30 year's ago in getting our first Komondor, Kibbutz. They also took Kibby when we headed west to Vail in 1977. Joy had gotten the business card that we had given the woman in Mesa, Arizona, back in November who had one of Joy's Komondors. She remembered us and said that Susan still looked the same. (We have a photo of us on the card). Levy said that Kibby was a great, well-trained dog when we returned him in '77 to the Levy's as we headed to Vail. He lived a long life. Nice to know. Small world. Joy had also placed Marley, the Komondor that Sandy and Don own in their 1999 American Eagle at Pelican Lake in Naples. With a little luck, we shall get to see them this week.


February 5, 2001, Monday…after a bad night…my feet started up again, the day proceeded better, and by the end of the day, back to normal. In the meantime I finished Mom's taxes…not too bad this year, we hit some golf balls…and either we should hit more often (it's been about a month), or play more tennis.


Monday, movie night….saw George Cluny in "O Bother"…light and whimsical, some good acting, but not a must see picture.


Watched a TV show a few nights ago with some home film footage on tornados, one of the earliest films and as one watched the rotating cloud of debris, it looked like pieces of wood and metal, tiles, etc. Upon a close-up of the film, one could see that these were cars being spun in the funnel. Scary, with winds in the hundreds of miles per hour…..much stronger then most hurricanes.



February 6, 2001, Tuesday- off to the Habitat homes today with Larry. Since our finish work (re Larry's), is so good, they set us up to install the front and rear entry doors of two homes. Between the two of us, it went fine. A record for Larry because he has never done 4 before (usually working by himself).


Our group went again out for lunch at the Isle Of Capri dockside eatery, and the next thing I know …we are each buying 4 pounds of fresh stone crabs from a man selling them bag by bag from his truck. The other guys said he is a crabber that sells to lots of restaurants and he works these restaurants with the extras from the current catch. $20 was a steal. Although these were mediums, the large stone crabs were $15.95 per pound at the Paradise Shrimp Seafood store. Wonderful dinner.


Now the refrigerator is dying. For the last few evenings, the ice cream has been like soup. I stuck a thermometer in the freezer, and it's at 25 degrees. The big box, at 46. not acceptable. On Thursday the repairman comes to inspect. Meanwhile we're supplementing the cold with some bags of ice.


Hank and Linda invited us to join them at Pelican Lake's comedian night…a great entertainer, Bob Posch, provided almost two hours of nonstop music and jokes. Enjoyed by all!



February 7, 2001, Wednesday…at 11 we went over to see Sandy and Don and their Komondor Marley, in Pelican Lake, where they have a 1999 American Eagle. Their dog was, small world, gotten via Joy Levy in Princeton, where our first Komondor came from, and the dog that we met in Mesa, AZ came from. Small world!


They are renting for two months in Pelican. Cheap lots, unimproved, off the lake, sell from $75 to $85 thousand. Add landscape, concrete and shed, and you have in over $100. On the lake $250 + and on the point, over $300. Or you could rent for $65 per night, $2000 per month. I think we have a steal at Paradise Pointe for $610 per month on the lake.


Their dog, Marley was in heat and wearing a diaper. After she and Hobbes had a little go at it, shall we say, they gave each other room and were ok for the two hour visit.


Even though my back was tight and my feet still uncomfortable, we hit some tennis balls and couldn't believe the power we added via the restringing.


While grilling dinner we watched the shuttle lift off on the TV from Cape Kennedy. A few moments later we looked up and there was the shuttle climbing in the distance. Pretty cool!


At 7:30 the Marco Island Jewish Center had an evening program featuring Gail Scott, a Washington news reporter and writer, and the Ambassador to the US from Iceland. They talked about the Washington scene of what ambassadors do and the changes caused by the new electronic world. Very light and informative.


Next, Irv and Beth invited us to their home on Marco, where, after picking up some playing cards, at 10 PM we started teaching them how to play Euchre. After almost two hours, Irv had a great feel of the game and Beth was coming around. For us it was a late night, but they still had to head north an hour to Fort Meyers Airport to pickup family at 1 AM. Whew!


February 8, 2001, Thursday- this morning I finished the other Fantastic Fan. Being the second one it only took ½ the time of the first change. Now with the reversing capabilities of inflow and outflow, we have all the options at our fingertips.


Went shopping for replacement tires for the Jeep. First Goodyear Dealer, a company shop, was $30 a tire higher then the other franchise holder. Not content with the situation, I called Denver and it's another $5 per tire less….and since we don't need them until Alaska, we'll wait for another 8 weeks. Did the same on the Jeep's 90,000 mile service….Denver cheaper then Naples by over $100. Worth the phone call.


Our refrigerator repairman was due at 2:30. At three we called the office and they said don't worry, he'll be there. At 5:30 we called again and got an answering machine. The pits! Do we wait, or go about our business and catch a movie? Finally they called and arrived at 7:30. One look at the outside and the only question….is it under warrantee? A new motor is needed. Maybe it will be here in a week…..since it weighs 63 pounds...overnight freight is not an option on our part.


February 9, 2001, Friday- arrived at Jerry & Lois's to await the installation of their bath mirrors and shower enclosure and the replacement dining table from Rooms to Go. Well, not everything goes as planned. I arrived just before 8 and found their apartment unlocked. Everything inside was fine, so it must have been some worker that just failed to do the locking thing. At 8:30 I called the glass place and they were only coming to measure, not to install. So, that will be another day.


At 10:30 the new table arrives. Out goes the old with the frame screw that came through the surface and in comes the new. I take a look at the new leaf and it's marred. Naturally the old table leaf had different pin alignments, so, another day something will get done. Then the hurricane shutter people show to add some remote switches to the storm system. I commend Jerry and Lois for the way their place looks, and wonder how they got all the pieces to fit…from condo items, to furnishings to accent pieces. Wow!


Susan and I did lunch at the Waterside Shopping Center- great salads. Then we did a 2 hour walk along the Clam Pass Beach. Perfect weather for the afternoon.


After some shopping at Costco and the Publix, we arrived home, and my feet were feeling the pain, worse then the last few days. By the time we left for Shabbat services at Marco, more pain. After services, more. Time for some prednisone. The highlight of the service was the honoring of one of the congregants on her 95th birthday. This women was wonderful with a light and spry way, able to walk the stage stairs without assist of even a handrail, and enjoyed a wonderful sense of humor. We should all be so lucky.


Only ½ inch of rain has fallen in the last 150 days. Severe drought in Southern Florida.


February 10, 2001, Saturday- the feet went from bad to not bad, to okay by the end of the day. The meds kicked in, thank goodness.


Shopped for Valentines Day presents for the kids, and went to the movies an hour early to see one of the new hits. An hour early, three of the tops were sold out. Saw "The Gift", a film about a widowed psychic. Suspense and intrigue!


February 11, 2001, Sunday- today we headed to the east…..60 miles to be exact, to Shark Valley National Park. This place offers a two hour tram tour covering 15 miles in the Everglades, and the time went like "zip", gone. Viewing dozens of types of birds, fish, turtles and of course, the alligators, was nature at it's best. After the trams we did the same route with our bikes. Our guide filled us with bits of knowledge, some of which we remember and can include here. Alligators lay their eggs in a prepared nest. The sex of the eggs are not determined at the time of depositing in the nest, but are determined based on the nesting temperatures. If it gets to 91 or above, all the eggs will be males. At 90 or below, only females. Also, we watched small water fowl turn their necks, pick feathers, and swallow the same. Why? So that they can protect their tender stomachs before diving for the fish whose scales could damage the unprotected areas. Nature is pretty cool.


February 12, 2001, Monday- we've never been to Tiger Tail Beach on Marco Island, and it's supposed to be one of the best. Susan and I were not misled. With a small lagoon and a few barrier islands, in a word….beautiful. Our path continued to the south, another 3 miles of walking along the surf. With the tide being low, the beach was wiiiidddeeee. Many large condos and hotels along the southern route, but it still had an upscale look with many water crafts for rent. Hobbie Cats, wave runners, parasailers, endless.


February 13, 2001, Tuesday- my friend Larry that I usually join for Habitat was preoccupied today so I went to Habitat without my escort. Nice change of pace and a lot of sweat today. A group of 20 or 30 of us raised all of the roof trusses and nailed them into place, followed by building and installing all of the interior walls. Not bad for four hours of work. It felt good to hammer away!


Good news from the RV Doctor….our refrigerator motor came in today and they will come tomorrow afternoon to get the installation done. It will be a nice change of pace not having to add bags of ice to the freezer and refrigerator to help the ailing motor.


February 14, 2001, Wednesday- after hitting a few golf balls this morning, we returned to the coach by noon to wait for the refrigerator repairman. By one we called and found out that he would be here between three and four. At four we arranged that we'd leave him a key and he could do his thing at 7 for 2 to 3 hours. We weren't thrilled, but the alternative would be Saturday or next Wednesday. Not good, we thought that by the time we finished our Valentine's Day feast, our ice box would be working. Not to be done….now it's tomorrow morning, and everything that we have in the refrigerator and freezer, is now in the sink under some fresh ice and a few towels. Fortunately, most of the important things have been finished…so whatever doesn't make it wont we a big deal.


Our diner at the Mangrove Café was sumptuous. Great feast. Food and beverage up there on a scale of 10.



February 15, 2001, Thursday- finally at noon the refrig guy shows up. Almost first thing in the morning. The remove the screws and connections on the outside, and the trim and screws on the inside….and you know what…nothing happens. They can't get the box out of the cabinet. Calls to Norcold, the manufacturer….if the walls and insulation have expanded so that the box can't come out of the cabinet do what you need to do to remove the box. Sacrifice the refrigerator if needed and we'll send a new refrigerator.


It seems that these boxes have no shell around them since they fit into a tight cabinet, as opposed to a free standing home box with metal sides. With the expansion and contraction, they change shape and adhere to the cabinet. The pits. If the box can't come out in one piece we'll send a new one. Since this four door refrigerator is so big, it would require the front windshields to be pulled to remove and install a new box. Not what we want. It's nice to know that the manufacturer stands behind everything….but still….


After an hour of pulling, and twisting the box finally came out in one piece. Installation of the new cooling system took another hour and a half. Four hours total, we're plugged in, up and running. Now, just give it 24 hours to reach full coolness. It's a good thing this was under warrantee. If we had to pay for the $1500 part, freight, taxes and labor, it would have been well over $2000. Whew!


Since we couldn't do anything to help it cool, we hit a few golf balls and then did a little Mexican restaurant down the block. What a find. Everything fresh and homemade. Not your taco place, but creative dishes at reasonable prices.



February 16, 2001, Friday - a wonderful morning…..drove over to the Brigg's Nature Conservancy and rented a canoe. For the next hour and a half we paddled in the mangrove protected waters along a marked trail. Beautiful by any definition. Afterwards we walked along the half mile boardwalk and were fortunate enough to have a naturalist volunteer accompany us along the walk that covered five different eco systems. Just looking at the mangrove plants we learned how the red, white and black varieties each dispel the salt water absorbed in the brackish areas, in a totally different manner. Even the shapes of the leaves are different. Nature is amazing!


We went to temple tonight and saw Hank and Linda. Afterwards Hank mentioned that the developer was closing out the last lots in Pelican Lake at a discounted price to the existing homeowners. We could step in at a great price for an entry level lot. Our imagination was tweaked, and we agreed to meet tomorrow morning at the sales office to see which of any of the 30 or 40 lots were still available.


February 17, 2001, Saturday- we met the salesman at 8:30 as he drove into the place and he gave us 15 minutes to determine if we wanted one of the three lots left. We came back and took out our checkbook to the distain of people waiting behind us to step up to the place for our lot. Closing will be March 3 or sooner.


Since we got it for $25,000 less then what would have been the 1st of March price, we felt that we couldn't be too far off the mark.


Tonight was a steak dinner at Pelican Lake, about 150 people there, and we dined with four other American Eagle owners. A good time had by all!


February 18, 2001, Sunday- out by 8 and over to the cemetery where Dad is buried. The bronze grave marker is now in place for about 14 ½ years. So yesterday we picked up some bronze cleaner and worked for an hour on the metal. It came out about 80% like new. Not bad for the time that it's been exposed to the elements.


Next, on to Mom, pick up Elaine and then Hilda, Paula's Mom, for a deli lunch. Afterwards back to Hilda's assisted living facility in a former Hilton Hotel structure. Her apartment was lively and cheerful, with a beautiful view overlooking the Invernary golf course.


After an early dinner, we arrived back in Naples by 9 PM, a full and busy day.


February 19, 2001, Monday- Bob and Elaine came over this afternoon and we gave them the 50 cent tour of motor home parks. We did ours, Paradise Pointe, the KOA down the block and then Silver Lakes, an ownership park. Afterwards they were wowed at Pelican Lake where our new lot is located. They definitely got an education both as to properties and coaches. Dinner in our coach followed by lots of Vail stories.


February 20, 2001, Tuesday- it must be Habitat day….so off to hang some closet doors, install some cabinets and counter tops. Got to see what happens with lots of Indians and too few chiefs. If we installed the bathroom cabinets and counter top the door would either not close, or require an inch notch to clear the countertop. Someone framed the door wall with an extra stud, and the next guys installed the door and frame. Now us poor cabinet guys had to remove the door, frame and casing, as well as the drywall and the extra stud. It's always something!


February 21, 2001, Wednesday- Happy Birthday David. After waiting at Jerry and Lois's place the service tech showed regarding their dining table. Oh, that's the way they all are! That damage is nothing. The office will probably call and offer a cash settlement or send another table.


A gorgeous walk along the Naples Beaches provided today's exercise for me, but Susan did a 7:30 exercise class over at Pelican Lake, our new RV Park. She felt sore after the full hour workout.


This evening we attended a great panel discussion between the Marco Island Rabbi, a local Reverend and a local Pastor, regarding the Sanctity of Life. Very spirited. Great evening.


February 22, 2001- Thursday- helped out Jerry and Lois today as the glass company installed their shower enclosure. Looks good. Followed with an hour walk along the town docks checking out the fishing boats returning with their day's catch. One boat that went our 50 miles was loaded to the gills with grouper and snapper. Good eating.


February 23, 2001, Friday- over to Pelican Lake with Bob and Elaine to view the 15 or so "show coaches". They had not seen coaches ranging up to 1.5 million dollars. Quite the show!


February 24, 2001, Saturday- we finally got to join Bob and Elaine on their boat for a trip to Sanibel Island. Temps were in the mid 80's a perfect day to be on the water. What could be bad?


Found out that some folks seem to have an unlimited supply of money. Imagine spending $275,000 for floor covering in your 4400 square foot condo? But, that's small potatoes…when a layer of plywood is place on the studs before the sheetrock goes on to provide a solid base for the $3,000,000 of artwork that will be hung on the walls. And we complain when gas goes up a nickel?


Strange one coming back…..just before we got on the highway I was watching my rear view mirror, and just like the movies, in slow motion, I see this pickup coming across the rear end of the car behind me. Bang, car heads towards the ditch, truck gets partially airborne and follows car into ditch. I don't know where the truck came from, and it didn't look like anyone got hurt, but wow, what a backward glance!


February 25, 2001, Sunday- time to trim the trees over at Pelican Lake. Borrowed some clippers from Ray and toured the other trimmed lots to see what the final result should be. A 4.5 foot high pile of palm fronds was the result of our first four tree trimmings. Two more to go!


February 26, 2001, Monday- After Susan got beat up at exercise class this morning, we joined Howie and Pam at their country club in Vanderbilt Beach for 18 holes. It a gorgeous course with lots of challenge where one can get into trouble. Water and rough abound. I played lousy and lost about a dozen balls, but had a super time catching up on old times.


A strange accident this morning when a 120 foot ferry from Fort Meyers to Key West was involved with a 22 foot fishing boat. Visibility in the fog was 5 to 10 feet. One dead and two injured on the fishing boat. Even with two radars on the ferry and repeated fog horns….each going at 20-25 knots….bad news.


February 27, 2001, Tuesday- over to Habitat where Larry and I did a few counter tops and installed a few drop down attic step systems. Meanwhile, Susan helped out Jerry and Lois letting an appraiser into their condo for a refinance.


At 2 we headed over to Pelican Lake to sign on the dotted line for our new lot. It's looking good. Next, hand in hand over to Marco Island South Beach for a walk into the sunset, watching four dolphins playing in the surf.


February 28, 2001, Wednesday- 8 am departure over to Mom's and at 10:30 onto the bus for a luncheon theater performance of "Some Like It Hot". A wonderful performance in the round. Well done, good singers, dancers and actors. By 9:30 arrived back in Naples. A busy but good day.


Finished another month without rain. Good for tourism, but not for the state which is getting like a tinderbox.