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 March 1, 2001, Thursday- one step forward and two steps backwards. Went to Jerry and Lois's to let the glass men install the two bathroom mirror sets. On the master wall they miss cut the glass and have to come back tomorrow. In the second bath they touched the two light wires and shorted something out. No breaker is flipped, no GFI out, but no power in the fixture. So, maybe tomorrow they can bring back an electrician and find the problem.

For the first time since we arrived in Florida, we went to the pool. Nice temps, Susan did some laps, and I lounged in the water.

Met Beth and Irv for dinner on Marco Island followed by some hot Euchre.

It's now 150 days with less then a total of ½ inch of measurable moisture in Naples. Definitely a record lack of water. The lake behind our coach is about two feet lower then when we arrived.


March 2, 2001, Friday- Back to Jerry and Lois's where the mirror guys finished there install and also got a replacement light switch. Now the place is just about finished. Got back to the coach and we did a 1.5-hour scrub job on Hobbes. He is now super clean (at least for Hobbes).

The foot pain has now switched from the left foot to the right foot. Still trying to do without the medication. To be determined if I can succeed.

Our last service at the Marco temple was as delightful as the first one in December. My how the time in Florida has flown by.


March 3, 2001, Saturday- over to Pelican Lake for the American Heart Association charity events. One was a dog walk….Hobbes was one of 23 dogs entered, including Marley, the other Komondor residing in Pelican. He was spruced up with a blue bandana and a pair of sunglasses. Definitely a character! Afterwards were drawings for door prizes and a silent auction. Last year some $1500 were raised. Found out that this year it was over $3500. Good job!

My sign making experience came in handy today as I helped Dick and Judy install some American Eagle graphics on their tow car. It was fortunate that I could help since the computer cutting equipment was set too deeply, and only my professional experience could save the graphics.



March 4, 2001, Sunday- started the day working on Debi's taxes. Such fun. She came out about as well, or poorly, as last year.

Then we headed north and visited Bob and Elaine in Bonita Bay. Lots of old stories and a so long until we see them again in November, back in Naples. They will be in Colorado this summer, but we shall be in Alaska.

The big rain scheduled for today turned out to be a few showers totaling about 30 minutes. Gas in Lee County is about 10 cents a gallon less then in Collier County….no price fixing involved I'm sure.

Had to start on the prednisone today after the pains started back in the left foot after swinging from the left to the right and now back again over the last few days.


March 5, 2001, Monday- Susan again did the early morning exercise class while I caught up on the February web page. Next, over to Costco to fill the freezer with meats and fish, and replenish the wine cellar. Although the winds were 30 to 40 MPH behind yesterday's cold front, we attempted to hit golf balls at the driving range. Tricky…hit left to go right when the wind goes whoooosh…..

Irv and Beth come over for dinner and to continue the Euchre championship. As good as I was with Beth last time, tonight neither of us could pull a hand. Lost four, painful as it is to say, straight games.

On Saturday morning three men went out in a 20 foot open boat to do some scuba diving. They were to return before mid afternoon, when the weather was to change. By midnight the police were informed. On Sunday night we saw the local TV news and the wives of the men were on the air asking for people to be on the lookout for their men. We thought that they must have been goners. This morning a friend of theirs went out in his Cessna and found the three men 10 miles off the coast, clinging to their overturned boat, wearing their scuba gear for floatation. A miracle to have survived the two days in the water and then to have been found. Their boat sprung a leak and in less then 2 minutes was sinking. The first wave inverted the vessel. No time to broadcast an SOS. Lucky!


March 6, 2001, Tuesday- the wind that started yesterday after the front passed by on Sunday- continued through the day. It was so strong that just hitting a bucket of golf balls was a challenge with the balls blowing off the tees and hats going off the heads. It was too windy to even do any of the cleaning that beckons me on the outside of the coach and car.

Nice dinner with Larry and Phyllis…so long to them until next year.

Yesterday we received an update from Phil regarding his sailing trip from April into July, asking if we wanted to join he and Karen for three weeks to sail from Juneau in Alaska to Prince Rubert in Canada. 500 miles of inland passage. Temperatures for the June period should be temperate in the 50's, and a lot dryer then in April and May. If we decided to join them for the sail, that would put off the Alaskan trip for another year. Arriving in Prince Rupert, 1600 miles south of Anchorage around July 1, would prevent us from going to the Alaskan mainland without having to rush through the countryside. So many decision, so little time. If we do the trip with P&K, we would have to fly from Prince Rupert to Juneau, while finding a storage facility for the coach and a kennel/house sit for Hobbes.


March 7, 2001, Wednesday- we had to cancel the pontoon boat reserved for today….still too cool and windy - but we still had lunch with our Pelican /American Coach friends…...a nice waterfront restaurant called Moran's at Goodland. Susan did her morning exercise class….and her muscles are getting too big to mess around with her!

While cleaning the Jeep this morning I noticed that the front bumper that was repainted two years ago down here was discoloring. So, over to the Jeep body shop and they said no problem….fully guaranteed….come in next Tuesday morning and we will repaint it. Nice to have responsible people.

We've been watching the Jeep tires since we arrived three months ago. Today we determined that we had enough rubber to be towed into Denver, but if we ran into snow while the coach was parked during the two weeks of travel, they were pretty thin to qualify as snow tires. So stopped off at the local Goodyear shop and they will have the right tires in for us to mount next week.

Our saga of which summer trip will be at the top of the selection list came closer to the determination point after spend a few emails and phone conversations with Phil and Karen today. It now looks like we will park the coach and the Hobbes in Prince Rupert, BC on the 5th of June. On the 6th we will board the Alaskan Ferry at 1 PM, with a reserved stateroom, and arrive in Juneau on the 7th at 1:45 PM. Not bad….twenty four hours and forty five minutes, with two intermediate stops.

The schedule calls for us to depart on the 8th and arrive on the 27th back in Prince Rupert. Howie's sailboat, the "Wandering Eye" only motors at 5 knots. Sometimes the tides are 5 knots. So, as they say….go with the flow. Find a cove or harbor when the current flows the other way and just make sure that the the coves and harbors won't go empty if the tide goes out. A challenge! Almost three weeks of motoring for the same thing that the big ship does in one day.

Afterward we head eastward in the motor home with P&K. (They will have friends bring up their coach and the dogs prior to our boat arriving into Prince Rupert). Hopefully we'll spend a good part of July with P&K, and then head across Canada at our leisure, arriving in Hamburg, NY in mid-September.


March 8, 2001, Thursday- departure at 0800. Cross alligator alley. Arrive at Mom's. Drop off Hobbes….off to meet Mark and Stacie for a round of golf at the Inverary Country Club. Mark and I go back to the summer of 1950. Just a few years. Last time we saw them was in Albany, NY, 18 months ago. Perfect weather. Struggling golf. Great company. That's all that matters.

Did shopping with Mom at Costco and Publix for tomorrow's dinner. Goodies starting to accumulate.

David and Paula's flight arrived 30 minutes late at 11 PM….late night for all with them appearing here at Mom's after the Cinderella hour of midnight! Soon it was 2 AM.

March 9, 2001- Friday- off to Costco again, Publix again, Home Depot and a few other stops. D&P visited with Hilda, and did a few dozen stops with her. The projects never stop. By six the banquet feast was ready with we six, plus Gracie, Mark and Stacie, and Joe and Pearl. A noisy evening with lots of laughs. We figured out that the last time Mark and David saw each other was in 1972, a few seasons ago!


March 10, 2001, Saturday- today was Elaine's 80th birthday party at Gibby's. Her kids, Bob and Sharon and spouses Mary and Marty came down from New Jersey, along with grandchildren and nieces and nephews. A total of 60 for lunch in a private room. Did my good deed for the day. As I went to the parking lot to retrieve the car for the ladies, a woman needed a jump for her car battery, after leaving the lights on when she parked, three hours earlier. After returning to the restaurant to get our passengers, Mom asked me to describe the woman that needed assistance….well…..short, old, white hair and glasses….it only described 90% of the women at the party.


March 11, 2001- Sunday- a busy day. First we headed off to Mizner Park, a redevelopment area of Boca Raton. Its definitely where the yuppies go, with sidewalk cafes, heavy landscaping, and upscale stores.

We stopped at Mom's to finish some of the last minute projects of electrical and plumbing. Always something! At six we headed south to Miami Beach where we cruised Ocean Drive and Collins Avenue. Next over to Lincoln Road Mall where dozens and dozens of street-side cafes, shops and restaurants were in abundance. Dinner was at the Pacific Time Café, an upscale watering hole, highly rated by Zagats. In my book, way over rated. Service was professional but negligent, and my food was too many notches below the standard for this type of establishment, but, a great time was had by all. While we walked along Lincoln Rd, we saw a Segall Sculpture of a women with suitcase, train case and newspaper. I wondered how such a lovely work could be exposed, outside to all of the elements. After several minutes I saw the sculpture move. Wow….it was a street person earning some green. After a person deposited money into her collection box, she would bow a thank you and change her position. Very cool!

Afterwards, on Sharon's suggestion we headed to the Delano Hotel on Collins Avenue. What a happening place that was. There were rooms in the lobby, outside on the lawn, around the pool, at the beach….tons of cozy sitting areas, just like out of a movie. Little cabana seating areas with drapes for privacy. Bars and food services throughout. It was one of those art deco places that just oozed life and electricity.

Almost 1 AM when we returned.


March 12, 2001, Monday- all good things must come to an end. Said so-long to David and Paula and Mom. Headed westward for an hour and a half, and got the new tires put on the Jeep. Runs as smooth as silk.

Then we went to Publix to get some cash from the ATM and pickup up a few groceries. Got the green stuff and did our shopping. Arrived at the checkout stand….no credit card. Had the wallet and the cash, but no Visa. Had to cancel that one. They will send a replacement on Wednesday (just missed the cutoff for tomorrows delivery by 15 minutes). Fun part will be having to call all of those companies that we charge our monthly fees to the credit card…since by tomorrow we shall have a new number.

Finally, went to an owner's meeting at Pelican Lake Resort….listened to nine potential board members describe the takeover process during the next month as the developer hands the project over to the owners.

Miserable day on the stock marked, down 400+ on the DOW and another 100+ on the NASDAQ. We must be near a bottom…..


March 13, 2001, Tuesday- at the Jeep dealership at 8 to get the front bumper repainted. They didn't know why the paint failed after two years, but were ready, willing and able to make it 100%. By noon I was on the way back to the coach.

Susan and I met Pam and Howie for an early dinner at the Dockside Restaurant….great seafood….maybe our last fresh fish for a long time! Afterwards a walk along the beach, catching the sunset, fit the bill of a great evening.


Congratulations to Karen for a hole in one on an 80 yard par three in Arizona. Job well done.

Got our new credit card number and called the 10 or so folks that have direct monthly bills. Then returned to Publix for some food and stopped by the service counter. Naturally our credit card was there waiting for us. A clerk found it by the ATM machine and brought it to the office. Naturally they received it after we had finished our shopping yesterday. Oh well, at least it's nice to know that there are honest people around. Tomorrow our new cards should arrive.


March 14, 2001, Wednesday- say good-bye Lucy…..visited our lot in Pelican Lake….opened the windows in the shed a crack to keep the air circulating. Said good-bye to Hank and Linda, Dick and Judy, Ray and Jeanette….until the rally in Hamburg, NY in October. Signed for our new credit cards, so we are in business, ready to shop.

Back up in the air regarding our summer. The boat may not be available in June, so we are ready to swing back to plan "A", the Alaskan drive. Either way….stay tuned!