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March 15, 2001, Thursday- bad nights sleep…..maybe the anticipation of getting on the road again? Maybe the 350 point loss in yesterday's DOW? Whatever..

Jacks up and on the road by 7. With a little luck our journey will take us north just behind a big wet weather systems. That system should blow through before we get to each leg. Today's northern trip had it's first stop 400 miles north of Naples, at milepost 2 in Georgia. Yes, cheap fuel. Diesel in Naples was $1.60 to $1.70 per gallon. At the Flying J, it's $1.21. Much more civilized. Drove to Perry, GA, for a total day of 520 miles. Easy trip along I-75. In fact, of the 1240 miles of the trips, about 1200 are on I-75. Shouldn't get too lost!

Arrived at our selected campground in Perry and found out that all of the campgrounds are full. Tomorrow starts a 6700 coach rally in the Perry Fairgrounds. But, they let us dry camp for $5 for the night. No problem.

Jacks went down at our dry camping spot, and "pop". The driver's windshield pops with long cracks. Good news is that we are going to factory where they can replace it without any problem. Better to happen on the way in then the way out of Decatur.


March 16, 2001, Friday- easy day with 350 miles to Raccoon Valley, TN into an Escapees Park. Dry camping again….free. Since we are self-contained with water, battery (generator if needed), one more night of dry camping is no problem.

A bad finish to a bad week on the market, down another 200. One of the worst weeks ever, especially coupled with the prior Friday's wreck. It's time for Greenspan to see the light and do something.

Our trip did pass through Georgia and Tennessee today. Gorgeous spring blooming with dogwoods, azaleas and forsythias in full color.

Good news and bad news for Stephen today….the good news is that he and Becky are going to go to Peru to hike Machu Picchu. He already got the airfare down to reasonable. United wanted $4100 each. On American they are at $800 each. Out on a Sunday and returning on a Sunday redeye. It will be pushing with a four day hike to the mountain, and then 11,000 up, and back in 7 days, but they will have a guide and schlepper so only a day pack will need to be carried.

The other side of the coin is that his company's stock fell from 5 ½ to 2 ¾ this week after they announced lower then expected revenue for the current quarter. It will be a slow climb to get back up after having disappointed the street.


March 17, 2001, Saturday-the last 400 miles of our Florida to Indiana trip went easily, with our trailing the weather. Other then a little mist, it was a clear shot. Arrived in Decatur as the snow in the parking lot, from overnight, was melting. But it definitely wasn't 82 and sunny. How about 35? It was an easy trip with I-75 taking us from Naples to 35 miles east of Decatur, in Ohio, before we had to leave the interstate.

Filled with fuel at the Flying J in northern Kentucky, wow, $1.19 per gallon. Too bad we could only add 100 gallons. This was the first "J" that we've seen that was setup correctly with regard to their propane station. Most have them next to the first "RV" island fuel area. The only problem is that some are set up with the island on the left, and some the right side of the station property. Thus, propane is sometimes on the correct side and sometimes on the wrong side of the filler. Did you ever try to come in against the flow of traffic to fill on the opposite side when there are 5 or 6 coaches in line to fill fuel from the other side? Not a pretty site. This one was set up to fill from the "RV" side and from the truck side, providing easy filling. Finally some smart thinking.


March 18, 2001, Sunday- a gorgeous day in Decatur….that's taking everything into account….sunny, no wind, high 30's. Could be worse. Watched Tiger Woods win his first victory in 6 months of PGA play. Good tournament to watch since he had make a birdie putt on 18 in order to clinch the victory….not a runaway.


March 19, 2001, Monday- 5 AM came too quickly and at 6 the coach was inside the warm and secure service center. Better then being outside and 17 degrees. Once again the swarm of busy bees were all over the coach, with no item being too small to be tweaked. By the end of the day they had made very good progress on our punch list.

Heard some good news today. For those that remember the accident that we witnessed in Louisiana last December, where we saw a crushed white sedan and an 2000 American Eagle motor home that had trees coming of the roof…..our hearts had gone out to the people in the car, and we wondered about the people in the Eagle. We're not 100% sure of the details, but we met folks who are friends of the couple that own the Eagle…..something fishy happened. We don't know if they were switching drivers going down the road or not (apparently our sources say that sometimes this couple did that bad bad move). In any case, the wife said that she was driving and doesn't recall the accident. Our sources say that she became distracted and left the Interstate. She couldn't get back onto the road. The coach hit a tree chipping machine. A pile of trees hit the coach and the roof. That explained how the trees we observed were coming out of the roof. When they hit the contractor's equipment, they hit something solid and the coach's generator, located below the floor on the front end of the coach, became stationary, while the coach and tow car continued their momentum journey. The generator stayed still while the coach floor and most of everything behind were ripped from the Eagle. A crane had to be brought in to lift the coach onto a flatbed truck. The tow car was the white sedan flattened. The woman had to be cut out of the coach, being caught behind the steering wheel, but they didn't suffer any major injuries. Her husband was unscathed. How fortunate they were and what looked liked such a disaster had a happy ending. We understand that they have a brand new American Eagle.


March 20, 2001, Tuesday- a good day at the service center. All of our little punch list items were finished in a timely and professional manner. Bad news in the market. Greenspan and company only dropped the interest rate ½ point, and not the ¾ point hoped for. So, in the hour and a half of trading after the announcement, the DOW was down a few more percents and the NASDAQ was down another 4 percent. Not many left on that index. Steve's company was hit in the market again today as they announced another layoff of their staff.


March 21, 2001- Wednesday- off we go, out of Decatur, to Cabondale, IL. 400 miles and 7 ½ hours later we were at Jack and Rickie's. Jack and I go back to 1957, just a few seasons ago! Jack got us permission to park in their Temple parking lot. Perfect in a nice, quiet residential area. Great to see them. They looked great, and prepared a feast for us. Unnecessary, but certainly enjoyed. Only downer was another 233 on the DOW. How low can it go?


March 22, 2001, Thursday- walked with Susan, Rickie and Hobbes for an hour around their part of town. Some nice new homes going up in a section called Deer Lake. Wonder where these folks work since most of the economy is based on the University system and a declining coal mining area.

The decline continues on the market, well passed the point of being just a slight correction, "healthy for the market" scenario. If it continues in the direction its gone for the last two plus weeks, and since last March for the NASDAQ, I'll have to go back to work. Not something that thrills me. Another wild ride today with the DOW down 400 point with an hour to go, and finished down just 97. Such a relief!

Great evening with Jack and Rickie. Dinner at a local Chinese restaurant and back to their home for too many (is that possible?) laughs. Jack brought out our yearbook from Snyder High School, "The Scroll". Our photos and comments were enough to die from, and then reviewing the old teachers and activity clubs. Imagine having a "typing for pleasure club". Was the school stretching it a bit? The slide rule club? The point club? Give me a break! Didn't realize it's been two and a half year's since we've passed through to see them. Can't let it get that long again. Jack is finishing his last year at the University. Retirement…yeah! Rickie is still trying to figure out what to do with her full teaching load of musical students at the house.


March 23, 2001, Friday- we left the sanctuary of the Temple parking lot at 8 AM, which put us in the St. Louis area at mid morning. Perfect timing for avoiding some heavy traffic. Stopped at mid day at the Flying J for fuel, water, dump station and lunch. Still $1.21 per gallon. It won't last long with all the stations west and north being higher. Arrived at the Station Casino in KC at 3:30, again avoiding the heavy traffic, but as soon as we arrived the rain started. Does it always rain or storm when we come with the coach?

Joined Brad and Rach and the "Jake Man" at their lovely house, and went out for the famous Kansas City BBQ experience. Great place, great food.

Cold night with lows in the upper 20's.


March 24, 2001, Saturday- joined up with Brad, Rach and Jake at 11. The Jake is such a sweetheart. Bright, alert, following with his ears and eyes, and hands and legs a moving. Sweet disposition at 6 months. He can hold his head high, turn himself over, and is close to crawling. Watch out world!


The temps are only 18 degrees below normal. Today….in the low 40's. Tonight, low 20's. Where is springtime? Forecast is a 70% chance of snow in Colby, KS, in the western part of the state, for Sunday night and Monday. Several more days of marginal weather are promised. So, tomorrow we'll try to do the planned two day trip in one day.


March 25, 2001, Sunday - an early start. 7 AM jacks up and cruising down the interstate. 630 miles to reach Golden, CO. Stopped for fuel and propane in Salina, KS, and watched the temperatures and clouds drop as we headed westward. In the Colby area the temps had dropped from 44 down to 34, and the mist/rain started adding flakes. My attention was riveted to the elements hoping that we didn't have to stop for a few days in the middle of nowhere. Fortunately, as we passed the state line into Colorado, temps started to rise, and went back to 44 as we pulled into Golden at 4:30 local (5:30 Kansas time).

Debi joined us for dinner in the coach as we watched the 2001 Oscars.


March 26, 2001, Monday- awoke to 4 inches of fresh snow on the car. Unsettled weather seems to be in line for the next week.

Caught up with Phil and Karen at Lu's hospital bed. She again flunked being ready for surgery, and was in bad shape yesterday. Today, she was 10 pounds lighter having gotten rid of excess fluids that had built up in her body.

Debi joined us for dinner at the California Pizza Kitchen….nice light meal and good conversation.


March 27, 2001, Tuesday- walked around Cherry Creek neighborhoods for an hour with Hobbes to get some needed exercise. Then, a treat, to browse through the Tattered Cover Bookstore. Next, over to see Lu, who is doing better in PSL hospital. Dinner with Karen, Phil and Patty over in the Bonnie Brea restaurant Seven 30 South.

Something must be wrong. For the last three days the market has gone up. I shutter to try to analyze the reason, but I'm not complaining!


March 28, 2001, Wednesday- I must have spoken too soon. Today the markets gave back a good portion of the recent gains. Pits!

But, to put that into prospective, it ain't nothing. Two men that we know, both younger, have either had or are having serious brain surgery. Our hearts go out to Craig and Arnie, hoping to hear some good news on both fronts.

Went for a walk along a local road here in Golden, and passed a herd of elk with three bulls and 23 cows, all in their winter coats. Nice touch of nature.

Drove to Vail in mid afternoon to play a few hands of Euchre with Jerry and Lois. The women killed the guys. It wasn't even close. J&L leave Friday for a three-month work period in Portland, OR. May not see them again until we return to Naples next fall. But, they did arrange for lots of our friends to get together over dinner at Pazzo's in Avon. Got to see, besides J&L, Myrna and Don, Carol and Peter and Fran and Allen. Not a bad impromptu evening. Got to test my nighttime winter driving expertise coming back down the hill, as the chain laws were in effect on Vail Pass and at the Eisenhower Tunnel. Piece of cake!


March 29, 2001, Thursday- visited our accountant today and got the good/bad news that we expected. Lots of overpayment on the estimated taxes, so we get a refund. Bad news, refund is because the market stinks.

Good news was dinner with Debi and Steve at a sushi place in the Wash Park section of Denver.


March 30, 2001, Friday- today we returned with Debi to Jeffco Airport to retrieve the Porsche after its winter hibernation in an aircraft hanger. Naturally the power cord and charger that we left plugged in last November, was no longer attached. It's a good thing that Rich, who's hanger we were using, had a heavy duty pair of jumper cables. After a few minutes Vrruummmm.


March 31, 2001, Saturday- finally sunshine after the snow melted this morning. It only took until 10 AM for the frozen water hose to melt. An hour walk in the Denver City Park proved that the legs could still function. Got a dent made in the Passover shopping list. After visiting four food stores, we finally found a King Soopers in the right ethnic neighborhood.

A quick soup and salad was dinner, followed by the 7 PM showing of Pollack. This was a strong and difficult picture about a talented artist, who, like so many before him, succumbed to alcohol to relieve his pain. Susan and I are definitely out of the youth mainstream. On the weekends, this theater adds an 11 PM show and a 1 PM show for each presentation. What do they do, sweep up those leaving the bar seen?