Learning Discoveries Psychological Services
Rosemary Boon
Registered Psychologist
M.A.(Psych), Grad. Dip. Ed. Studies (Sch.Counsel), Grad. Dip. Ed., B.Sc., MAPS

Sydney (+61 2) 9637 9998
Sydney (+61 2) 9637 8799


P.O. Box 47
Harris Park NSW 2150

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Bioptron LightÒ Therapy

The Healing Nature of Light

The use of light for healing has a history dating back to the dawn of man. The Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans understood that sunlight played a part in the process of healing.

In 1903, the Danish physician Ryberg Neils Finsen was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work in developing a light therapy which could successfully treat a disfiguring form of tuberculosis of the skin.

The Bioptron light therapy system is a sophisticated form of light therapy which acts in a safe and natural way by supporting the regenerative capacity of the body and therefore helps the body to release its own potential for healing. The systems spectrum of light does not contain any damaging ultra violet light. It is medically proven and recognised overseas and TGA listed in Australia.

Bioptron Light Therapy can benefit in the treatment of:-

 Pain Management in rheumatology, neck, back and joint pain and sports injuries.

 Wound Healing/Tissue Repair for leg ulcers, pressure sores, burns (it is in fact used in the Concord Hospital Burns Unit), diabetic gangrene, wound healing after operations and/or trauma.

 Skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, and scar tissue.

 Cosmetic uses include fine facial lines, cellulite and general skin care.

Bioptron light is polarised, polychromatic (without UV radiation), incoherent and a low-energy light. This form of light has a biostimulative effect at the cellular level, thus it can

 improve microcirculation,

 harmonise metabolic processes,

 reinforce the human defense system,

 stimulate the regenerative and repair process of the whole organism,

 relieve pain or decrease its intensity.

The outstanding characteristics of Bioptron light enable the light to penetrate not only the skin, but the underlying tissues.

Bioptron light therapy can be used both as a complementary treatment to support conventional medical conditions and as monotherapy for certain indications.

Today, we have more knowledge of the importance of a balanced diet and good nutrition to support health and wellbeing. Therefore it is no surprise to learn that Bioptron Light Therapy works at its best when your body has a balanced intake of food, vitamins, minerals, trace elements and good, clean water.

For more information on how Bioptron Light Therapy can help you, and/or to make a booking, please call the clinic on (02) 9637 9998 during business hours.


Mester, E., Spiry, T., Szende, D., and Tota, J.G. (1971). Effects of LASER rays on wound healing. American Journal of Surgery. 122, page 532—535.

Kertesz, L., M. Fenyö, M., Mester, E., and Bathori, G. (1982) Hypothetical physical model for LASER biostimulation. Optics LASER Technol. February, page 31—32.

Fenyo, M. (1984). Theoretical and experimental basis of biostimulation. Optics LASER Technology 16, page 209—2 15.

Kokai (1984). Biological effect of He-Ne LASER: investigations of functional and micromorphological alterations of cell membranes, in vitro. LASERS lfl Surgery and Medicine 4, page 38 1—388.

Walker, J.B. (1985). Temporary suppression of clonus in humans by brief photostimulation. Brain Res. 340, page 109—113.

Karu, T.I. (1987). Photobiological fundamentals of low power LASER. Journal of Quantum Electronics, 23, page 1703—1717.

Kubasova, T., Fenyo, M., Somosy, Z., Gazso, L., and Kertesz, I. (1988). Investigations on the biological effect of polarized light. Photochemistry and Photobiology 48 (4), page 505—509.

Mester, E., Mester, A.F., Mester, A. (1988). The biomedical effects of LASER application. LASERS in Surgery and Medicine. 5, page 31—39.

Young, S. R., Bolton, P., Dyson, M., Harvey, W., and Diamantopoulos, C. (1989). Macrophage responsiveness to light therapy. LASERS in Surgery and Medicine 9, page 497—505.

Bolton, P., Young, SR., and Dyson, lvi. (1990). Macrophage responsiveness to light therapy: a dose response study. LASER Therapy 2(3), page 101—106.

Curtis, W., Probst and Bright R.M., (1990). Cicatrizzazione delle ferite in D.H. Slatter Trattato di chirurgia di piccoli animali. Edizioni SBM. Vol. I, Sez. II, Cap 3, page 34—36.

Bolton, PA., Young, S., and Dyson, lvi. (1991). Macrophage responsiveness to LASER therapy with varying power and energy densities. LASER Therapy 3 (3), page 105—111.

Bolton, P., Dyson, M., and Young, 5. (1992). The effect of polarized light on the release of growth factors from the U-937 macrophage-like cell line. LASER Therapy 2 (3), page 33—37.

Kubasova, T., Horvath, M., Kocsis, K., Fenyo, M.: Effect of visible light on some cellular and immune parameters. Immunol Cell Biol 1995 Jun; 73 (3): page 239—244.

Mensa, A. (1997). Patologia chirurgica veterinaria. Editrice Torinese, Sez II, Cap 3, page 96-102, 125—126, 130—13.

Further Readings

Light Medicine of the Future

How we can use it to heal ourselves now

Jacob Liberman, OD., Ph.D

Bear & Company Publishing

ISBN 0-879181-01-0

Die heilende Kraft des Lichts

Der Einfluss des Lichts auf Psyche und Korper

Dr. Jacob Liberman

Scherz Verlag

ISBN 3-502-19406-8


Neue Horizonte in der Medizin

Marco Bischof

Verlag Zweitausendeins

ISBN 3-86150-095-7

Das Licht in unseren Zellen

Fritz A. Popp

Haug Verlag

ISBN 3-7760-0987-X

Farbtherapien Die Selbstheilungskrafte aktivieren natürlich und ohne Nebenwirkungen Dr. med. Sabine Thor-Widemann Paul Mohr, Knaur Verlag ISBN 3-926955-85-6

Licht gibt Leben

Gesunciheit für Körper und Seele durch Sonne und Lichttherapie

Dr. Werner

Jopp Verlag ISBN 3-426-82089-7

Light Years Ahead

The Illustrated Guide to

Full Spectrum and Colored Light.

Celestial Arts Berkley, California

ISBN 0-89087-762-9

Heilkräfte der Farben als Heilmittel. Anwendung in der Praxis

Prof. L. Eberhard

Drei Eichen Verlag

ISBN 3-7699-0392-7

Let there be Light!

Practical manual for Spectro-Chrom Therapy

Darius Dinshah

Dinishas health society

ISBN 0-933917-17-1

The Principles of Light and Color

The Healing Power of Color

Edwin S. Babitt

Citadel Press

ISBN 0-8065-0748-9

Low Level Laser Therapy

Clinical Practice and Scientific Background

Jan Tun~r and Lars Hode

Prima Books

ISBN 9 1-630-7616-0

The Science of Low-Power Laser Therapy

Tuna Karu

Gordon and Breach Science Publishers

ISBN 90-5699-108-6

Wasser- and Sauerstoff-Energetisierung

Thre Bedeutung für biologische Systeme

Ivan Engler

Deutscher Sp urbuchverlag

ISBN 3-88778-235-6

External Links:

Bioptron Light Therapy Systems

Southern Light Therapies - Australian distributors of Bioptron Light Therapy Systems