I thought you knew
that the golden bronze tan
was natural. Don't hate me
'cause I'm beautiful. Touch me
and run as the clouds
darken and throw stones
for the insult.
Who am I?
I don't walk
on water. It's been done before
and far be it for me to follow
in the dust of someone else's
glory. My claim to fame
remains my written word
scribed on minds like hangings
by nipple clamps.
Who am I?
I am a beacon whose glow
forecasts a white water
ride on the river Styx.
My pet needs three
bones for each growling
imp who's bound by their descent.
I am the light of night
whose sprinkle of stars circle
like a cd on repeat.
Don't deny me.
Who am I?
I am me. I am here and there.
Everywhere and nowhere.
Submit and listen for the chant
of innoncence smacked with the hum
of men's feet dragged to my home.
Refuse and wait for my friend
who's dressed in mourners' color
with sickle in hand and he will
thank you for the gift.
Who am I?
I am not you.