Episode 15:"Everything Matters" (July 6, 2003) |
When the moon hits the nighttime sky, Like a golf ball stuck in a black dog's eye, When the scarecrows are lame and the pumpkins rot, When the barns are teeming with livestock: There's no fighting it, There's no hiding it, That I need you- At the Harvest Ball.
Episode 14: "New Kids On The Block" (July 3, 2003) |
It's been four days since an entry. This is what I call unkempt websites. No, I don't actually care, it's just that I'm so used to opening my entries with phrases like "Gee, it's been too long...", that I can't think of anything else. Here's your sack of jewea:
Episode 13: "The High Road To Homelessness" (June 29, 2003) |
I need to be more attentive to this journal thing...it's been a while since I've had a real entry here. Anyway, here are the nominees:
A rather depressing entry, so it seems. Well, what comes out comes out. That's the profound statement of the day. I think now, I'm going to go upstairs to my bedroom, close the blinds, and pretend my life mirrors a Jane Austen novel. Take care for the night and hold your killing spree off for another day.
Have a nice Holiday, |
Episode 12:"The Pharmacy Is Low" (June 26, 2003) |
A poem by Matt Sharp a movement of decadence and celebration drifting loosely in and out of short days and long nights in the back of a taxi rolling through scenes of afterhour discos and all night sex shows a quiet house without telephones or english stepping out of the club into the harsh noon light shaking all responsibility, staying out of your head all day songs written in bathroom stalls, narrow allyways and cheap hotels lazing around far from everyone under an assumed name, smoking hundreds of cigarettes ... laughter lost in the haze in restuarants at midnight long conversations that let the day pass by slowly ...reckless evenings homelessness, friendship, and silence ...in and out of focus sound of old music boxes running out of steam, while the tensions before the concert builds sing-along drinking songs, rock'n'roll shuffles, trances, anthems, epic ballads the electricity of the opening blast, thrusting you into this world musicians, transvestites, writers, dancers, painters, bartenders, dj's and yourself the warmth of sun through a dirty winshield ...lyrics that are in the moment music that is a catalyst. taking you into situations were you wouldn't normally be allusions to drugs, affairs, and old european trains ...sexuality a freedom in diversity ...the absinthe clarifies the importance of albums in our lives the sound in the backround while memories roll people, places, concerts, parties...where you were...who you were with more enegetic, more open, more aggressive, more optimistic, more explosive, more ...just an excuse to get together mysterious, romantic, and glamorous zoom out, pull out, and see the direction you're heading pop stars that slide in the studio discreetly, dirty studios at 4 a.m. familiar faces blow in and out casually the rentals are a place, not a band, a place to collaborate ...hang out and create I don't understand it didn't produce it or create it but she said I directed it ...then the train leaves for Kensal Greene Donna Matthews, Petra Haden, Tim Wheeler, Maya Rudolph, Damon Alburn, Chris Shaw, Rivers Cuomo, Miki Berenyi, Sean and Paul ...and a hundred others ...all drift in and out into underground studios all over London ...briefly in New York, Los Angeles and Boston the century closes down and Matrix is the only place left standing andy's yelling "come on lads, let's have it!" boys made the music without expectations ...without interference later the women arrived ...days months years ...I don't know and he can't remember the era we are coming into, you can see it from everywhere ...in the clubs, in film, in art the ability to experience a moment without having to look over your shoulder sing out of tune, cheat on soul mates, dance wildly, and don't care who's watching no more endless amounts of sarcasm, irony's lost, bitterness gone, guilt gained/forgotten you put everything at risk: your money, health, sanity, future and all your relationships, family, friends, old band mates, girlfriends, record execs ...and the music press ...everyone given shelter, removed, uprooted, and lost ...getting by and breaking through couch to couch, place to place, studio to studio ...day to day... and disco to disco to disco high speed photographs taken with hidden cameras ...the pills are in the kitchen the movement of smoke that slides down your throat ..the relief it brings drift out somewhere off the main path, away from what you're accustomed to go out... drop out... phase out... and at 5 in the morning, pick up the pace poems left on answering machines ...studios built in churches there's no need to force it... it... it will happen naturally welcomed, embraced, and dancing without cynicism for the first time in your life children sing in the afternoon. ...blocks away you slide back into bed with your cats sleeping in the day ...living and writing at night shakers and tambourines, electric and acoustic guitars ...old pianos and dime store synths laughing, singing, jumping, decieving, and sleeping with you ...I heard you singing high on the sly with a bottle of Ed's red. it was a passionate scene. that was all about well ...something, whatever. they critisized. I slid away at the end of the run ...incognito calm and peaceful with not much to go back to ...the pharmacy is low but there's still time for one more disco they take you in and say "this is your home," but you know you have to leave the alarm keeps going off ...and you keep hitting the snooze "7 more minutes, please" ..."seven more minutes" |
Episode 11:"My Aberdeen" (June 24, 2003) |
Gee...I skipped two days since the last entry. Seems like bad news. Bad News Baseball. I'm not sorry or anything-- it was because I was kidnapped by Scott Wells, Jeff Saporito, and Amy McCall last night without warning.
They broke into my room as I was laying on the bed in darkness and listening to the album "I Dig Your Mainframe" by Svelte. They're lucky I was decent. After I was kidnapped, we broke into Randy Stepusin's house too. We talked with a newly-awakened Randy for around twenty minutes then left. For some reason, I consider it to be one of the coolest things I've ever done. SIDENOTE: I found out his little brother is afraid to sleep in his room because he thinks demons from Hell blast him with plasma. I don't know what to say about that. I don't want to refute it or anything... Later that night, we all went down to Peters Lake, and walked around the beaten pathway in total darkness. That was great, because your imagination really takes flight whenever you're in the dark and afraid/amused. We sat at one part of the lake, and I told Scott: "Imagine what it would be like if Frankenstein was trampling along the moorlands, than snuck up on us right now and picked both of us up and said 'Party on, Connor[Payton] and Scott!' in a Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure voice and then threw us into the lake." He liked the idea and added: "Yeah...and then as we were falling, we say 'You're riiiight!'" Somehow he always manages to make my imaginings better...UH. Very late night/early morning I was in Scott's family room, and watched the worst movie I've ever seen- Sextette. I know I've claimed many movies beforehand to be the worst...The Sandfairy, The Neverending Story Part III, Leprachaun 5: Leprachaun In The Hood, The Sandfairy Returns...the list goes on and on. But this one, lads and lasses, takes the cake. Sextette is a late 70's/early 80's movie about some famous Hollywood starlit who is scheduled to be married for the sixth time- this time to some British debonair. The entire movie takes place in some lobby in London, and it is a musical. If being a musical weren't bad enough, all of the songs are previously famous songs that were ripped off, interpreted horribly, and now have no choreography. And what's the clincher, you ask? What makes this movie worse than all the others? I'll tell you why: because the "Sextette" in this movie is played by Mae West when she's 82 YEARS OLD!!! And her fiancé is only around 30...and every guy in the movie hits on her...and, and...oh God, I must move on... Last night, I decided that I want to try and start talking to total strangers on the Internet. This has always appeared to be a creepy concept to me, but now that the Internet is so integral to our lives, it only intrigues me. The idea of becoming friends with someone who lives somewhere completely distant is so wonderous. I'm not sure how honest I'd be with those people though...would I lie to them to look keen? I hope not. Then again, The Sean Christopher Weekend is always here at their disposal.
mhsinger1003:when r you and me going to walk again? CM Napoleon: You and I shall walk again someday. CM Napoleon: IN SPACE
Why wasn't there a list today? All these questions and more answered NEVER.
Have a nice Holiday, |
Episode 10:"Oh Jonas" (June 21, 2003) |
Yes kids, that's correct. I live. I survived. I, in fact, am still alive after the graduation party. I am as shocked as you, mon frere. I am now going to type this out slowly, in list form, explaining how this happened. Join me.
Episode 9:"Some Flowers & Some Dudes" (June 19, 2003) |
Here we are. Spirits in the material world.
Wow...I'm quivering. I think I need to lay down in the basement. Conan O'Brien awaits. If I'm found dead tomorrow, than this entry will give some vague clues as to why. Until my last dying breath, I am your compadré, and now I must exit.
Have a nice Holiday, |
Episode 8:"Thought-eats, part I" (June 17, 2003) |
I still think in terms of Mega Man games. I just want to listen to creepy Synth music and crawl away. As we fight on by the white-state tourists. Shut up. Eat. I realize now that I'm extremely misanthropic...I just think it's hilarious to falsely be nice to people. Two roads diverged in a wood. I looked at both of them and laughed as nausea appeared in my stomach. Dynamite was attained, and the entire wood was destroyed. Shock, shock, horror, horror, shock, shock, horror. I'll shout myself hoarse for your supernatural force. B-Movie Mania at the Discount Harem. I wish Jack Nicholson was real sometimes. I just worry about me sometimes; because no you don't. Revolutionary, postmodern superbadity. Sheiks and Sikhs who work at Sheetz. We should have lots of guns in it...with shooting and stuff. I should shoot YOU. In a mesozoic era, in a hooverville, in a dirge. Frankenstein is the most common surname in the United States. I will perish soon, my esquire. Hitting microphones. Tossing hats. Why a Suburb when I have the jungle-jetplane? We don't shop anymore in this household. We don't shop. We just sit. Sit around while looking at... CHESHIRE CATS
Serious, |
Episode 7:"Les Plume De Le Tante" (June 16, 2003) |
SHUT UP. We're starting the journal now.
Okay...that'll be suffice. Let's make a deal- you continue to sit at your computer and stare at the screen for approximately 24 hours, then hit the "Refresh" button on your browser, and magically another journal entry will appear in this very window. For now though, my own "Plume" is finished, and my "Tante" has gone home. Isn't it great how everything ties in on this website? You're right, it doesn't. Crows.
Have a nice Holiday, |
Episode 6:"Superbad Ideas" (June 15, 2003) |
Okay, another day, another episode. I feel on the ball now. Well, not in the whole scheme of things...just in this crappy cubby-hole of the Web. Let's start the party.
Okay everybody, ninjas pulling up to your driveway is where I draw the line. I'm gonna have to call it a night and close off the writing process. My lovely Internet will now be cut off from my mind, and I will bid all of you beautiful Toucan Shazaam-loving indigo immigrants a fond farewell. I will now retire upstairs where I will have a nice, tall glass of Agent Orange Cola, and consequently convulse myself to sleep.
Have a nice Holiday, |
Episode 5:"Sunset Strip" (June 14, 2003) |
I don't want to go to the Sunset Strip. I don't want to feel the emptiness. They have fake marquis, And stupid band names, I don't want to go to the Sunset Strip. |
Episode 4:"Eve of The Live Fantastic" (June 13, 2003) |
Haha.....Haha....HAHA....HA!!!! The time has come. It's springtime for Payton; it's winter for PTHS and school. I graduated tonight and now there is not a single clutch of the district on me. In a blip of time, I will flee this rural pseudo-suburb and become the apex of revolution and defiance. But for now, a journal entry.
For now, my Cosmic Danish telephone company-endorsing compadres, I am finished. But tomorrow is another day. I will have full freedom from any school or affiliation tomorrow, and will wake up filled with vigor on a glorious morning. Of course, this will probably be around 3 or 4 PM when I wake up. It's still glorious in my head though.
Have a nice Holiday, |
Episode 3:"Fight Kennywood! For Everlasting Peace!" (June 12, 2003) |
That's right, everyone...three episodes and I've already skipped two days. In case you care, it's because I couldn't go online at all yesterday. Well, I've learned not to be apologetic about that. I think in The Sean Christopher Weekend, I won't try and force myself to do one every single day. That way, it won't die off easily like the other two editions. I just can't make this one feel like a chore. Well kids, without further adieu- Kennywood Day by Payton.
Okay, there's where the mini-Kennywood Day entry ends. I'm sure I'll have a lot to say tomorrow after graduation, so...bring windex for your screen. I believe it's time to hide under the covers of my bed now and secretly convey emotions, so if you don't mind, I will now exit.
Evil, |
Episode 2:"The Day I Defeated High School" (June 10, 2003) |
Well kids, it was only a matter of time. After the last real day of school, finally, I have slain the beast. High school is dead, and is never coming back. Hail to fading out into obscurity. I don't really feel too emotional about it...or relieved. I guess because of the three b.s. days I have to float through till Friday. Anyway, let's start the list, Garp.
Okay kids...that's all you're getting for free. I think I after I save this entry, I'll finally put this bad-boy on the Internet and make it public. The Sean Christopher Weekend will be known to all. Look out moon, look out space, look out robotic Gods of my cybermind. It has risen.
Have a nice Holiday, |
Episode 1: "Once Upon A Time In Exordium..." (June 8, 2003) |
Yes, children...that's correct. I have returned. After almost two years of hibernation, this infernal journal has decided to rise from the ashes. I can't really explain why it's happened again...perhaps no one can. All I can say is that I've had the increasing desire to write meaningless crap on the Internet- the grandest institution ever created- and then send it out to the brain cells of all of your absorbing minds. Well, a lot has happened since the summer going into 11th Grade...I felt a slight bit of contentment in the beginning of that school year, had a nervous breakdown during that winter, recovered (slightly), kind of had a rise and fall in Thespians, and...the whole college thing. I figured now would be the most interesting time to begin a new journal. It's going to strattle the last week of high school ever,a summer with my first job, and then moving out of this Hellhole and into college. These will be interesting, turbulent times, mon frere. I'm glad they're going to be documented. That is...if laziness doesn't conquer me before then. This third edition of the journal has its own title: The Sean Christopher Weekend. I came up with that phrase spontaneously a few months ago, and had this whole idea in the works ever since then. In a way, it's the perfect title. It's a meaningless title, of a meaningless journal, of a meaningless life. I think this time, I may eventually go list-free. Don't get me wrong, it'll still have no flow or cogency at all...I just want to break free from bullets. Anyway...without further adieu...The Sean Christopher Weekend.
Alright...and after that life-altering experience, it's time for you and me to both call it quits. I'm sure I'll get the hang of this again soon. Right now, I'm off to take a job to make myself fashionably SVELTE. Look out until next time, and remember: stay in drugs, and don't do school.
Have a nice Holiday, |