A long shot, from the driveway
Lisa is buried in the middle of nowhere (which would amuse her no end, since she always told people that's where she was from),only a few miles from where we lived at the time of her death.
The statue, made by Florentine Craftsmen and shipped here from NY, is titled "La Brezza", Italian for "the breeze" (or, in my mind, the wind of the Holy Spirit). I chose it because it made me think of what Lisa's spirit must have looked like at the point of death, reaching up eagerly to the heavens, ready to go home. It also reminded me of her stance in church when she was worshipping her Lord and Savior.
An amusing touch is that the prevailing wind in the cemetery is from behind the statue, so that the little girl's skirt always seems to be blowing in the breeze. Meanwhile, from behind, her skirt is molded to her backside, something I only noticed for the first time after the headstone had already been put up in the cemetery. Fortunately, I thought about what Lisa would have said and about laughed myself silly! A touch of humor in the face of overwhelming grief is a good thing...
As for the headstone's wording, after much thought, we decided that instead of writing something new for the BG headstone, we would reuse the wording that is on the stone in the Shipmates' Memorial Garden in Annapolis, with a few slight changes (see close-up below.) This not only ties together the two places Lisa loved best, it is also my way of honoring those who loved her enough to build such a place in her memory. You all will never know how much that meant and still means to us. Thanks!!
Shipmates' Memorial