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Letters of Reference:

Master Miller Theodore R. Hazen, Jr.

Letters of Reference:

Letters of Reference: Barton McGuire (deceased).

To Whom It May Concern,

I have known Ted Hazen since I was the miller at the Watermill in Watermill, Long Island. He is a longtime collector of anything related to old mills such as text books, trade catalogs and journals, flour sacks and tools. Ted is also very interested in researching the terminology of molinology.

Ted Hazen is my idea person. I deal with Preservation Maryland for the restoration of the Wye Mill, and he seems to know how to deal with everything else. Charlie Howell and Ted Hazen always talk about the wheels turning in my heard when I get an idea, but Ted is the lubrication that make those gears work.

My mother first took me to Peirce Mill in Rock Creek Park when it was a colonial tearoom. Now when we (Bradford and myself) visit Peirce Mill we come home with a large paper sack of their fine flours. Being the author and collector of recipes for two mill cookbooks, Master Miller Hazen knows how to produce flour, meal and mix products of quality. I collect flour sacks and as wonderful as the cloth sacks from Peirce Mill are, there is nothing that is superior the ground grains produced by Mr. Hazen used in modern and traditional recipes.

Barton McGuire (Signature)

E. Barton McGuire
Chestertown, Maryland
November 16, 1989

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Letters of Reference: Charles Howell (deceased).

To Whom It May Concern,

I have known Theodore R. Hazen for a number of years, and we developed an especially close friendship since 1984. He possesses a wide range of knowledge on the history and all technical aspects of flour milling in early America. Mr. Hazen is widely read and has researched the subject of mills, and has a exceedingly retentive memory for dates and facts. He has the ability to explain clearly the workings of the mill, from a colonial mill to the development of an Oliver Evans mill, a new process mill, and a roller mill plant, not only to young people to whom the mill is a mystery, but those who are well versed in the technical aspects of the subject. Mr. Hazen has the ability to fill a stripped down mill with endless amount of artifacts and tools that he has hand-made from the simplest materials, and to create an endless amount of interpretive programs to accompany what he has created.

Theodore Hazen has an attractive outgoing friendly personality, and a remarkable enthusiasm, and energy for presenting the correct facts and information.This has made him highly successful and honest in his dealing with others as an historian, interpreter, site supervisor, and business manager.

Theodore Hazen is a highly qualified grain miller, and a skilled millstone dresser which is evident in the wide range flour products which he capable of producing. He is also a fine craftsman and millwright. Mr. Hazen knows the skills of the miller, millstone dresser and millwright. He has a long background of practical experience, and gives advice with admirable clarity to all that consult him, without regard for their ability to pay. He knows the historical process of milling, maintaining, and restoring a mill.

I have been fortunate to have been able to be the traveling companion of Mr. Hazen in visiting a number of mills in several Middle Atlantic States, I have discover that we are very much like minded in our thoughts about any particular mill, as to its technical development, historical changes, and for its preservation. Mr. Hazen focuses on the positive aspects and direction of any historical project that he is connected with or visits. He did not spend time learning knowledge from me, but came into an association where we could develop a personal friendship. He has an extensive collection of mill reference material, books, trade catalogs, mill artifacts, tools and other material which is available to him. I look forward to several trips that we have discussed and have talked taking in the last couple of years.


Charles Howell (Signature)

Charles Howell,
Newburgh, New York
31 October 1992

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Letters of Reference: William F. Foshag.

To Whom It May Concern,

Theodore R. Hazen brings to the Living History Museum a wealth of knowledge and background technical skills. He is an expert in creating an authentic atmosphere of an historical operational mill of the Oliver Evans time period, mills prior to Oliver Evans, "new process" mills, and that of the roller milling system.

Theodore R. Hazen is as dependable and honest in his dealing with others as any person you could find. He is familiar with the mechanical operation of grist and flouring mills for their efficient in its operation. Mr. Hazen possesses a general background in carpentry, knowledge of stone masonry, historical construction, hydraulic engineering, and electricity in order to master the day-to-day operation of the mill. He has a speaking voice, and be able to articulate with a diverse population in an pleasing manner.

Theodore R. Hazen has assembled on the internet a web site that has no equal. It is an incredible amount of material about flour mills, their history and interpretation, and their restoration. If his web site, "The Pond Lily Mill Restorations Home Page" was printed out it would fill reams of paper. Ted Hazen supplies extensive amount of information for free to all those who search it out or discover it. It will make anyone a mill expert without any strings attached just because he feels the internet should be used as a valuable learning tool.

What ever position Mr. Hazen would hold, such as, park director, site supervisor, chief of interpretation, head miller, etc., he will be highly successful. He follows established procedure, and his knowledge does not all come from education and research, but from practical experience. Ted will not let one of his employees do anything that is dangerous or that he would not be willing to do himself.

Theodore R. Hazen has the skills and knowledge related to the history of flour milling, and a working understanding of its machinery. He has knowledge of computer applications and reference material and literature relating to many subjects. He has demonstrated the ability to work as part of a team. Ted has excellent interpersonal skills, ability to set and adjust priorities, and manage multiple tasks. He is highly capable of team leadership and customer service skills.

A Grand & Glorious (Interpreter) Miller Ted Hazen, he knows how to organize & present interesting facts.

Bill Foshag (Signature)

William F. Foshag
Heishman's Mill,
1206 Creek Road,
Carlisle, Pennsylvania 17013-8933
(717) 249-3753
January 7, 2006

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Letters of Reference: Robert A. Howard.

To whom it may concern,

We first worked on Pierce Mill in 1983 doing some repairs. This was before the National Park Service hired Ted Hazen as miller/interpreter. Out role diminished after Ted was hired because not only did he do the interpretation, he was a craftsperson able to maintain the equipment. In fact he kept a really "iffy" restoration functional years beyond what it should have lasted. We have kept in touch over the decades.

I suppose in a sense we are competitors in a very limited market. However, I have recommended Ted for projects and have cause him to be hired doing appraisal work. It is my opinion that Ted is one of a handful of people in the United States qualified to work on mills and water power. Ted is competent and forthright. Even as a competitor, I must recognize his abilities and competence, and as a matter of honor would do so even if we were bidding on the same project

in summation, I recommend Ted Hazen as a miller and millwright, an interpreter and as a craftsperson.

Very truly yours,

Robert A. Howard (Signature)

Robert A. Howard
Anchorage Productions, L.L.C.
Box 317,
Montchanin, Delaware 19710
Phone: (302) 654-2151
Fax: (302) 654-4818
Cell: (320) 545-2613
Date: January 17th, 2006.

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Letters of Reference: Richard D. Abbott.

Richard D. Abbott

4305 38th St NW

Washington DC 20016

Tel. 202-244-2379, Fax 202-244-2380


February 20, 2006

To Whom It May Concern:

I write on behalf of Ted Hazen, a milling expert with whom I worked in the 1980s and 1990s at an historic water mill in Washington DC ­ Peirce Mill in Rock Creek Park. Ted was serving as Miller at that time and I assisted him in my role as a National Park Service volunteer.

Ted has a vast knowledge of milling, encompassing the history, technology, and interpretation of historic water and windmills in the U.S. This can be seen on his extensive web site ­ Pond Lily Mill Restorations [], the most extensive compilation of information on historic mills that is available anywhere.

While at Peirce Mill, Ted had a number of functions. He was solely responsible for the operation of the mill machinery, but he also maintained and repaired equipment throughout the mill and built several new machinery items in a historically accurate style. Working with him, I noted his ability to explain the mill operation to visitors of all ages, including young children. Ted's artistic ability was also useful at the mill. His cutaway drawing of the mill is still featured in National Park Service brochures. He also prepared drawings and games to help children understand what they were seeing in an operating water mill. Many of his illustrations will be found on his web site.

We commend Mr. Hazen's mechanical, artistic and computer skills to you. We can recommend him for any of a broad range of positions you may be considering.

Sincerely yours,

Richard D. Abbott (Signature)

Richard D. Abbott

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Copyright 2006 by T. R. Hazen