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First Person Interpretation for Old Mills

The Miller at Nethers Mill, Nethers, Virginia.

Books of Interest to First Person Interpreters Working in Old Mills:

Pat Alderman, "Tilson Grist Mill, Mountain Folklore and Genealogy," P. Alderman, Johnson City, Tennessee, 1981.

Jay Anderson, " A Living History Reader," American Assoc. for State and Local History Nashville, Tennessee, 1991.

Jay Anderson, "The Living History Sourcebook," American Association for State and Local History, Nashville, Tennessee, 1985.

Jay Anderson, "Time Machines, The World of Living History," American Assoc. for State and Local History Nashville, Tennessee, 1984.

Anonymous, "The Book of Trades; or, Circle of the Useful Arts," printed (by George Brookman) for Richard Griffin and Co., Glasgow, 1835, reprint Richard Griffin & Co., and Thomas Tegg, Glasgow, 1839, reprinted Griffin, Bohn & Co., London, 1852. The trades are divided into different categories, such as: Arts Relative to the Supply of Food (The Grain Farmer, The Miller, The Baker, The Confectioner, The Brewer, etc.).

Anonymous, "The Young Tradesman; or a Book of English Trades," Whittaker & Co., London, 1839.

Richard Bennett, and John Elton, "History of Corn Milling," published separately, London, 1898-1904 , by 4 volumes reprint by Burt Franklin, New York, 1964.

A.Ben. Broderson, illustrations by Randall Greer, "The Honest Miller of Simpson County," A.Ben. Broderson, Lexington, Kentucky, 1993.

James Deetz, "In Small Things Forgotten: An Archaeology of Early American Life," revised & expanded edition, Anchor Press, 1996. James Deetz discovered the site of the windmill at Flowerdew Hundred Plantation, Virginia.

Eugene E. Eby, "Perry County Grist Mills, 1762-1978," Eby, Pennsylvania, 1978.

D. W. Garber, "Waterwheels and Millstones, A History of Ohio Gristmills and Milling," Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio, 1970.

Enid Gauldie, "The Scottish Country Miller 1700-1900, A History of Water-powered Meal Milling in Scotland," John Donald Publisher Ltd., Edinburgh, 1981.

Carlo Ginzburg, translated by John and Anne Tedeschi, "The Cheese and the Worms, The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller," The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1980.

Edward P. Hamilton, "The Village Mill in Early New England, Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, Massachusetts, 1959. Edward Hamilton restored Fort Ticonderoga, Ticonderoga, New York, and the Robertson's Windmill at Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia.

David Freeman Hawke, "Everyday Life in Early America (Everyday Life in America)," Harpercollins Juvenile Books, reprint edition 1989.

Edward Hazen, "The Panorama of Professions and Trades; or Every Man's Book (Encyclopedia of Early American Trades, Popular Technology, or Professions and Trades)," Uriah Hunt, Philadelphia, 1836, 1837, Harper's Family Library Series, New York, 1842, 1845, Harper and Brothers, New York, 1842, 1846. reprinted for Martin Reed, New York, 1956, reprinted Ruth & Joseph Low, New York, 1968, reprinted Century House, Watkins Glen, New York, 1970, reprint Early American Industries Association (E.A.I.A.), Albany, New York, 1981.

Brooke Hindle, editor, "America's Wooden Age, Aspects of Early Technology," Sleepy Hollow Restorations, Tarrytown, New York,1975, reprinted 1985.

Brooke Hindle, and Steven Lubar, "Engines of Change, The American Industrial Revolution 1790 - 1860, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., 1986.

Brooke Hindle, editor, "Material Culture of the Wooden Age," Sleepy Hollow Press, Tarrytown, New York, 1981.

Piero Camporesi, translated by David Gentilcore, "Bread of Dreams: Food and Fantasy in Early Modern Europe, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinios, 1989, reprinted University of Chicago Press, 1996, Polity Press, United Kingdom, 1996.

Beth Gilgun, "Tidings from the 18th Century," Rebel Pub. Compnay, Scurlock Publishing Company, 1993.

Charles Howell and Allan Keller, "The Mill At Philipsburg Manor Upper Mills and a Brief History of Milling," Sleepy Hollow Restorations, Tarrytown, New York, 1977.

Cathy Johnson, "Living History, Drawing on the Past," Graphics-Fine Arts Press, 1994.

Kenneth Kilby, "Cooper & His Trade," John Baker, London, 1971, Linden Publishing Fresno, California, 1989.

Kenneth Kilby, "The Village Cooper," Shire Album 28, Shire Publications, Limited, C.I. Thomas & Sons, Haverfordwest, United Kingdon, 1998.

William Chauncy Langdon, "Everyday Things in American Life 1607-1776," 2 volumes, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1941, 1945, 1948, 1962, 1965, 1969.

Jack Larkin, "The Reshaping of Everyday Life, 1790-1840 (Everyday Life in America)," Harper Collins, reprint edition 1989.

Arthur C. Lord, "Water-powered Grist Mills, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania," Arthur C. Lord, Millersville, Pennsylvania, 1996.

Henry Magee, "The Miller in Eighteenth Century Virginia," Colonial Williamsburg foundation, Williamsburg, Virginia, 1958, reprint by Thomas K. Ford, Williamsburg Craft Series, Williamsburg, Virginia, 1978.

John W. McGrain, "Grist Mills in Baltimore County, Maryland," Baltimore County Public Library, Towson, Maryland,1980.

Herman Melton, "Pittsylvania's Eighteenth Century Grist Mills," H. Melton, Chatham, Virginia, 1989.

Herman Melton, "Pittsylvania's Nineteenth Century Grist Mills," H. Melton, Chatham, Virginia, 1989.

Holger Olof Nygard, "The Miller in Word and Story," Duke University, pages 61-73, Eno, Volume 7, Special Issue, Papers from the seminar on water wheels and windmills organized by The International Molinoligical Society (T.I.M.S.), held in Durham, North Carolina, July 1978, in the Bicentennial year of West Point on the Eno River.

James Otis, "Neal the Miller," Stories of American History Series, Estes and Lauriat, Boston, Massachusetts, 1895, 1923. (Revolutionary War)

Regine Pernoud, Giorgio Bacchin (Illustrator), Dominique Clift (Translator), "A Day With a Miller (Day With)," Runestone Press, 1997. (childrens book-fiction)

Rien Poortvliet, Karin H. Ford (Translator), "Daily Life in Holland in the Year 1566 : And the Story of My Ancestor's Treasure Chest," Harry N Abrams, 1992.

Marion Nicoll Rawson, "Little Old Mills," E. D. Dutten and Co., Inc., New York, 1935, reprinted by Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1970.

Walter Rose, "Village Carpenter," Cambridge University Press, 1937, reprints: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1938; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1943; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1946; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1952; The Country Book Club, London, 1952; E. P. Publishing, Wakefield, Yorkshire, 1973; .A. & C. Black, London, 1987; Ivan R. Dee Publisher, Chicago, Illinois, 1988.

W. J. Rorabaugh, W.R. Rorabaugh, "The Craft Apprentice: From Franklin to the Machine Age in America," Oxford University Press, reprint edition February 1988.

Stacy Flora Roth, "Past into Present, Effective Techniques for First-Person Historical Interpretation," Univ of North Carolina Press, North Carolina, 1998.

Elizabeth Seager, editor, "The Countryman Book of Village Trades & Crafts," David & Charles Newton Abbot, London, 1978.

John Seymour, "The Forgotten Crafts, a Practical Guide to Traditional Skills (The Forgotten Arts) ," The National Trust, Dorling Kindersley, London, 1984, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1986, Portland House, New York, 1990. (interesting sections on the millerstone dresser and the cooper)

Bernardine S. Stevens, "Colonial American Craftspeople (Colonial America)," Franklin Watts, Incorporated, 1993. (childrens book)

Peter Stockham, editor, "Little Book of Early American Crafts & Trades," Dover Publications Inc., New York, 1976.

Jeremiah M. Tate (circa 1829-1877), "The Mill Account Journal of Jeremiah M. Tate, 1873-1875, Pickens County, Alabama," compiled by Ann K. Blomquist, Baltimore, Maryland, Gateway Press, Orlando, Florida 1997.

Darwin L. (Darwin Le Ora)Teilhet (1904-1964), "Trouble is My Master," Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 1942. (fiction)

Edwin Tunis, "Colonial Craftsmen, and the Beginnings of American Industry" World Publishing Company, Cleveland, 1965.

Edwin Tunis, "Colonial Living," World Publishing Company, Cleveland, 1957.

Edwin Tunis, "Frontier Living," World Publishing Company, Cleveland, 1961.

Edwin Tunis, "The Young United States, 1783-1830," Thomas Y. Crowell Company,
New York, 1969.

John Vince, "Mills and Millwrighting," Shire Album number 33, Shire Publications Limited, C.I. Thomas & Sons, Haverfordwest, United Kingdon, 1978.

John F. Warner, "Colonial American Home Life (Colonial America)," Franklin Watts, Incorporated, 1993. (childrens book)

Harry B. Weiss, (Harry Bischoff), 1883-1972, with Grace M. Weiss, "Trades and Tradesmen of Colonial New Jersey," New Jersey Agricultural Society, Trenton, New Jersey, 1965.

Harry B. Weiss, and Robert J. Sim, "The Early Grist and Flouring Mills of New Jersey," New Jersey Agricultural Society, Trenton, New Jersey, 1956.

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