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Supplement to the Interpretation of Old Mills (part 2)

Supplement to the Interpretation of Old Mills

Supplemental Images and their Captions

The Wright's Mill a period restored grist mill, with its artifacts, and costumes all correct.

Interpretation for Old Mills: Effective Interpretive Programs to make the "same old grind" come alive again, by Theodore R. Hazen

The Rice Grist Mill a Grist Mill in Norris Dam State Park, Norris, Tennessee.
This 1937 photo shows the miller standing at the basement door of the mill holding a sack of flour. The water cascades over the stopped wheel in a stunning effect. It is a good means of stopping the mill in between grinding demonstrations. This is a good way for the visitors to see the power of the water, but does it have any other interpretive value? Does it actually do more harm to the mill and its machinery?

Donald Edward McHenry giving an interpretive talk at Peirce Mill in the 1940's.

He was the first and only Park Ranger in the National Capital Region for many years. On Sunday afternoons at a certain time he would be available at Peirce Mill to give educational talks. The word "education" was used in place of the word "interpretation" in the NPS for many years until the terminology changed. Donald McHenry presented the first campfire program east of the Mississippi River in Picnic Grove #1, across the road from Peirce Mill in 1937. Educational programs first began in the large western parks where Mr. McHenry was first stationed. I was present at the 50th anniversary first person recreation of that program presented by his son D. Bruce McHenry in 1987.

Donald Patrick McHenry began the first canal boat rides along the C & O Canal in Georgetown. One day he went down to the Navy Yard in Washington, and took advantage of his NPS military style uniform, and ordered that naval barge be moved to the C & O Canal. Once there he then made it look like a canal boat. He presented a program in Georgetown which was attended by so many people, he had to climb a light pole to present his program. Ranger McHenry also presented regular programs at Carter Baron in Rock Creek Park. Chairs were trucked in from downtown federal buildings to accommodate the crowds of people who would regulary attend. This was during the depression and people could not aford to go outside of Washington, D.C., and this was free form of entertainment. His son young D. Bruce McHenry, traveled with his father to witnessed many of his father's interpretive programs first hand.

Interpretation for Old Mills (part 1)
Supplement to the Interpretation of Old Mills (part 2)
Addition to the Interpretation of Old Mills (part 3)
Addendum One: Footnotes and Selected Readings on Living History Interpretation (part 4)
Addendum Two: Selected Readings on Living History Interpretation (part 5)

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Copyright 2001 by T. R. Hazen