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Links to Mill Societies and Mill Related Sites

-These pagea are constantly being updated, so please keep checking back-

The Society for the Preservation of Old Mills - SPOOM

The International Molinological Society - TIMS

TIMS - America

The Society for Industrial Archeology - SIA

The Society of the Protection of Ancient Buildings - SPAB

The Mills Research Group

North East Mills Group - NEMG

The Society for the Preservation of Ancient and Traditional Irish Mills

The Welsh Mills Society

Association of Operative Millers

Other Mill Related Sites

Mill Sites

Ed & Fred's Bookmarks

The Society for The Preservation of Old Mills

The purpose of SPOOM is to promote interest, both public and private, in old mills and other Americana that are passing from the present scene. SPOOM contributes matching grants to mill preservation projects; publishes a quarterly periodical Old Mill News; maintains a library and files on mills and related subjects; and sponsors meetings and correspondence among its members.

In 1972, SPOOM was chartered in Maine as a non-profit organization. Its members include curators, conservators, writers, teachers, mill owners, artists, old mill buffs, and institutions such as libraries and museums. There are SPOOM members in 48 states, 7 Canadian provinces, and 11 foreign countries.

Donations and gifts to the society are tax deductible.

TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE.In 1983, SPOOM organized a Technical Advisory Committee to help members with their milling problems. If you have a specific problem, the Committee may be able to provide some assistance.

MILL LISTS. The mill lists maintained by SPOOM are very popular. The lists give the location of mills by state or province. Information on ordering and cost is found in each issue of Old Mill News.

REGIONAL MEETINGS AND ANNUAL CONFERENCES. SPOOM sponsors a 3 day weekend conference for its members each fall. Activities include tours of local mills, workshops, and a banquet. The location is in a different region each year.

SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS. Periodically, SPOOM publishes supplementary material on molinological subjects. Out of print books, old machinery catalogs, and new material dealing with old mill subjects are published. Back issues, caps and decals are also available. Ordering instructions are found in Old Mill News.

OLD MILL NEWS is the quarterly journal of SPOOM, issued in January, April, July, and October. The 26 page, 8 1/2 X 11 magazine has articles about existing mills and on-going preservation efforts. Other topics have included water wheels, turbines, wind mills, and production methods. Since many members use the magazine as a reference, all back issues are in stock.

MEMBERSHIP in SPOOM provides a subscription to OLD MILL NEWS. To join SPOOM, send your name and address with check or money order (U.S. funds only) payable to SPOOM to: Dick Sulin,Treasurer,SPOOM,111 S. Main Street, Rockford, MI 49341.

Individual Regular US...............................................................$21.00/yr.
Regular all other countries.........................................................$24.00/yr. (US funds)
Family Membership, US..........................................................$25.00/yr.
Family Membership includes one copy of Old Mill News and two votes on Society affairs. Sustaining member, US*..........................................................$30.00/yr.
Organizational membership......................................................$50.00/yr.
Corporate membership (Includes a plaque denoting gift.).........$250.00/yr.

*These levels of membership are for persons wanting to show extra support for SPOOM activities. Patron members receive free copies of special publications offered periodically. Non-North American residents may add US $12.00 per year for air mail delivery. Contributions to SPOOM are tax deductible. Please indicate your level of membership and PRINT the information requested above. Mail this section along with your payment in US dollars to:

Mr. Dick Sulin, Treasurer, SPOOM, 111 S. Main Street., Rockford, MI 49341 (616) 866-0609

Canadian and all other foreign members MUST REMIT in US FUNDS ONLY, using
international money orders, travelers checks, or checks payable through a U.S. correspondent bank.

Make checks payable to: Society for the Preservation of Old Mills, or to SPOOM, but not to an individual. Thank you.

o Keyword is SPOOM
o The webpage of the Canadian Chapter of the Society for the Preservation of Old Mills.
o The webpage of the Northeast Chapter of the Society for the Preservation of Old Mills.

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The International Molinological Society

"The International Molinological Society (TIMS) is an organization that fosters worldwide interest in and understanding of wind, water, and animal-powered mills. The Society encourages research, and promotes all aspects of molinology, including the restoration of mills. It works closely with national mill societies and organization and also campains at regional and governmental levels to encourage the preservation of important mills and mill sites.

What is T.I.M.S.?

The term molinological was first coined by the Portuguese Joao Miguel dos Santos Simoes at the First International Symposium on Molinology in 1965 to define the studies of mills. The international Molinological society (T.I.M.S) is a society which fosters worldwide interest and understanding of wind, water and animal powered mills. The society encourages research and
promotes all aspects of molinology including the restoration of mills. It works closly with national mills societies and organisations and also campaigns at regional and goverment level to encourage the preservation of important historic mills and mill sites.

How often does T.I.M.S meet?

Every four years or so an international conference(symposium) is held in one of the member countries. These week long symposia give members the oportunity to meet fellow-monoligists from arround the world and to present papers on research carried out into aspects of mills and milling. Also included are discussions seminars and field visits to mills of interest. Following the symposium the papers and discussions are published in the form of transastions. This sharing of information , research and expertise is an important part of T.I.M.S's work. Previous venues of T.I.M.S. Symopsia were in Portugal (1965), Denmark (1969), Netherlands (1973), England-Great Britain (1977), France (1982), Belguim (1985), Germany (1989), Wales-Great Britain (1993), Budapest (1997).

TIMS meets every four years for an international symposium. The next international molinological symposium will be held in the United States (Virginia) at the end of September, 2000." (Source: TIMS web site, Molinology

How does

In order to faciltite the exchange and dissemination of knowledge and information on mills, the Society issues two newsletters a year. These contain articles, book reviews, T.I.M.S. notices and research findings. Larger studies are published in the series 'Biblioteca Molinologica' which contains 12 titles to-date. English is the offical language of T.I.M.S. though summaries in French and German are often included in publications. The Society's General Meeting is held during each Symposium.

Who can join T.I.M.S.?

Membership of T.I.M.S. is open to any person or orginisation that shares the aims outlined above. Members receive two Newsletters a years plus a copy of new volumes of Bibliotheca Molinologica. Membership is on a yearly basis, beginning in January. Members joining later in the year will receive copies of any Newsletters etc. published earlier that year. T.I.M.S. is the only orginisation that exists to promote mills at an international level. If you are interested in mills, then this Society is for you. For further information please write to the nearest T.I.M.S. represenative or to:

TIMS Executive Council Members

President: Michael Harverson, 125 Parkside Drive, WATFORD, Herts, WD17 3BA England
Tel.: +44.1923.232980 E-mail:

Secretary: Leo van der Drift, Groothertoginnelaan 174 B, NL - 2517 EV Den Haag, The Netherlands Tel.: +31.70.3460885 E-mail:

Frans Brouwers, N.S.B.-Straat 15, B - 2180 EKEREN, Belgium Tel.: +32.3.5420621 E-mail:

Membership Secretary:
Dave J. Gregory, The Windmill, Norwell, NEWARK, Notts NG23 6JN Great Britain - England, phone: 44-1636-636233

Publications Officer: Leo van der Drift, Groothertoginnelaan 174 B, NL - 2517 EV Den Haag, The Netherlands Tel.: +31.70.3460885 E-mail:

Spain: Prof. Javier Goicolea, Prim, 5, E - 28004 MADRID, Spain, Tel.: +34.91.5313005 Fax.: +34.91.5313003 E-mail:

J.A.R. de Miranda, Tradição, Cooperativa, Cultural Crl, Av. Vice Almirante Azevedo Coutinho, Lote 21-7E P - 2700 AMADORA Portugal E-mail:

A. Moltke, Bjørnemosevej 10, DK - 5700 SVENDBORG, Denmark Tel.: +45.62211501 E-mail:

Berthold Moog, Bollwerkstrasse 74, CH - 4102 BINNINGEN BL Switzerland
Tel.: +41.61.4210620 E-mail:

Netherlands: TIMS c/o Ton Meesters, Zandoogjes 6, NL - 4814 SB BREDA, The Netherlands Tel.: +31.76.5207869 E-mail:

USA/Canada: TIMS c/o Lisa Steen Riggs, Post Office Box 245, Elk Horn, IA 51531 USA. Phone: (712) 764-7472 Fax: (712) 764-7475 E-mail:

Great Britain: TIMS c/o Michael Harverson, 125 Parkside Drive, Watford, Hertfordshire WD1 3BA England. Tel.: +44.1923.232980 E-mail:

Germany & all other countries: TIMS c/o Gerd Odenthal, Postfach 110542, D-42865 Remscheid, Germany. Tel.: +49.2191.660643 E-mail:

o Keyword is Molinology
Keyword is Wind and Watermills-Sorry to say this great site has done dead!
o New T.I.M.S. web site: T.I.M.S.
o New T.I.M.S. web site: T.I.M.S.

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TIMS America

The International Molinological Society - America, was formed following the 8th International Mill Symposium in Wales, July 1993. The primary aim was to host a future symposiun in the United States of America, which is now planned for the Year 2000. In addition to the symposium it is proposed to have pre and post symposium mill tours in Taxes, Virginia/Maryland and New England.

In addition to the above the objectives of T.I.M.S. America are:

To Conduct and host meetings in support of our parent organization -The International Molinilogical Society (T.I.M.S.) and the Society for the Preservation of Old Mills (S.P.O.O.M.).

To establish a directory of technical and historical data relating to mills in the United States of America. Information will be available to all persons and organizations interested in molinology.

To encourage and support the international information exchange regarding all aspects of the mill industry, obtain resources and develop milling documentation.

To produce a newsletter to advise status of Organization.

To hold an annual meeting of T.I.M.S. America for the purpose of conducting future business and to be followed by a mill tour of the area.

To organize regular mill tours and meetings for the purpose of raising funds for promoting a successful future T.I.M.S. symposium.


For you to become a member of T.I.M.S. America it is necessary for you to first join the parent organization T.I.M.S. This will give you the benfits provided by T.I.M.S., including their "International Molinology" bulletin, publications etc. and the opportunity to attend an International Sympossssium.

Annual membership of T.I.M.S...............................................................$28.00
Annual membership of T.I.M.S. America...............................................$ 15.00

To: Lisa Steen Riggs, Danish Windmill Corporation, Post Office Box 245, Elk Horn, IA 51531 Phone: (712) 764-7472 Fax: (712) 764-7475 1-800-451-7960
Checks should be made payable in US dollars to Lisa Steen Riggs T.I.M.S.

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Society For Industrial Archeology

The Society for Industrial Archeology is a forum on the working past in which people share knowledge as well as the interest and challenge of exploring the structures and sites of our industrial heritage. The Society also seeks to raise awareness among communities, public agencies, and
property owners about the advantages of preserving the landscapes, structures, and equipment of significance in the history of technology, engineering, and industry, through continued or adaptive re-use.

From its formation in 1971, the Society has promoted the study and preservation of the physical survivals of technological and industrial development and change. The "archeology" in the Society's name signifies its principal concern with the tangible evidence of early industry.

The SIA is an international organization open to everyone interested in the material legacy of technology and production. A special strength of the Society is a broad membership that includes both professionals and amateurs, not only from the United States, but also from Canada and Europe. These people are active in a wide range of fields, including applied sciences, mechanics, engineering, architecture, landscape architecture, railroad and transporation studies, museums, teaching, modelmaking, history and historical archaeology.

The SIA reaches across North America for traces of the industrial past. Each year, in different cities or regions with a significant legacy of industrial activity, the SIA holds its late-spring Annual Conference, and a Fall Tour in another interesting location. Central to these gatherings are special
tours of contemporary and historic industrial sites and processes. Annual conferences also include presentations of research papers and programs of social activites. Special Study Tours are arranged on an occasional basis: recent tours have included the Yukon gold fields, Britian's industrial
heritage, and the Panama Canal. There are local chapters of the SIA in a number of cities and regions, offering programs and publications of their own.

All SIA members receive:

* A quarterly Newsletter (SIAN): current news, recent publications, notices of conferences and events;
* A semi-annual journal, I.A.: scholarly articles on subjects of industrial-archaeological interest, exhibit reviews, book reviews;
* Special Publications from time to time;
* A directory of members, issued periodically.

To join the SIA, please type or print clearly the following information on a standard letter-size sheet of paper, and send along:

* Name
* Address
* Home Telephone, Office Number, and Fax (optional)
* Electronic Mail Address (if applicable)
* Name of Sponsoring Member, if applicable
* Membership Class (described below)
* Enclose a check or money order in the appropriate amount, in US funds, payable to the Society for Industrial Archeology, or
* Give us the information to charge your Mastercard or Visa: the name of cardholder, account number, expiry date, and signature authorizing SIA to debit the card.

Membership Classes and Annual Dues (in US Funds):

* Individual- $35.00
* Couple- $40.00 (one set of publications)
* Full-time Student- $20.00 (must attach copy of vaild Student ID)
* Contributing- $75.00
* Sustaining- $125.00
* Institutional- $50.00
* Corporate- $500.00

Send your completed information to:

Society for Industrial Archeology, Department of Social Sciences
Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931-1295 USA

Questions, comments, concerns? E-mail
Mail SIA Headquarters!
Keyword is: SIA

Questions concerning membership, address changes, missing or ordering of SIA publications should be directed to:

Don Durfee
Society for Industrial Archeology, Department of Social Sciences
Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931-1295
(906) 487-1889 fax: (906) 487-2468 E-mail:

Communications concerning IA: Journal of the SIA or other SIA publications:

Patrick Martin, Editor, IA
Department of Social Sciences
Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931-1295
(906) 487-2070 fax: (906) 487-2468 E-mail:

Communications for the Newsletter, SIAN

Patrick Harshbarger, Editor SIAN, 305 Rodman Rd, Wilmington, DE 19809

SIAN is our lifeline of communication. Editor Patrick Harshbarger welcomes material and correspondence from members, especially in the form of copy already digested and written! The usefulness and timeliness of the Newsletter (SIAN) depend on you, the reader, as an important source of information and opinion. Any and all hot tips, inquiries, criticisms, or comments should be sent directly to the Editor. Reference to books and articles that you find of IA interest probably would appeal to other members too. Please send such citations, or the entire work, for inclusion in Publications of Interest which supplements each SIAN.

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SIA Chapter Presidents/Contact Information:

SIA Headquarters

Department of Social Sciences, Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931-1295 (906) 487-1889 Fax: (906) 487-2468

Dean Herrin (M.C. Meigs, Original Chapter)
603 Culler Ave, Frederick, MD 27101, (301) 696-0468

Paul Bartczak (President, Roebling Chapter)
66-25 103rd St., #3-C, Forest Hills, NY 11375 (718) 896-1443 E-mail:

Walter Sheppe (Northern Ohio Chapter)
281 Stonearch Drive, Akron, OH 44307 (330) 762-0623 E-mail:

Herman C. Brown (Treasurer, Northern New England Chapter)
250 West Shore Rd, Grand Isle, VT 05458-2104 E-mail:

SIA Susquehanna Chapter
c/o John Inners, 1915 Columbia Avenue, Camp Hill, PA 17011 (717) 787.6029

Krista Butterfield (President, Northern New England Chapter)
Box 577AJ, Brownfield, ME 04010 (207) 935-3023

(Oliver Evans Chapter) Philadelphia, PA Contact SIA Hdq for information E-mail:

Brian Shovers (Klepetko Chapter)
Montana Historical Society, 225 North Roberts, Helena, MT 59226 (406) 444.2681

Lee R. Maddex (Three Rivers Chapter)
Institute for the History of Technology and Industrial Archaeology
1535 Mileground, Morgantown, WV 26505 (304) 293.3829 Fax: (304) 293-2449

John P. Johnson (Flagler Chapter)
PO Box 1952, Delray Beach, FL 33447 (561) 279.1475

Andy Fahrenwald (Samuel Knight)
PO Box 327, Sutter Creek, CA 95685 (916) 442-1636, E-Mail:
Chapter Web Site

Bob Hadlow (McCullough)
4814 SE 28th Ave, Apt 490, Portland, OR 97202-4474 (503) 731-8239 Fax: (503) 731-8259

Bode Morin (Southern Chapter)
Sloss Furnaces National Historic Landmark, 20 32nd Street N., Birmingham, AL 35222
(205) 324-1911 Fax:(205) 324-6758 E-mail:

Matthew Kierstead (Southern New England Chapter)
22 Rosewood St. - Apt 3F, Pawtucket, RI 02860 (413) 728-8780 Fax: (401) 728-8784

Micheal Steinitz (Southern New England Chapter-email contact)

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Society of the Protection of Ancient Buildings

William Morris founded The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings in 1877. The Society is the largest of the National Amenity Societies fighting to save early historic buildings from demolition, decay, and inappropriate or destructive restoration.

As well as actively campaigning, the Society is also concerned with how buildings are repaired, ever aware that, "We are only trustees for those that come after us" (William Morris).

Technical advice, publications, and specialist training programmes are all provided by the Society.

The Wind and Watermill Section of the S.P.A.B. is the only national body dedicated to the preservation of mills. A Windmill Section was formed as early as 1931 because of public concern at the rate these prominent buildings were disappearing from the landscape. The present Wind and Watermill Section came into being in 1946.

The majority of mills have already been lost, due to neglect, disuse and decay, Many more have lost their machinery in conversion to other uses particularly to housing. A mill is not merely a building, it is a machine. A machine left to degenerate and rust to the point where it is unusable is sorry sight indeed. The authentic repair of mills is encouraged by the Section, with the ideal of returning the mill to working order where feasible.

The Section is consulted by local authorities as part of the statutory process when a listed mill is under threat of demolition or serious alteration. It investigates over a hundred proposals each year and the Section's actions may result in a mill being saved from the loss of machinery or total demolition. If an unlisted mill is threatened it will takes steps to have it listed. The Section acts as consultant to the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

The Section maintains an enthusiastic membership who attend a variety of meetings and events each year. It co-ordinates links to a variety of smaller mill groups across the country. It also produces a regular newsletter, and has just launched a junior membership, Young Millers, for young people aged 16 and under.

The Section actively supports those working professionally in mill conservation.

SPAB, 37 Spital Square, London E1 6DY

Keyword is Heritage Links - SPAB
o For the UK Wind and Water Mills
o For the The Wind and Watermill Section of the S.P.A.B.

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The Mills Research Group

The Mills Research Group

The Mills Research Group was founded in 1979 and is a voluntary society of enthusiasts who are each conducting research into some aspect of traditional milling, whether it be by wind, water or muscle power. Most of the members also belong to the Mill Section of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, and so the Mills Research Group holds its meetings twice a year in the evenings after the SPAB mill meetings. These are always held in London.

Each year since 1983 a conference has been held at which members present papers on research in progress. These conferences last one day and are usually held in October at various places around England, usually in or near a mill. On the following day some of the members will visit other mill sites near the location of the conference.

The proceedings of each conference are printed and available for purchase to both members and non members. In addition, the Group has published a Gazetteer of windmills in England. Members receive a Newsletter, usually twice a year.

More information about the Group, together with membership information, can be obtained from the Mills Research Group web site.

The site also contains details of the Group's book titles together with an order form. (Text supplied by the Mills Research Group)

North East Mills Group
Helping preserve the mill heritage of the North East of England

The North East Mills Group
What is the North East Mills Group?

The North East Mills Group (NEMG) is an informal group which is aiming to help preserve what remains of our wind and water mill heritage in the North East of England.

What area does it cover?
The NEMG covers the counties of Northumberland and Durham, including the Tyne & Wear and Cleveland areas.

What sort of person is a member?
Members come from a range of backgrounds from millers to beginners, people with professional
interests and those who simply find wind and water mills fascinating places to visit or research. Membership is open to anyone who supports the aims of the group.

Do I have to live in the area?
No, all you need is an interest in mills in the North East Region.

How we hope to achieve our aims:

1. Publishing a quarterly magazine, 'Northumbrian Mills'.
2. Producing other publications.
3. Holding open days at mills which are not normally open to the public.
4. Running work parties to give mill owners practical help in restoring mills.
5. Running mill tours for members and arranging talks.

Why are mills important?

At one time most towns or villages had at least one wind or water mill to grind grain into flour. These mills once provided a vital service for their local area but over time they became redundant, replaced by the large steam and electrically powered mills.

In addition to the corn mills, water (and to a lesser extent wind) power was put to a number of other uses including: sawing wood, making bobbins, making textiles, crushing metal ores and pumping water.

Many mills have now disappeared either through being demolished or to be converted into houses. A few have survived and have been restored. Many of these are open to the public providing a vital link to our heritage, the heritage of everyday life in times past.

The NEMG is aiming to try to preserve even more of our local mill heritage and to record what still exists.

The webpage of the North East Mills Group

General Enquiries: Graham Bell, NEMG Secretary, c/o North East Civic Trust, Blackfriars, Monk Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4XN Tel: (0191) 2329279
Membership: Don Wilcock, NEMG Membership Secretary, 26 Bede Terrace, Bowburn, Durham, DH6 5DT

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Association of Operative Millers

Purpose / Mission:

The Association of Operative Millers (AOM) is an international organization, comprised of flour millers, cereal grain and seed processors and allied trades representatives and companies devoted to the advancement of technology in the flour milling, cereal grain and seed processing industries. It promotes among its members a spirit of fellowship and cooperation, and advances their interests in industry activities.

The AOM provides an international forum for networking, the exchanging of ideas, technical and educational opportunities, and the discovering of new products and services. Founded in 1896, the
AOM was established to improve professionalism and competency in the flour milling, cereal grain, and seed processing industry.

Web site: Association of Operative Millers and Publications & Training Courses

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