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At the Mill's Door: The Miller's Wife.

At the Mill's Door and by the Miller's Side: The Miller's Wife.

There are two Lion Coffee Premium Paper Doll or Doll House parts: They are The Miller. The miller stands pouring grain into the millstone hopper. The first one, the miller's wife has a pretty red dress holding a sack of flour helping the miller work the mill. The second one of the miller's wife is a pretty blue dress that would be worn by a girl dancing paper doll in The Miller set (above is the back of one of the pieces). The second piece is from The Miller set.


Artist: C. J. Lewis
Engraver: J. C. Armytage
Note: the title in the table above is printed below the engraving

An antique steel engraving made in the 1860''s.

Note: No title was appended to this work when it appeared in the London Royal Academy Exhibition of 1867, but two lines from Tennyson gave a clue to the composition: ''The very air about the door made misty with the floating meal."

The scene was sketched at a small Kentish village near Sevenoaks, and the heraldic shield, somewhat rudely constructed, and the device a little "out of drawing," is intended for "The White Horse of Kent," the armorial emblazonment of the county.

The picture is an unaffected transcript of such a scene as it purports to be. Leaning on the half-door of the mill is the miller's young wife, holding in her hand a bunch of cherries, gathered, in all probability, from the adjoining orchard or garden, which she holds up as an alluring bait to her toddling infant, whom an elder sister has in charge. Through the open window, in the far end of the mill, we catch a glimpse of the stream that turns the wheels which set the huge grindstones into motion, and converts the hard grain into "floating meal." A flour-mill is always capital foraging
quarters for poultry and other domestic birds; and here we have line pigeons dotting the ground and the thatched eave, the diversified colours of their plumage making an agreeable variety in the painter's palette. Both in the subject and its treatment we have an attractive work: the introduction of
the mother and her children gives animation to the scene, while they do not appeared forced in for the sake of effect; they express, only a domestic incident natural enough in their daily life.

Size: Image dimensions are 7 1/2 inches by 10 inches, overall print size is 10 1/2 inches by 14 inches. Sorry not available for sale or purchase.

Keywords: England, Flour Grain Mill, English Mill, Miller's Wife, Children, Birds, Engraving.

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Copyright 2002 by T.R. Hazen.