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Fallen Memories (Alyssa again)

Fallen Memories By Alyssa Curtis It's strange looking back on how we were together. No one could have found two completely different people who were closer than any pair in history. We shared laughs, tears, accomplishments, and heartaches. Together we were sisters, not by birth but by chance. Yet nothing lasts forever, and we were no exception. So now we're stranded with fallen memories and broken promises, a thousands words unspoken with only our forlorn thoughts for company. I remember meeting you on that rainy Tuesday. You wore five inch heals with an attitude that frightened even the most secure. They avoided you, afraid of what you'd say. I surprised myself by being the first to approach you. With a thick brooklyn accent you greeted me with a friendly hello, and we immidiately clicked. Years went by and we drew closer to each other, learning everything there was to know about each other. I knew your family and treated them like my own, as you did to mine. Through bad break-ups and jokes that never ended, it seemed we were unseparable. Yet youth brings follishness, and I suppose I was too. You were always the beautiful one. With long brown hair and large beautiful brown eyes that seemed to look deeply into the souls of people. Thin and elegant, I can never remember a moment when some guy wasn't after you, but you always put me first, that is till the day you met chris. You weren't ever truely happy after Rob. The boy let you fall in love with him, and then broke your heart. You weren't strong enough, and he knew it. He played on your emotions, and tried to destroy you. I cried so many nights with you, trying to give you my strength. How we got through those nights, I don't know, but we managed to make it. I wanted to find someway to ease your pain, but I went to a different school by now and we were miles apart. That was also the year I met Chris. He was tall, cute and charming, so he wanted nothing to do with me. Yet we were still friends. I saw you still looking for someone to complete you, and i saw him searching for the same thing. It clicked immidiately in my mind, so i didn't think twice about introducing them. Others told me it was a mistake, but i shrugged them off. After all, I care more about youthan myself, I mean what was the worst that could happen? The two of you clicked instantly. It was the first time I had ever seen love at first site. I was overjoyed at the fact that you were finally content with your life. Sure, he began to get the attention I always had, but you were happy and that's all that mattered. The days you didn't call turned into weeks, the weeks in monthes. I called you, I figured you had just forgotten, but you never picked up. What would it have been to call me for 5 minutes? As time past, My heart slowly grew weaker and i stopped calling. You didn't notice. My life was no longer filled with happy stories or complaintsof school, just the empty sound of my empty house. I remember our very last meeting together. I told you that I felt alone and distant from you, like you no longer cared about me. I felt our freindship was disintigrating and that we were being ripped apart. You immidiately attacked me saying that i was just jealous and that I didn't want you to be happy. Your words cut into me like knives, and pain suddenly entered my soul. I could no longer handle anymore, so we ended. Nothing lasts forever, and you and chris were no exception. Chris Broke up with you on your anniversary. You immidiately called me crying. I wanted to be there for you, but apart of me refused to be used. "I loved you endlessly, steph. But you weren't there for me. So go and cry to someone else you want to use." It was the first time in our history I remember you being silent. I hung up, unable to bear the defeaning silence. So we're left with fallen memories of good times and funny moments that never seemed to last. Our souls are scarred with words we didn't mean to say and actions that can never be taken back. I wish for words to break the silence, but they never come. Our once in a lifetime friendship has ended, and divided we stand alone, from now until the silence is broken.


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