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No one thinks that their life is complete without a purpose. No one's life is happy with one. Purpose is the driving force which gives life, reason, and feeling to anything. Purpose will drive anything ranging from a simple thesis to a person's iron will. Without it there is no reason, but with it there comes pain, dissappointments, and let-downs. No one chooses their purpose, everyone finds it. You search and search for one, all the while thinking," I've got no purpose, there must be something better", and maybe there is but I sure haven't found it. At one time I went loooking for purpose, now I have one and can't be rid of it. Think of the baby. No purpose in life, let it survive and it's happy. Think of the adult. It has a purpose. Everyday it repeats the same methodical patterns. Society forces a purpose upon you. Misery loves company. I don't want a purpose, I want to be a baby. If only for a moment I want to have complete bliss. Ignorance is bliss, purpose simply pain.


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