Kool Links:

Page about Raiseing mice. very good for the first time breeder/pet owner

The Tribe,, very addictive semi-corny show about the post-apocolyptic world. everyone looks cool, and its very addicting to watch.

i'm "pyrocat", and mike [my bf of 2 yrs] is "www.Human.com" also chek out "dragonking" all of us write very good poems. :)

Gods/Goddesses of Egypt ...recomended deity: Bast

page about Toad


cool site with cool links [aka check out orgy link]

yet another little-know-cool-site, check out the section called "ramblings"

eat with big hot glass of tea mmmm baklava......

Cool Crow Website, go to it and go see the movie cuz the movie is kick ass

...JTHM, best comic ever...

... search for skunk420 he's a great poet.

Tragik Soul..... my friend Jay's page. its neat.

...Cradle Of Filth Webpage,,, very peachy!!

....Slave Labor .com birthplace of Johnny The Homicidal Maniac.