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Starving Poetess Society page 22

Missing you....

I miss you
We were married almost 7 years ago
Yet, I'm lonely.
I yearn for your touch
your kisses, your hugs, your time
Always like this
Wanting more than you can give.
Even while dating, yearning for you

I miss you.

You said it would get better
After we were married
but it wasn't.
You were busy with work.
So professional, so dedicated

Yet, I'm lonely

We moved to this house
so pretty, ours
New town
New house

Yet,I'm lonely

You said it would get better after we moved.
But it didn't.
Still so professional, so dedicated
Not much time for me.

I miss you

Doubts enter my thoughts
Are you having an affair?
Do I believe you?
You're an honorable man
So, what is it?
Is it me?
No, you say.
You're just so busy
Do I believe you?

I miss you

I yearn for you

You say it will get better after we have children
It won't.
We'll both be too busy
To be with each other.

I miss you

I miss us

I have everything a woman could want
New house, new car, faithful husband

Except your time

I miss you

Do you love me?
Do I believe you?
You show your love differently
Working hard, providing well for us

Yet, I yearn for your touch, your kisses
your hugs, your time.

You say it will get better
But when?

I miss you.

I miss you.

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