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Starving Poetess Society page 25

The Hand

Today I want to scream
for the pain that aches in my heart.
The pain that is so big
it overtakes me in one swoosh.
The pain starts with a hand,
A big hand.
A hand so big that it forgets I'm a person,
a human, a child!
It bends me, bruises me, breaks me.
Always coming back for more.
Never stopping.
Never hearing me scream, begging it to go away.
It continues
As if I don''t exist
Until I don't exist.

Today I want to scream
at all the hpeople who didn't see
the torture, the hell
that evaded my very being.
I want to scream
why didn't you see
the little girl who lost her way.
The little girl who wanted to be invisible
to hide from the hand.

Today I want to scream
for all the loneliness.
The loneliness that comes
whether i'm with one or a million and one.
The loneliness that aches for another.
Another to care, another to comfort, another to love.
The loneliness that wants to be special,
to be number one if only to one.
The loneliness that wants to love
and to be loved in return.

Today i want to scream
At the feeling of death that somehow creeps in.
The death that wants to take me away
with the promise of peace.
The death that entices
by assuring no more sorrow.
The death that says hope no more,
for hope is futile.
Today I want to scream
at the death that wants to lull me away
For death is not a part of the game
Yet it consistently makes it presences known.

But I do not scream
I know not how.
How to let go of the rage, the sorrow, and the saddness.
I only know that the hand-the big hand-has the grip.
It holds all the pain,
the lonelines, even the death.
It holds me.
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