This is how it all began...
This is the Mercyhurst crew during our layover in Philadelphia.
I know the picture is dark...I'll take care of it
later. (Yeah, right!)
Click on the links below for more pictures...
Pictures taken at various pubs (but mostly at
The Sunnyside - go figure)
Pictures at the campus
The poor horse...
Umm...John, are you okay?
A few pictures from the Cambridge trip
For all of my friends and relatives who wanted
A few pics from my adventure to the
Cambridge Folk Fest
Some tourist-type pics from England (with
more to follow)
New pictures that have been e-mailed to me
Thanks for visiting my page. Suggestions and
submissions are welcome. Keep checking back every
once in awhile, as I will be making changes and
adding more pictures! (And yes, I know this looks
really rough...I just want to get the damn thing working
before I make it look pretty!)
Mail me!