gently circling aroma of idealism: pungent, inviting
welcome and persuasive: warm FREE bowl of mild curry
open to the sky
the wind whisks away any hint of disbelief
impassive the raindrops dissolve unformed questions
huddled next to ancient shrubbery camouflaged
by the anonymous night
the friends
realTime friends
mutual acquaintences
friends of circumstance
gliding between the spaces effortless
the non-connection
the barest breath of cynicism sighs
(so ashamed) from my wretched and willing lips while
the warm curried drumbeat of idealism permeates
the gaps between the listeners
between the cushions on the benches
between hope and reality
.....curry and faith
.....protest and good humor
::so much pain and in
such varriety
::this cause that cause
::all worthy; all righteous; all interchangeable
walls of suffering reams of lies the thread of truth
and in conclusion:
the quiet and obligatory call to action
tacked like an afterthought
to a litany of shame
pensively pondering this bright-eyed gangly group:
my friends and their friends
all these many friends: they are so young (And)
full of vigor
I was their age once (And)
already tired of living
by this time I'm more than tired
I remain unconvinced
but I bless their eagerness their devotion
even as I witness the emotional distance between us
brought together for this incredibly human and unrepeatable
evening of Mutual Acquaintence
I scribble notes
as if it mattered
I hear the lecture but the words roll off onto the floor
my cause
is ever to wrestleDown internal phantoms
jousting and battling the ghostDragons
"this is me, this is not me"
I remain appalled
staring steadfast at this my severe
plodding towards death
the daily drudgery
slogging through the sea of emotional garbage
this is my life
so what
it must be comforting
to lose yourself in something larger something as vast as
human misery
let alone the misery of the helpless
the beasts are blameless certainly
unlike you and me we must shoulder these crimes
our own and those of others the aware and unaware
that crushing guilt of existence laid me low
too long ago
it's too late for me to care anymore
this is not me
and no apology
I remain unensnared
free to live and die to plant seeds gather fruit
and reap the bitter harvest
every day
so thin that line that connection
shuffling dutifully onward embraced by the hopeful throng
oozing forward
a pleasant wave to my friend
if he knew me really knew me this me
would he still be my friend?
lifelong anguish leaps forth unasked at the very question, itself
I would like to hope so due to nothing more than
basic human compassion
and this is where me meet
gingerly teetering on that narrow ledge
"this is me"
we touch our two lives here within this
slim agreement
.....we share a shred of compassion
.....like the humble crust of daily bread and warm curry
and then
the small and secretly sad wave of recognition and parting
as I exit
~Faye Manning