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THE JOURNEY BEGINS.........(again)........


Wednesday 11th October

The insane hubby decides the idea of being parted from me for 10 days gets to much for him, and he tells me he doesn’t want me to go he’s going to miss me too much. Awwwwww isn’t he just so sweet, I bet in reality he’s looking forward to the peace and quiet. The other times I have made the trip to Queensland, I have left at 7am, but this time, I have the last flight out of Sydney at 10.15pm. I spend my day at work before having to get home and rush to change, shower, dress, pack and take that damn long drive to the airport.

For anyone thinking of going to a domestic destination on an international flight, I thoroughly recommend not doing it. Having to be at the airport to check in 2 hours before the flight was bad enough, but the constant question from airport staff of “can we see your identification please” got to me after the first 4 times I had to show that horrid picture on my license to complete strangers.( you know the sort, the really bad pic that they snicker at behind your back when you leave) On the plane, I sit next to a couple that decided sleep was a great option. ( I was always under the impression that my husband Brian was the loudest snorer I had ever heard, wrong!!!!!) Even with earphones on and loud music, I could still hear them. One of these days, I will get on a flight and sit next to a normal person.

My flight arrives early by 15 minutes (a miracle), and Oct only just beats me to where she had to meet me. We get back to her car, and she proceeds to the toll booth, where she engages in a conversation with the collector. (of course the collector is an Indian, its not just in chat that she attracts these weirdos.)

(wipes the dust from Oct’s screen so I can see the words that I’m typing)

I’m still running on NSW time, not canetoad time, and to me, it’s now after midnight, not 11pm. The food on the flight was unidentifiable, so I opted not to experiment with my digestive system, and refused the food.
I get Oct to go to Maccas, and we get Happy meals OMFG they have Mr Men toys with the meals.

I just have to have the Mr Grumpy toy because it suits me soooooo much. Oct gets one with a huge smiley face, lol we are the complete opposite of each other sometimes.

Vib rings to greet me to canetoad country, Oct and I have a chat to her before we tell her to knick off and let us eat our food in peace.

We get back to Octs place, and chat for a few hours, finally get to bed at 3am.

Thursday 12th October
I am woken to the sound of a 7 year old calling my name Julieeeeeeeeeeeeee OMG it’s 5am, I’ve had 2 hours sleep, and here’s Jake greeting me with a huge grin and a hug.



( I know he’s waiting for me to give him the playstation games I had brought with me from home) I figure if I give him the games, he will leave me alone, wrong again. Now he wants me get up and play the games. 5.15am, and I’m playing Monopoly on the playstation, oh what fun.

The easiest way to get a child to stop annoying you and let you go back to bed is to kick their butt on the game. Jake turns off the game because I am winning, and I go back to bed, but uh oh, I made too much noise while playing the game and now Oct’s up and at em. So much for that sleep in. ( Oct says I was acting like a 5 year old, laughing and generally making too much noise).

8am, the phone freak rings (Vib), just to see if we are up and functioning. We are up, not too sure about the functioning bit yet.

Oct takes her kids off to school, and I use the time for a nap attack. Lol thought I would last longer than 3 hours before I needed a nap.

Midday…….. after spending 2 hours procrastinating about getting out of the pj’s, we go shopping for the trip.

I’m only out of the car for 1 minute before Oct’s handing me a lecture……apparently it’s not normal behaviour to jump over gardens in shopping centres. Apparently normal people walk around them using the path provided. Oh well, there’s a lessoned learned lol, not that I really pay any attention to her lecturing, this will be the first of many I’m sure. Everyone knows how much I hate Oct’s singing, she does it all day and all night, but she hasn’t done it since I got here (those threats actually worked, damn if I could only remember what they were). We are in Coles 2 minutes, and shit, I’m the one singing to the music………..I stop myself, tell Oct off for corrupting me with her singing habits, and set about trying to act like a normal person. ( for those of you that have never heard me sing, thank your lucky stars, it’s not a good sound lol)

I have often said in chat rooms, that Oct and I share the same brain, she’s the creative mostly calm, rational side, and I’m the evil twin. We freak each other out the whole time we are out shopping by reaching for the same items, saying the exact same things at the same time, and even doing the same actions……………it’s kinda scary lol.

The kids arrive home from school, now we have the shopping expedition for her birthday pressie from her kids. Can anyone guess what she wanted????? I will give ya all one guess. That’s right she wanted a rod. Jake (Oct’s son) and I skip through the parking lot to the shops, I almost get another lecture from Oct, but she refrains this time.

Kevie pops over for coffee at 9pm on the way home from work to meet me. And just for the record, he does talk like he types lol.

Tam rings again (15th time today she’s called us) (gees, I would hate to have her phone bill)

We can’t cope with the constant ringing of the phone, and decide we should have a go at getting wasted. My first time doing this, and first time in 20 years for Oct.

We look the perfect part for this little experiment……..Oct in her jeans and fluffy pink slippers and me playing the part of the feral cockroach ( for all you that have no idea what I just called myself, that means a person from NSW, the state I live in) in the shorts and tshirt in the freezing cold wind. We now depart for our adventure into the unknown of octs backyard. I’m sure everyone has heard of Oct’s dog, Chief. Chief wants to get a little wasted with us. Chief decides Oct’s slippers are alive, and attacks them, I’m not too sure what he thought they were, perhaps a cute fluffy pink bunny, but he was trying to kill it. He then falls over onto his back, all 4 legs in the air, and lays there happily enjoying himself.

Time for revenge, we ring the phone freak to annoy her (Vib). She can’t understand a single word we are saying, we are laughing too much. CG gets on the phone and has a bit of a chat (can’t remember what about)
………..Then we hear a knock at the door. It’s Oct’s son coming in to tell us to keep the noise down, he’s trying to sleep. Lmao when did we become the children and when did he become the adult??? It felt just like when you were a kid and had a friend sleeping over, and you were chatting just a little too loud, in comes mum or dad to yell at you. Hey, it was only 11.30pm, kind of early really lol.
