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It’s not long until the sun sets, and we are not allowed to drive after dark, so we must make it to a suitable anchorage point in 2 hours.

It’s raining, and the wind is blowing a gale. It’s seems I brought the awful weather with me from NSW.
Kevie and Oct decide on the best place for us to spend the first night, and we head in that direction. I may be a courier, and drive for a living, but driving a boat is a new experience for me.
I zigzag back and forth across the river before I really gain control of the boat and figure out what I should be doing. We arrive in a beautiful spot just past Sanctuary Cove, where Oct did a perfect park of the boat in such hazardous weather, with winds reaching 30 knots. ( yes, Oct’s holding a gun to my head as I type this), and full credit to the anchor boy Kevie, it’s take enormous skill to drop an anchor over the side of a boat.

The winds are so bad, that our boat swings like a pendulum once we are anchored. The water is pretty rough, and the rocking of the boat is not as soothing for some as it is for others.
One of the chatters ( not mentioning any names as I can’t remember who it was) is rather stressed over the movement of the boat.
“OMG WE ARE MOVING OCT!!!!!” “No we aren’t (insert that name here), we are turning, not moving.”
We have to reassure poor (whoever it was) that we are indeed only turning by going outside in the wind and rain, and checking that the tree we had lined up the boat with was still in our sights. Oct is right, and (what’s her face) is wrong lol.
(oooOO...tries real hard to remember...was it me?...Toos)
Dinner that night consists of junk food, none of us can be bothered cooking, and drinking alcohol seems a much better option. We drink, we get drunk, we make fools of ourselves. We indulge in a game of drunken Trivial Pursuit, I can’t remember who won the game,(oooOOO ..oh yeah Insane conveniently forget who won the game LOLOL)( but I don’t think any of us are going to be called geniuses in the near future.

Every one of us has taken a mobile phone on the boat, one of us even took 2 of them.
All the phones are on the dining room table in amongst the chips, bottles and glasses. It’s a large table that easily seats 12 people.
A phone rings, and 8 people jump and grab for their phones. And the lucky winner is………I can’t remember lol, but it’s littlemissguided on the phone. She is passed around the table in the fashion of the game pass the parcel. We all have a chat to her before she is handed back to whoever it was she wanted to talk to in the first place. The tranquil night air is filled with the sound of beeping phones receiving messages, the sounds of all the different tunes of all the different mobiles, and the occasional buzzing as a vibrating phone bounces across the table. Damn, we aren’t all in chat, so they bring chat to us lol.
Saintly_no_more is next to ring, and she is passed around the table in the same fashion as littlemissguided was. We all have a brief chat to her before she is passed back to the person she was ringing.
One by one as the night wears on, we retreat to our beds. Oct and I have the room right next to the dining room where everyone is sitting. 2am and I head off to bed leaving Oct, Cg and Kevie to continue the night.
The only sound I can hear in the room is the wind, and Cg’s voice.


After about 20 minutes, Oct heads off to bed, surprised to see me still awake. She lies down, and hears the reason why I am still awake. It sounds like the D & M happening in the dining room between Kevie and Cg is happening in the middle of our bed. We now know that sound can travel through water for up to 1 kilometre. I’m sure if the people in the houses on shore knew our phone numbers, they would have rung us to tell Cg to lower her voice. Finally they head off to bed at 4.30am, and we can all get some sleep.
And more.....