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Saturday 14th October.
The rain is still pouring down and the wind has increased if that’s at all possible. Jake is the first out of bed, and insists on waking Oct and me. We are a noisy bunch, and before long, almost everyone else is awake too.
We sit in the dining room chatting and listen to the sounds of snoring coming from Cg. Not only does she talk loud, she snores loud too.
We turn on the cabin radio to listen to some music, not realizing that there is a speaker right outside Toos and Juky’s rooms upstairs, and the volume from that speaker is louder than it is in the cabin.
Oh well, we figure if we are awake, everyone else should be too lol.

oooOOO....OH Man bad pic number two...falls back to sleep...Toos!

Oct and I head out the back to do some fishing, perhaps we should have arranged an appointment with the fish, as they failed to turn up. That doesn’t matter, we are happy to stand in the rain and wind in our PJ’s like complete fools and at least pretend we are fishing.
We decide to set off for our next destination. Kevie the anchor boy seems to be having a bit of a problem raising the anchor he so expertly planted the night before. Nothing we seem to do will make the winch raise the anchor, hence, we can’t move. Oct sings from the captains chair “Kevie broke the anchor Kevie broke the anchor”

It’s 10am, let’s see if Glen is out of bed. Oct rings him and explains our problem. He tells us the problem is our battery is flat and doesn’t have enough power to raise the winch. Solution:- He gets to make a trip out to visit us and replace the battery. This is the first of many times we are going to be seeing Glen during our trip.
With the new battery in place, we set off for North Stradbroke Island. It is still raining and the wind is still howling, but we are all determined that we are not going to let the weather ruin our trip. Kevie the anchor boy drives us up the river, we won’t mention the close calls he had with the channel markers. I think he was trying desperately to see how close he could get without hitting it.

By the time we arrive at North Stradbroke Island, the sun is shining and the rough water is calming down, but the wind is still howling. We are at a place called Slipping Sands, we have a beautiful view all the way down to the Gold Coast, the sand hills are on our right, and the mountains are on our left. Time for a swim. It’s warmer in the water than it is on the boat. Looks like I’m going to be the first idiot to test the waters.
We are about 50 metres off shore, the water is running pretty fast, but in I go anyway. It’s not that cold, but the others don’t want to share the experience with me. I swim over to the sandhills, get out of the water, and decide it’s warmer in the water than it is on shore. I sit in the water waving at Kevie on the boat and try to coax him into the water.

Oct gets into her boat and drives Jake over to the sandhills so he can have a swim too. Kevie takes the plunge and joins me on shore, he also agrees it’s warmer in the water than on the sand.
That’s it, I need to get back on the boat, it’s too damn cold. I dive into the water and swim back to the boat. I’m pretty tired from fighting the tide when I reach the stairs on the boat, and I rest my arms on the bottom step, with the rest of me in the water.

oooOOO....wasn't quite an octopus but shit her thigh swelled up..that's why Toos stays OUT of the water.....Toos!
I manage to leap the stairs without touching them, terrified a stingray or shark was below me. I turn around and look down at the water, but I can’t see anything, the wind has churned up too much mud and its pretty murky. I now know that if I had to walk on water for any reason, I could do it.
I look over and see Kevie swimming back to the boat, but I didn’t want to scare him by telling him there was something in the water. I wait until he’s safely back on the boat before I tell him.
We had forgotten poor Oct was still on the sandhills, and she’s trying to launch her boat off the sand on her own. She almost falls off the front of her boat trying to push it back out into the water, remember, she’s fighting strong winds and a rushing river.
Oooops, sorry Oct. We cop a lecture for that one when she gets back.
Yep keep reading...