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HERE COMES THE SUN....finally...and there it goes...

My leg is stinging from where this thing had brushed against me, I have welts and a rash. Kevie looks at it and says, you got stung by a jelly fish. Great, if I had known there were jelly fish hanging out near us, I wouldn’t have gone in the water……..well, you live and learn I guess lol.
Oct spends the rest of the day telling me to stop being a woos, the sting isn’t that bad.
( nice friend huh lol).
Toos and Juky spend the sunny afternoon working on their sun tans on the top deck, while Vib and Cg spend the day drifting between snoozing and chatting to us.
Toos says to Cg, my elbows were dry so I borrowed some of your sorbelene cream, Cg says, I don’t have any, Toos says, yeah you do, that stuff in the pump pack, Cg says, you idiot, that’s sunscreen………..Toos gets an all over tan with white elbows……cute look Toos lol.
We are treated to a glorious sunset over the mountains.

Since Kevie is the only guy on the boat besides Oct’s kids, he gets to cook. We give him all the food and send him out to the bbq. He’s a pretty good cook I must admit, but here’s a word of advice about Kevie.
If he ever should offer to make you a cuppa, it’s easiest to either decline, or get up and make it yourself.
He offers to make me a cuppa, and 45 minutes later, I’m still waiting.
Have you ever noticed that a meal always tastes better when someone else cooks it? We make Kevie the bbq slave for the 3 days he’s onboard.
We indulge in another drunken game of Trivial Pursuit, and generally spend the night making fools out of ourselves.
The table we are sitting at has an L shaped seat around it with chairs on the other side.
Toos is sitting in between Oct and Juky on the L shaped seat. She gets up to get a drink, climbs over the table and jumps to the floor, gets her drink from the ice chest and returns to the table. She stands on the edge of the seat ready to climb over, puts her foot where she thinks the seat is where she is sitting, misses, and falls flat on her face.
The rest of us being such a sympathetic bunch, crack up into fits of laughter. Take it from us, Toos is never going to be a gymnast.
Glen joins us back on the boat for a few drinks, a kind of thankyou from the gang for troubling him earlier that day with the new battery.
He asks to see how bad my jelly fish sting is, so being the type that doesn’t embarrass easily, and after all the sting is on my thigh, I rip down my trackies in front of everyone.
Not really a great look to have me standing in front of everyone in the blue undies, but what the heck, he asked to see it.
He seems to have a look on his face the entire night that says “what sort of nutcases are these people?”
Basically we all get shitfaced for the night. We drink too much, and 9pm the power goes out. Damnit, no music. In steps Oct and Vib, I tell them what song to sing, and they sing it, even if they don’t know the words. I was too drunk to remember to put the video camera on, and they get away with no one besides me witnessing the singing duet.
Cg, Kevie, Toos, Juky and Glen are out the back of the boat playing silly buggars and making a lot of noise. Cg’s hubby may be a singer, but that sure don’t make her one.
Her singing is a bad as mine (and that’s not a good thing).

Alcohol: $40

Boat trip: $126

Video of you sitting on the toilet ending up on the internet: Priceless

Thankyou Cg for creating our own Mastercard moment…..Just remember, it was you that opened the window on....