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Sunday 15th October

We're up, functioning and ready to fish.
oooOOO...not I says Toos !!
Oct has been waiting for us to get our butts out of bed for 2 hours. Kevie, Jake, Luke, Oct, Cg and I set off in Oct’s boat in search of the elusive large fish that Kevie let get away last time he was fishing with Oct.

We head down river heading towards Jumpin Pin. Oct being the only one knowing that as we had king tides, there would be no damn fish for us to catch, didn’t want to disappoint us and took us anyway.

Cg’s style of fishing is very unique. When she feels a fish nibbling at her bait, her reaction is to pull back on the rod as hard as possible, even if it means she lands the skeleton of the fish, and the rest is left on the bottom of the river. It’s rather amusing watching her style, but it must work, she is the first to land a fish.

The fish puts up a huge struggle, Cg’s very excited, swings the rod from side to side, damn, she must have a Marlin on the end of that rod.
Finally she pulls the fish into the boat. What we have is a flathead, all of 2 inches long.
For all the effort she put into landing it, it’s a bit disappointing.

Cg lands a bigger flathead than the first one, but the fish are undersized and has to be thrown back. Cg protests with Oct that if she can stretch it a little, it will be legal size. Oct doesn’t agree to pull the fishes tongue out of it’s mouth, she takes the hook from it’s mouth, and sets it free.

We fish a little longer, and Oct sees a Dugong in the water near our boat, none of us saw it….I think she’s being a little unfair and not sharing her drugs.
We return to the houseboat sunburnt and with no fish for lunch.

Ooooops, when we left them all on the houseboat, we left the boat leaving no one there that could drive it if it was needed. We were gone for so long that they thought we weren’t coming back.
The vote is taken, and we are going to set off for a new destination. We decided on Tiplers (no not tittlers) it’s south toward the Gold Coast. It takes about 45 minutes to get there.
Kevie decides to take a nap on the floor in the loungeroom, big mistake. While he’s fast asleep, Cg paints his toenails purple.

Very cute look Kevie, try explaining that one to Lynn.
Time to ring Glen again, we have no running water. He tells us he will be out soon, and we ask him since he’s coming this way anyway, can he bring Jimmy with him who will be arriving at the boatshed in a few minutes.
And since your coming out this way Glen, can you bring us some more milk too. Oct’s happy now, it’s not going to take her an hour in her boat to go and get Jimmy.
When Glen arrives to fix our water, he turns on the tap, and lo and behold, we have water………how the hell did that happen, it wasn’t there before, honest it wasn’t. Glen gives us that look reserved only for loonies.
Jimmy joined us now

and settles himself in for the ride. Jimmy is a very intelligent man, and identifies all the surrounding flora and fauna for us.
He takes a huge risk in bringing his laptop onto the boat. There are whispers and talking of killing him and taking control of his computer, using one of the many mobiles, and hitting chat.
It’s almost time for Cg and Kevie to leave us Kevie’s clever, he packs first thing in the morning,
Cg on the other hand decides to leave it until the last possible moment, ie: as they are boarding Oct’s boat for the ride back to shore.
She runs around like a lunatic…..where’s my thongs? Where’s my shirt? Where’s my bra

She had managed to spread all her belongings from one end of the boat to the other. She’s in such a rush, she runs around kissing and hugging everyone, turns to run and get something else she had forgotten, ends up flat on her arse under the dining room table.

We are about to bid Kevie and Cg a fond farewell, and I’m videoing it, not meaning to, I get Oct slipping on the stairs getting into her boat. (that’s one of the things no one’s suppose to see ) She calls me a few names and tells me to stop recording, but that aint gonna happen.
Kevie, Cg, Oct, Jake and Jimmy ride off into the sunset, sadly, Kevie and Cg’s fun is over, but not to worry, we will have enough fun for all of them for the rest of the trip.
While Oct was driving Kevie and Cg back to the car, Toos, Vib Luke and I indulge in a game of scrabble. I learn many new words that I never knew existed.
.....wait there's more.....