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Uh oh, we have lost our cook now Kevie has gone home. We are going to starve.
Luckily we have enough junk food to feed us for one more night. Pokemon cereal without milk proves the most popular snack.
Our last night on the boat, our last night of wild drunkenness, and our last night of embarrassing antics. Another normal type night, we drink, we get drunk, and yes, we are going to make fools out of ourselves.
Toos, Oct, Vib and I head out the back for a “smoke”. Toos tells me no one is going to believe she is doing this, so one way to make sure they believe is to video it. Do you remember the hairpin Toos? Never seen anyone smoke like that lol.
INSERT IMAGINATARY PHOTO HERE...coz it aint going up :P...Toos
Toos lets all her inhibitions go. She dances around the living room of the boat, doing some very interesting “moves” before she flashes her tattoos for all the world to see. (and they will see it, I have it on video)
Oct’s a little wasted, ( ok way more than a little) she’s sitting in the corner of the L shaped seat happily singing away. Time to set up the biggest bribary video of the trip.
( something else no one is suppose to see)
Toos and I pretend we are watching the video of her dancing around, but in fact we are setting up the camera on the table so we can tape Oct. We have her in perfect view on the camera, time to press record. Uh oh, forgot there’s a record light on the front of the camera, Toos thinks quickly and pushes a pack of cigarettes in front of the light to hide it.
Now all we have to do is sit back and let Oct sing away. Toos is egging her on, getting her to get more into the song and include hand actions. The rest of us are in fits of laughter, but after 4 minutes, she realizes we are taping her.
Not going to tell you all what she called me, but she told me to rewind the tape. I do rewind the tape, but only back to the part where she discovers she’s being filmed.
I will surprise her later when we are home with what she got up to the night before. Slowly one by one we all pike out.
We have had too many late nights, and it’s starting to take its toll.
I’m first to go after the kids. The rest are going to try and stay up for Oct’s birthday at midnight. Vib pikes out not long after me, followed closely behind by Juky.
Jimmy and Toos are determined to make it to midnight. Toos is lying down on the sofa bed. “I’m just going to rest my eyes for 5 minutes” She closes her eyes, then wakes “what time is it” 11.45pm Back to sleep she goes. She wakes again, “ what time is it” 11.50pm. Back to sleep she goes, but she doesn’t wake again.
Jimmy is working on his laptop, and Oct goes and sits out the front of the boat to enjoy the view of the beacons and the stars overhead.
Monday 16th October
I finally struggle out of bed and head downstairs. Oct and her kids are up. Toos is semi conscious on the floor, everyone else is still fast asleep. Juky , Oct, Toos and I have a drink for our friends Smiley and Pete getting married in the USA. Time to get everyone else out of bed.
We sing Happy Birthday to Oct and present her with a mudcake for breakfast.

Time to head back to the boatshed, our trip will be over in just under an hour. I get to drive us back. There is nothing quite as peaceful and relaxing as driving a houseboat over a river that looks like a sheet of glass.
No one is around us, we have the river to ourselves, and we relax and enjoy our trip back to shore.
Sadly, our trip is over. We unpack all our stuff to take back to our cars, and say our sad goodbyes. Glen is beaten, Oct has won the bet, she never hit a sandbar. He has to admit that a woman can drive a boat. We didn’t get the fuel for free, but she did get a bottle of champagne.
We all had the best time together, lots of laughs, lots of embarrassing moments and lots of fun.
....on the last leg now...keep reading...