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Oct, Vib and I head back to Oct’s, we throw our stuff in the middle of the floor claiming that we will unpack that later. We have been back from the boat for 5 days now, and Oct still hasn’t unpacked.
I set up the video camera so we can watch what we had taped over the weekend. I learn very quickly that the chances of me leaving Queensland alive are getting slimmer and slimmer. Watching all our antics and embarrassing moments on the screen put us all into fits of laughter.
Oct calls me more than a few names for the taping of her that she didn’t know about.
Hehehe better start making those bribary payments now you guys.
We have a BBQ at Oct’s place that night. Vib, Kayla and Alyssa, Rod and Phillip, Oct’s kids and Tammy join us. We obviously never consumed enough alcohol on the trip, as we are doing it again. We party on until midnight before we finally crash.

Tuesday 17th October

OMG why am I moving, I’m certainly not drunk, and I’m on dry land now. I have to hold onto things more than once during the day to keep my balance. Who needs alcohol when you can get the same unstable feeling from being on a boat. Oct and I spend the day veging out doing nothing.
Oct goes out to her boat to get something she had left there. Uh oh, we stole one of Glen’s life jackets. A quick call to Glen reassures him that we didn’t mean to.
Later that night as we are eating the last of Oct’s birthday cake, we discover we had also stolen some of the plates from the boat. Oooops, sorry about that too Glen.
I get the photos from the trip developed, I have a pic so bad of Oct, that she asks me if she rip it up. I agree to this as I have so much other bribery stuff on her.
Oct gives me an 8pm curfew, damn that’s not really fair, it’s kind of like being 10 again getting sent to bed early. I wonder if that’s punishment for all the embarrassing stuff I have on her now.

Wednesday 18th October

We are up and at em, we are meeting Aust today for coffee somewhere in Brisbane. Vib and Kevie will be joining us as well.
Aust messages me on my mobile and tells me where she is at the shopping centre. I think to myself that since she has never met me before, I will try and embarrass her and make her think I’m some kind of lunatic, but unfortunately I can’t come up with a plan in 2 minutes.
We head for the coffee shop and chat away for 2 hours. Once again, meeting someone from chat turns out to have that feeling that we have known each other for a lifetime.
Aust says she has to have a pic of me on one of the kiddie rides……..something that we were discussing a few days before I arrived. We find a Dorothy the Dinosaur ride, and we all get our pics taken with the ride.
Time for Aust to head off to work, we all walk around with her. I turn to Kevie and say “ shall we hold hands and skip?” To my surprise, he agrees and we skip off through Toombul shopping centre.
For some reason, people are looking at us quite strangely.
We bid Aust and Kevie a fond farewell, and head off to do some shopping before stopping in at Aust’s work to click a few pics of her in her Space Cadet shirt. Cute look Aust….and I add her to my list of people who will either pay me well to keep their pics off the net, or kill me before I leave the state.
I’m given another curfew for 10pm. I’m chatting away on the net and Oct’s sitting beside me counting down the seconds before she disconnects me. Oh well, guess I could use an early night anyway.

Thursday 19th October

Oct, Vib and I take a drive up to Tamborine mountain. Beautiful countryside and fantastic views surround us. We spend a few hours up there before heading back down the mountain.
We do nothing for the rest of the day, veging out seems to be the order of the day. Rod and Phillip pop over that night, and I hit chat while they are out talking with all the kids. Kevie and I try to arrange me sneaking out the window and going dancing at the Hyperdome, ( a shopping centre )
( nice to see another person out there just as crazy as me.)
but I get sprung making my plans and Oct tells me I can’t go lol.

Friday 20th October
I have decided to get another tattoo before I leave Queensland. Oct drives me down there and refuses to come in and watch it being done. 30 minutes and a hell of a lot of pain later, I have a beautiful unicorn on my left thigh.

We come back to Oct’s, Vib pops over and takes a pic of the new tattoo for the internet.
We vege out the rest of the afternoon, and decide to have a quiet night. Our plans change when Kevie, Lynn, Matt and Sarah pop over for a drink to say goodbye to me as this is my last night in Queensland. Rod pops over for a few drinks as well. We chat for a few hours before they are on their way home.
Oct’s son Mal has a few friends over, and we party with them into the night.

Saturday 21st October
Oct’s son Mal is off to a rock concert, and he needs his hair done in a mohawk.

The three normal teenagers that were in the loungeroom this morning are gone, and they have been replaced with three purpled haired freaks.
Very scary indeed.

It’s 10.30am now, and in 4 hours I will be on my flight back home to Wollongong, and I will return to my job, my family and my normal life. I never got my Queensland suntan, no one back home is going to believe I spent all that time in sunny Queensland. The past 10 days has gone so damn fast, and I had a great time with all my friends.
We had the best time together, we shared many stories, many laughs, and a lifetime of memories.

To Marisa, thankyou for all the laughs and antics on our weekend away.

To Kym, thankyou for the fun chats we had and helping me embarrass Oct.

To Dolly, thankyou for sharing your special sense of humour, and for sharing your beautiful poetry with me.

To Tam, thankyou for sharing your heart and soul, you’re a truelly inspirational person.

To Kevin, thankyou for all the fun and being the only person game enough to skip through a shopping centre with me.

To Jimmy, thankyou for sharing your knowledge of life, the universe and everything, it was great finally meeting you.

To Trish, thankyou for the fun chat and the coffee, took a long time to finally meet you, but it was certainly worth the wait.

And to my best friend Sue, how do I find the words to thank you for the most memorable week of my life. Just read my mind, you will know exactly what I’m thinking. I had such a wonderful time, and it was great to be able to share your birthday with you. I think everyone deserves to have someone just like you in theirs lives.

And the big question………will we ever do something like this again?? You bet your arse we will.

Sings as I leave all my friends behind in Queensland……….

I’m aleavin on a jet plane, don’t know when I’ll be back again…………


Hugsssssssssssss all my friends

Julie aka insane_and_happy